Prototype definitions: Difference between revisions

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Line 18: Line 18:
* [[Prototype/Sprite]] '''sprite'''
* [[Prototype/Sprite]] '''sprite'''
* [[Prototype/TileEffect]] '''tile-effect'''
* [[Prototype/TileEffect]] '''tile-effect'''
* [[Prototype/TipsAndTricksItemCategory]] '''tips-and-tricks-item-category'''
* [[Prototype/TriggerTargetType]] '''trigger-target-type'''
* [[Prototype/TriggerTargetType]] '''trigger-target-type'''
* [[Prototype/WindSound]] '''wind-sound'''
* [[Prototype/WindSound]] '''wind-sound'''
Line 92: Line 93:
*** [[Prototype/Lamp]] '''lamp'''
*** [[Prototype/Lamp]] '''lamp'''
*** [[Prototype/LandMine]] '''land-mine'''
*** [[Prototype/LandMine]] '''land-mine'''
*** [[Prototype/LinkedContainer]] '''linked-container'''
*** [[Prototype/Market]] '''market'''
*** [[Prototype/Market]] '''market'''
*** [[Prototype/MiningDrill]] '''mining-drill'''
*** [[Prototype/MiningDrill]] '''mining-drill'''
Line 207: Line 209:
* [[Prototype/Technology]] '''technology'''
* [[Prototype/Technology]] '''technology'''
* [[Prototype/Tile]] '''tile'''
* [[Prototype/Tile]] '''tile'''
* [[Prototype/TipsAndTricksItem]] '''tips-and-tricks-item'''
* [[Prototype/TrivialSmoke]] '''trivial-smoke'''
* [[Prototype/TrivialSmoke]] '''trivial-smoke'''
* [[Prototype/Tutorial]] '''tutorial'''
* [[Prototype/Tutorial]] '''tutorial'''

Revision as of 14:36, 2 December 2020

Prototypes are used to specify what items, entities, technologies (etc) exist in the game and what their properties are. Prototypes are created and modified in the data phase.

See prototype overview for a full overview of all prototypes and their properties.

Prototype hierachy

This is a list of all available prototype types and their inheritance structure.
Each point lists the link to the prototype page which is named after the class in the code, and the string that is used as the type name. Prototypes that have the type name <abstract> cannot be directly created, they simple exist as classes that multiple prototypes can inherit properties from.