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Prototype definitions » PrototypeBase » Prototype/Entity » Prototype/EntityWithHealth
Abstract base of all entities with health in the game.
- Prototype/EntityWithOwner <abstract>
- Prototype/Accumulator accumulator
- Prototype/ArtilleryTurret artillery-turret
- Prototype/Beacon beacon
- Prototype/Boiler boiler
- Prototype/BurnerGenerator burner-generator
- Prototype/Character character
- Prototype/Combinator <abstract>
- Prototype/ArithmeticCombinator arithmetic-combinator
- Prototype/DeciderCombinator decider-combinator
- Prototype/ConstantCombinator constant-combinator
- Prototype/Container container
- Prototype/LogisticContainer logistic-container
- Prototype/InfinityContainer infinity-container
- Prototype/LogisticContainer logistic-container
- Prototype/CraftingMachine <abstract>
- Prototype/AssemblingMachine assembling-machine
- Prototype/RocketSilo rocket-silo
- Prototype/Furnace furnace
- Prototype/AssemblingMachine assembling-machine
- Prototype/ElectricEnergyInterface electric-energy-interface
- Prototype/ElectricPole electric-pole
- Prototype/EnemySpawner unit-spawner
- Prototype/FlyingRobot <abstract>
- Prototype/CombatRobot combat-robot
- Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface <abstract>
- Prototype/ConstructionRobot construction-robot
- Prototype/LogisticRobot logistic-robot
- Prototype/Gate gate
- Prototype/Generator generator
- Prototype/HeatInterface heat-interface
- Prototype/HeatPipe heat-pipe
- Prototype/Inserter inserter
- Prototype/Lab lab
- Prototype/Lamp lamp
- Prototype/LandMine land-mine
- Prototype/LinkedContainer linked-container
- Prototype/Market market
- Prototype/MiningDrill mining-drill
- Prototype/OffshorePump offshore-pump
- Prototype/Pipe pipe
- Prototype/InfinityPipe infinity-pipe
- Prototype/PipeToGround pipe-to-ground
- Prototype/PlayerPort player-port
- Prototype/PowerSwitch power-switch
- Prototype/ProgrammableSpeaker programmable-speaker
- Prototype/Pump pump
- Prototype/Radar radar
- Prototype/Rail <abstract>
- Prototype/CurvedRail curved-rail
- Prototype/StraightRail straight-rail
- Prototype/RailSignalBase <abstract>
- Prototype/RailChainSignal rail-chain-signal
- Prototype/RailSignal rail-signal
- Prototype/Reactor reactor
- Prototype/Roboport roboport
- Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner simple-entity-with-owner
- Prototype/SimpleEntityWithForce simple-entity-with-force
- Prototype/SolarPanel solar-panel
- Prototype/StorageTank storage-tank
- Prototype/TrainStop train-stop
- Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable <abstract>
- Prototype/LinkedBelt linked-belt
- Prototype/Loader1x1 loader-1x1
- Prototype/Loader1x2 loader
- Prototype/Splitter splitter
- Prototype/TransportBelt transport-belt
- Prototype/UndergroundBelt underground-belt
- Prototype/Turret turret
- Prototype/AmmoTurret ammo-turret
- Prototype/ElectricTurret electric-turret
- Prototype/FluidTurret fluid-turret
- Prototype/Unit unit
- Prototype/Vehicle <abstract>
- Prototype/Car car
- Prototype/RollingStock <abstract>
- Prototype/ArtilleryWagon artillery-wagon
- Prototype/CargoWagon cargo-wagon
- Prototype/FluidWagon fluid-wagon
- Prototype/Locomotive locomotive
- Prototype/SpiderVehicle spider-vehicle
- Prototype/Wall wall
- Prototype/Fish fish
- Prototype/SimpleEntity simple-entity
- Prototype/SpiderLeg spider-leg
- Prototype/Tree tree
Optional properties
Type: float
Default: 10
The unit health can never go over the maximum. Default health of units on creation is set to max. Must be greater than 0.
max_health = 50
Type: float
Default: 0.001666 for Prototype/Tree, 0 for the rest of entities
The amount of health automatically regenerated per tick. The entity must be active for this to work.
Trees will regenerate every 60 ticks with healing_per_tick × 60
and they don't need to be active.
healing_per_tick = 0.01
Type: float
Default: 1
Type: ExplosionDefinition or table of ExplosionDefinition
Either one ExplosionDefinition or an array of them. The entities that are spawned in place of this one when it dies.
Type: TriggerEffect
Type: TriggerEffect
Type: Loot
The loot is dropped on the ground when the entity is killed.
loot =
count_max = 10,
count_min = 2,
item = "stone",
probability = 1
Type: Resistances
See: Damage
resistances =
type = "fire",
percent = 80
type = "explosion",
percent = 30
Type: AttackReaction
Default: Empty
Type: Sound
Default: Utility sound (defaultManualRepair)
Type: bool
Default: true
Type: bool
Default: true
Whether the resistances of this entity should be hidden in the entity tooltip.
Type: bool
Default: true
Type: bool
Default: false
Type: RenderLayer
Default: "lower-object"
Type: string or table of strings
Default: Empty
Specifies the name(s) of the Prototype/Corpse entity to be used when this entity dies.
Type: Sprite4Way
Sprite drawn on ground under the entity to make it feel more integrated into the ground.
type = "container",
name = "wooden-chest",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "wooden-chest"},
max_health = 100,
corpse = "small-remnants",
collision_box = {{-0.35, -0.35}, {0.35, 0.35}},
fast_replaceable_group = "container",
selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}},
inventory_size = 16,
open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-open.ogg" },
close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-close.ogg" },
vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.ogg", volume = 1.0 },
picture =
filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/wooden-chest.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 46,
height = 33,
shift = {0.25, 0.015625}
circuit_wire_connection_point =
shadow =
red = {0.734375, 0.453125},
green = {0.609375, 0.515625},
wire =
red = {0.40625, 0.21875},
green = {0.40625, 0.375},
circuit_connector_sprites = get_circuit_connector_sprites({0.1875, 0.15625}, nil, 18),
circuit_wire_max_distance = 9