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Prototype definitions » PrototypeBase » Prototype/Entity » Prototype/EntityWithHealth » Prototype/EntityWithOwner » Prototype/Reactor

A reactor.

Prototype/Reactor — reactor
connection_patches_connected::SpriteVariations (optional)
connection_patches_disconnected::SpriteVariations (optional)
default_fuel_glow_color::Color (optional)
heat_connection_patches_connected::SpriteVariations (optional)
heat_connection_patches_disconnected::SpriteVariations (optional)
heat_lower_layer_picture::Sprite (optional)
light::LightDefinition (optional)
lower_layer_picture::Sprite (optional)
meltdown_action::Trigger (optional)
neighbour_bonus::double (optional)
picture::Sprite (optional)
scale_energy_usage::bool (optional)
use_fuel_glow_color::bool (optional)
Inherited from Prototype/EntityWithOwner
allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target::bool (optional)
is_military_target::bool (optional)
Inherited from Prototype/EntityWithHealth
alert_when_damaged::bool (optional)
attack_reaction::AttackReaction (optional)
corpse::string or table of strings (optional)
create_ghost_on_death::bool (optional)
damaged_trigger_effect::TriggerEffect (optional)
dying_explosion::ExplosionDefinition or table of ExplosionDefinition (optional)
dying_trigger_effect::TriggerEffect (optional)
healing_per_tick::float (optional)
hide_resistances::bool (optional)
integration_patch::Sprite4Way (optional)
integration_patch_render_layer::RenderLayer (optional)
loot::Loot (optional)
max_health::float (optional)
random_corpse_variation::bool (optional)
repair_sound::Sound (optional)
repair_speed_modifier::float (optional)
resistances::Resistances (optional)
Inherited from Prototype/Entity
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification)::IconSpecification
additional_pastable_entities::table of string (optional)
alert_icon_scale::float (optional)
alert_icon_shift::vector (optional)
allow_copy_paste::bool (optional)
autoplace::AutoplaceSpecification (optional)
build_base_evolution_requirement::double (optional)
build_grid_size::uint8 (optional)
build_sound::Sound (optional)
close_sound::Sound (optional)
collision_box::BoundingBox (optional)
collision_mask::CollisionMask (optional)
created_effect::Trigger (optional)
created_smoke::CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem (optional)
drawing_box::BoundingBox (optional)
emissions_per_second::double (optional)
enemy_map_color::Color (optional)
fast_replaceable_group::string (optional)
flags::EntityPrototypeFlags (optional)
friendly_map_color::Color (optional)
hit_visualization_box::BoundingBox (optional)
map_color::Color (optional)
map_generator_bounding_box::BoundingBox (optional)
minable::MinableProperties (optional)
mined_sound::Sound (optional)
mining_sound::Sound (optional)
next_upgrade::string (optional)
open_sound::Sound (optional)
placeable_by::ItemToPlace or table of ItemToPlace (optional)
protected_from_tile_building::bool (optional)
radius_visualisation_specification::RadiusVisualisationSpecification (optional)
remains_when_mined::string or table of string (optional)
remove_decoratives::string (optional)
rotated_sound::Sound (optional)
selectable_in_game::bool (optional)
selection_box::BoundingBox (optional)
selection_priority::uint8 (optional)
shooting_cursor_size::double (optional)
sticker_box::BoundingBox (optional)
subgroup::string (optional)
tile_height::uint32 (optional)
tile_width::uint32 (optional)
trigger_target_mask::TriggerTargetMask (optional)
vehicle_impact_sound::Sound (optional)
water_reflection::WaterReflectionDefinition (optional)
working_sound::WorkingSound (optional)
Inherited from PrototypeBase
localised_description::LocalisedString (optional)
localised_name::LocalisedString (optional)
order::Order (optional)

Mandatory properties

This prototype inherits all the properties from Prototype/EntityWithOwner.


Type: Sprite


Type: HeatBuffer
The energy output as heat.


Type: EnergySource
May not be a heat energy source.

The input energy source, in vanilla it is a burner energy source.


Type: Energy
How much energy this reactor can consume (from the input energy source) and then output as heat.

Optional properties


Type: SpriteVariations
If defined, number of variations must be at least equal to count of connections defined in heat_buffer. Each variation represents connected heat buffer connection of corresponding index.


Type: SpriteVariations
If defined, number of variations must be at least equal to count of connections defined in heat_buffer. Each variation represents unconnected heat buffer connection of corresponding index.


Type: SpriteVariations
If defined, number of variations must be at least equal to count of connections defined in heat_buffer. When reactor is heated, corresponding variations are drawn over connection_patches_connected.


Type: SpriteVariations
If defined, number of variations must be at least equal to count of connections defined in heat_buffer. When reactor is heated, corresponding variations are drawn over connection_patches_disconnected.


Type: Sprite


Type: Sprite


Type: Sprite


Type: LightDefinition


Type: Trigger
The action is triggered when the reactor dies (is destroyed) at over 90% of max temperature.


Type: double
Default: 1


Type: bool
Default: false
When this is true, the reactor will stop consuming fuel/energy when the temperature has reached the maximum.


Type: bool
Default: false
Whether the reactor should use fuel_glow_color from the fuel item prototype as light color and tint for working_light_picture.[1]


Type: Color
Default: {1, 1, 1, 1} (white)
When use_fuel_glow_color is true, this is the color used as working_light_picture tint for fuels that don't have glow color defined.