Prototype/Accumulator accumulator extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
charge_cooldown | :: | uint16 |
discharge_cooldown | :: | uint16 |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
picture | :: | Sprite |
charge_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
charge_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
default_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
discharge_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
discharge_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Achievement achievement extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
allowed_without_fight | :: | bool (optional) |
hidden | :: | bool (optional) |
steam_stats_name | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/ActiveDefenseEquipment active-defense-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
attack_parameters | :: | AttackParameters |
automatic | :: | bool |
Prototype/AmbientSound ambient-sound |
name | :: | string |
sound | :: | Sound |
track_type | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
weight | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/AmmoCategory ammo-category extends PrototypeBase |
bonus_gui_order | :: | Order (optional) |
Prototype/AmmoItem ammo extends Prototype/Item |
ammo_type | :: | table of AmmoType or AmmoType |
magazine_size | :: | float (optional) |
reload_time | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/AmmoTurret ammo-turret extends Prototype/Turret |
automated_ammo_count | :: | ItemCountType |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
entity_info_icon_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
Prototype/Animation animation |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
animation_speed | :: | float (optional) |
apply_runtime_tint | :: | bool (optional) |
blend_mode | :: | BlendMode (optional) |
dice | :: | uint8 (optional) |
dice_x | :: | uint8 (optional) |
dice_y | :: | uint8 (optional) |
draw_as_glow | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_as_light | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_as_shadow | :: | bool (optional) |
filename | :: | FileName (optional) |
flags | :: | SpriteFlags (optional) |
frame_count | :: | uint32 (optional) |
frame_sequence | :: | AnimationFrameSequence (optional) |
generate_sdf | :: | bool (optional) |
height | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
hr_version | :: | Animation (optional) |
layers | :: | table of Animation (optional) |
line_length | :: | uint32 (optional) |
load_in_minimal_mode | :: | bool (optional) |
max_advance | :: | float (optional) |
mipmap_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
position | :: | table of SpriteSizeType (optional) |
premul_alpha | :: | bool (optional) |
priority | :: | SpritePriority (optional) |
repeat_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
run_mode | :: | string (optional) |
scale | :: | double (optional) |
shift | :: | vector (optional) |
size | :: | SpriteSizeType or table of SpriteSizeType (optional) |
stripes | :: | table of Stripe (optional) |
tint | :: | Color (optional) |
width | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
x | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
y | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
Prototype/ArithmeticCombinator arithmetic-combinator extends Prototype/Combinator |
and_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
divide_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
left_shift_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
minus_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
modulo_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
multiply_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
or_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
plus_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
power_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
right_shift_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
xor_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
Prototype/Armor armor extends Prototype/Tool |
equipment_grid | :: | string (optional) |
inventory_size_bonus | :: | ItemStackIndex (optional) |
resistances | :: | Resistances (optional) |
Prototype/Arrow arrow extends Prototype/Entity |
arrow_picture | :: | Sprite |
blinking | :: | bool (optional) |
circle_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/ArtilleryFlare artillery-flare extends Prototype/Entity |
life_time | :: | uint16 |
pictures | :: | AnimationVariations |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer |
render_layer_when_on_ground | :: | RenderLayer |
creation_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
early_death_ticks | :: | uint32 (optional) |
ended_in_water_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
initial_frame_speed | :: | float (optional) |
initial_height | :: | float (optional) |
initial_speed | :: | vector (optional) |
initial_vertical_speed | :: | float (optional) |
movement_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
movement_modifier_when_on_ground | :: | double (optional) |
regular_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
regular_trigger_effect_frequency | :: | uint32 (optional) |
shadows | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
shot_category | :: | string (optional) |
shots_per_flare | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/ArtilleryProjectile artillery-projectile extends Prototype/Entity |
reveal_map | :: | bool |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
chart_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
final_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
height_from_ground | :: | float (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
rotatable | :: | bool (optional) |
shadow | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/ArtilleryTurret artillery-turret extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
ammo_stack_limit | :: | ItemCountType |
automated_ammo_count | :: | ItemCountType |
gun | :: | string |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
manual_range_modifier | :: | double |
turret_rotation_speed | :: | double |
alert_when_attacking | :: | bool (optional) |
base_picture | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
base_picture_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
base_picture_secondary_draw_order | :: | uint8 (optional) |
base_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
cannon_barrel_light_direction | :: | Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_barrel_pictures | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings | :: | table of Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings_load_correction_matrix | :: | table of Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_base_pictures | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
cannon_parking_frame_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
cannon_parking_speed | :: | uint16 (optional) |
disable_automatic_firing | :: | bool (optional) |
rotating_sound | :: | InterruptibleSound (optional) |
rotating_stopped_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
turn_after_shooting_cooldown | :: | uint16 (optional) |
Prototype/ArtilleryWagon artillery-wagon extends Prototype/RollingStock |
ammo_stack_limit | :: | ItemCountType |
gun | :: | string |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
manual_range_modifier | :: | double |
turret_rotation_speed | :: | double |
cannon_barrel_light_direction | :: | Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_barrel_pictures | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings | :: | table of Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings_load_correction_matrix | :: | table of Vector3D (optional) |
cannon_base_pictures | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
cannon_base_shiftings | :: | table of vector (optional) |
cannon_parking_frame_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
cannon_parking_speed | :: | float (optional) |
disable_automatic_firing | :: | bool (optional) |
rotating_sound | :: | InterruptibleSound (optional) |
rotating_stopped_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
turn_after_shooting_cooldown | :: | uint16 (optional) |
Prototype/AssemblingMachine assembling-machine extends Prototype/CraftingMachine |
fixed_recipe | :: | string (optional) |
gui_title_key | :: | string (optional) |
ingredient_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
Prototype/AutoplaceControl autoplace-control extends PrototypeBase |
category | :: | string |
can_be_disabled | :: | bool (optional) |
richness | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/BatteryEquipment battery-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
No new properties |
Prototype/Beacon beacon extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
distribution_effectivity | :: | double |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
module_specification | :: | ModuleSpecification |
supply_area_distance | :: | double |
allowed_effects | :: | EffectTypeLimitation (optional) |
animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
base_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
graphics_set | :: | BeaconGraphicsSet (optional) |
radius_visualisation_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/Beam beam extends Prototype/Entity |
body | :: | AnimationVariations |
damage_interval | :: | uint32 |
head | :: | Animation |
tail | :: | Animation |
width | :: | double |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
action_triggered_automatically | :: | bool (optional) |
body_light | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
ending | :: | Animation (optional) |
ending_light | :: | Animation (optional) |
ground_light_animations | :: | table (optional) |
head_light | :: | Animation (optional) |
light_animations | :: | table (optional) |
random_end_animation_rotation | :: | bool (optional) |
random_target_offset | :: | bool (optional) |
start | :: | Animation (optional) |
start_light | :: | Animation (optional) |
tail_light | :: | Animation (optional) |
target_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
transparent_start_end_animations | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/BeltImmunityEquipment belt-immunity-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
energy_consumption | :: | Energy |
Prototype/BlueprintBook blueprint-book extends Prototype/ItemWithInventory |
No new properties |
Prototype/BlueprintItem blueprint extends Prototype/SelectionTool |
No new properties |
Prototype/Boiler boiler extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
burning_cooldown | :: | uint32 |
energy_consumption | :: | Energy |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
fire | :: | table |
fire_glow | :: | table |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
output_fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
structure | :: | table |
target_temperature | :: | double |
fire_flicker_enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
fire_glow_flicker_enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
mode | :: | string (optional) |
patch | :: | table (optional) |
Prototype/BuildEntityAchievement build-entity-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
to_build | :: | string |
amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
limited_to_one_game | :: | bool (optional) |
until_second | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/BurnerGenerator burner-generator extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animation | :: | Animation4Way |
burner | :: | EnergySource |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
max_power_output | :: | Energy |
always_draw_idle_animation | :: | bool (optional) |
idle_animation | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
min_perceived_performance | :: | double (optional) |
performance_to_sound_speedup | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/Capsule capsule extends Prototype/Item |
capsule_action | :: | CapsuleAction |
radius_color | :: | Color (optional) |
Prototype/Car car extends Prototype/Vehicle |
animation | :: | RotatedAnimation |
burner or energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
consumption | :: | Energy |
effectivity | :: | double |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
rotation_speed | :: | double |
darkness_to_render_light_animation | :: | float (optional) |
guns | :: | table of string (optional) |
has_belt_immunity | :: | bool (optional) |
immune_to_cliff_impacts | :: | bool (optional) |
immune_to_rock_impacts | :: | bool (optional) |
immune_to_tree_impacts | :: | bool (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
light_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
sound_no_fuel | :: | Sound (optional) |
tank_driving | :: | bool (optional) |
track_particle_triggers | :: | FootstepTriggerEffectList (optional) |
turret_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
turret_return_timeout | :: | uint32 (optional) |
turret_rotation_speed | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/CargoWagon cargo-wagon extends Prototype/RollingStock |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
Prototype/Character character extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animations | :: | table of CharacterArmorAnimation |
build_distance | :: | uint32 |
damage_hit_tint | :: | Color |
distance_per_frame | :: | double |
drop_item_distance | :: | uint32 |
eat | :: | Sound |
heartbeat | :: | Sound |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
item_pickup_distance | :: | double |
loot_pickup_distance | :: | double |
maximum_corner_sliding_distance | :: | double |
mining_speed | :: | double |
mining_with_tool_particles_animation_positions | :: | table of float |
reach_distance | :: | uint32 |
reach_resource_distance | :: | double |
running_sound_animation_positions | :: | table of float |
running_speed | :: | double |
ticks_to_keep_aiming_direction | :: | uint32 |
ticks_to_keep_gun | :: | uint32 |
ticks_to_stay_in_combat | :: | uint32 |
character_corpse | :: | string (optional) |
crafting_categories | :: | table of string (optional) |
enter_vehicle_distance | :: | double (optional) |
footprint_particles | :: | table of FootprintParticle (optional) |
footstep_particle_triggers | :: | FootstepTriggerEffectList (optional) |
has_belt_immunity | :: | bool (optional) |
left_footprint_frames | :: | table of float (optional) |
left_footprint_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
mining_categories | :: | table of string (optional) |
respawn_time | :: | uint32 (optional) |
right_footprint_frames | :: | table of float (optional) |
right_footprint_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
synced_footstep_particle_triggers | :: | FootstepTriggerEffectList (optional) |
tool_attack_distance | :: | double (optional) |
tool_attack_result | :: | Trigger (optional) |
Prototype/CharacterCorpse character-corpse extends Prototype/Entity |
time_to_live | :: | uint32 |
armor_picture_mapping | :: | table (optional) |
picture | :: | Animation (optional) |
pictures | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
Prototype/Cliff cliff extends Prototype/Entity |
grid_offset | :: | vector |
grid_size | :: | vector |
orientations | :: | table of OrientedCliffPrototype |
cliff_explosive | :: | string (optional) |
cliff_height | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/CombatRobot combat-robot extends Prototype/FlyingRobot |
attack_parameters | :: | AttackParameters |
idle | :: | RotatedAnimation |
in_motion | :: | RotatedAnimation |
shadow_idle | :: | RotatedAnimation |
shadow_in_motion | :: | RotatedAnimation |
time_to_live | :: | uint32 |
destroy_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
follows_player | :: | bool (optional) |
friction | :: | double (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
range_from_player | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/CombatRobotCountAchievement combat-robot-count extends Prototype/Achievement |
count | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/Combinator abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
active_energy_usage | :: | Energy |
activity_led_light_offsets | :: | table of vector |
activity_led_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
input_connection_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox |
input_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint |
output_connection_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox |
output_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint |
screen_light_offsets | :: | table of vector |
sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
activity_led_hold_time | :: | uint8 (optional) |
activity_led_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
screen_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
Prototype/ConstantCombinator constant-combinator extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
activity_led_light_offsets | :: | table of vector |
activity_led_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint |
item_slot_count | :: | uint32 |
sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
activity_led_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ConstructWithRobotsAchievement construct-with-robots-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
limited_to_one_game | :: | bool |
amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
more_than_manually | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ConstructionRobot construction-robot extends Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface |
construction_vector | :: | vector |
repairing_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
shadow_working | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
smoke | :: | Animation (optional) |
sparks | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
working | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
working_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
Prototype/Container container extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
inventory_size | :: | uint16 |
picture | :: | Sprite |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
enable_inventory_bar | :: | bool (optional) |
inventory_type | :: | string (optional) |
scale_info_icons | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/CopyPasteTool copy-paste-tool extends Prototype/SelectionTool |
cuts | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Corpse corpse extends Prototype/Entity |
animation | :: | RotatedAnimationVariations (optional) |
animation_overlay | :: | RotatedAnimationVariations (optional) |
animation_overlay_final_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
animation_overlay_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
animation_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
direction_shuffle | :: | table of tables of uint16 (optional) |
dying_speed | :: | float (optional) |
final_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
ground_patch | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
ground_patch_fade_in_delay | :: | float (optional) |
ground_patch_fade_in_speed | :: | float (optional) |
ground_patch_fade_out_duration | :: | float (optional) |
ground_patch_fade_out_start | :: | float (optional) |
ground_patch_higher | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
ground_patch_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
remove_on_entity_placement | :: | bool (optional) |
remove_on_tile_placement | :: | bool (optional) |
shuffle_directions_at_frame | :: | uint8 (optional) |
splash | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
splash_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
splash_speed | :: | float (optional) |
time_before_removed | :: | int32 (optional) |
time_before_shading_off | :: | int32 (optional) |
use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/CraftingMachine abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
crafting_categories | :: | table of strings |
crafting_speed | :: | double |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
allowed_effects | :: | EffectTypeLimitation (optional) |
always_draw_idle_animation | :: | bool (optional) |
animation | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
base_productivity | :: | float (optional) |
default_recipe_tint | :: | table of Color (optional) |
draw_entity_info_icon_background | :: | bool (optional) |
entity_info_icon_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
fluid_boxes | :: | table of FluidBox (optional) |
idle_animation | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
match_animation_speed_to_activity | :: | bool (optional) |
module_specification | :: | ModuleSpecification (optional) |
return_ingredients_on_change | :: | bool (optional) |
scale_entity_info_icon | :: | bool (optional) |
shift_animation_transition_duration | :: | uint16 (optional) |
shift_animation_waypoint_stop_duration | :: | uint16 (optional) |
shift_animation_waypoints | :: | table of table (array) of vector (optional) |
show_recipe_icon | :: | bool (optional) |
show_recipe_icon_on_map | :: | bool (optional) |
status_colors | :: | table of Color (optional) |
working_visualisations | :: | table of WorkingVisualisation (optional) |
Prototype/CurvedRail curved-rail extends Prototype/Rail |
bending_type | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/CustomInput custom-input extends PrototypeBase |
key_sequence | :: | string |
action | :: | string (optional) |
alternative_key_sequence | :: | string (optional) |
consuming | :: | ConsumingType (optional) |
controller_alternative_key_sequence | :: | string (optional) |
controller_key_sequence | :: | string (optional) |
enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
enabled_while_in_cutscene | :: | bool (optional) |
enabled_while_spectating | :: | bool (optional) |
include_selected_prototype | :: | bool (optional) |
item_to_spawn | :: | string (optional) |
linked_game_control | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/DamageType damage-type extends PrototypeBase |
hidden | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/DeciderCombinator decider-combinator extends Prototype/Combinator |
equal_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
greater_or_equal_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
greater_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
less_or_equal_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
less_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
not_equal_symbol_sprites | :: | Sprite4Way |
Prototype/DeconstructWithRobotsAchievement deconstruct-with-robots-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | uint32 |
Prototype/DeconstructibleTileProxy deconstructible-tile-proxy extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/DeconstructionItem deconstruction-item extends Prototype/SelectionTool |
entity_filter_count | :: | Types/ItemStackIndex (optional) |
tile_filter_count | :: | Types/ItemStackIndex (optional) |
Prototype/Decorative optimized-decorative extends PrototypeBase |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations |
autoplace | :: | AutoplaceSpecification (optional) |
collision_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
decal_overdraw_priority | :: | uint16 (optional) |
grows_through_rail_path | :: | bool (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
tile_layer | :: | int16 (optional) |
trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
walking_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/DeliverByRobotsAchievement deliver-by-robots-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | MaterialAmountType |
Prototype/DontBuildEntityAchievement dont-build-entity-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
dont_build | :: | string or table of string |
amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/DontCraftManuallyAchievement dont-craft-manually-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | MaterialAmountType |
Prototype/DontUseEntityInEnergyProductionAchievement dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
excluded | :: | string or table of string |
included | :: | string or table of string |
last_hour_only | :: | bool (optional) |
minimum_energy_produced | :: | Energy (optional) |
Prototype/EditorController editor-controller |
adjust_speed_based_off_zoom | :: | bool |
enable_flash_light | :: | bool |
fill_built_entity_energy_buffers | :: | bool |
generate_neighbor_chunks | :: | bool |
gun_inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
instant_blueprint_building | :: | bool |
instant_deconstruction | :: | bool |
instant_rail_planner | :: | bool |
instant_upgrading | :: | bool |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
item_pickup_distance | :: | double |
loot_pickup_distance | :: | double |
mining_speed | :: | double |
movement_speed | :: | double |
name | :: | string |
placed_corpses_never_expire | :: | bool |
render_as_day | :: | bool |
show_additional_entity_info_gui | :: | bool |
show_character_tab_in_controller_gui | :: | bool |
show_entity_health_bars | :: | bool |
show_entity_tags | :: | bool |
show_hidden_entities | :: | bool |
show_infinity_filters_in_controller_gui | :: | bool |
show_status_icons | :: | bool |
type | :: | string |
Prototype/ElectricEnergyInterface electric-energy-interface extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
animations | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
continuous_animation | :: | bool (optional) |
energy_production | :: | Energy (optional) |
energy_usage | :: | Energy (optional) |
gui_mode | :: | string (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
pictures | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
Prototype/ElectricPole electric-pole extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint |
pictures | :: | RotatedSprite |
supply_area_distance | :: | double |
active_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
maximum_wire_distance | :: | double (optional) |
radius_visualisation_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
track_coverage_during_build_by_moving | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ElectricTurret electric-turret extends Prototype/Turret |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
Prototype/EnemySpawner unit-spawner extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animations | :: | AnimationVariations |
call_for_help_radius | :: | double |
max_count_of_owned_units | :: | uint32 |
max_friends_around_to_spawn | :: | uint32 |
max_richness_for_spawn_shift | :: | double |
max_spawn_shift | :: | double |
pollution_absorption_absolute | :: | double |
pollution_absorption_proportional | :: | double |
result_units | :: | table of UnitSpawnDefinition |
spawning_cooldown | :: | array of two double |
spawning_radius | :: | double |
spawning_spacing | :: | double |
dying_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
integration | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
max_darkness_to_spawn | :: | float (optional) |
min_darkness_to_spawn | :: | float (optional) |
random_animation_offset | :: | bool (optional) |
spawn_decoration | :: | CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem or table of CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem (optional) |
spawn_decorations_on_expansion | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/EnergyShieldEquipment energy-shield-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
energy_per_shield | :: | Energy |
max_shield_value | :: | float |
Prototype/Entity abstract extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
additional_pastable_entities | :: | table of string (optional) |
alert_icon_scale | :: | float (optional) |
alert_icon_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
allow_copy_paste | :: | bool (optional) |
autoplace | :: | AutoplaceSpecification (optional) |
build_base_evolution_requirement | :: | double (optional) |
build_grid_size | :: | uint8 (optional) |
build_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
close_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
collision_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
created_effect | :: | Trigger (optional) |
created_smoke | :: | CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem (optional) |
drawing_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
emissions_per_second | :: | double (optional) |
enemy_map_color | :: | Color (optional) |
fast_replaceable_group | :: | string (optional) |
flags | :: | EntityPrototypeFlags (optional) |
friendly_map_color | :: | Color (optional) |
hit_visualization_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
map_color | :: | Color (optional) |
map_generator_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
minable | :: | MinableProperties (optional) |
mined_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
mining_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
next_upgrade | :: | string (optional) |
open_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
placeable_by | :: | ItemToPlace or table of ItemToPlace (optional) |
protected_from_tile_building | :: | bool (optional) |
radius_visualisation_specification | :: | RadiusVisualisationSpecification (optional) |
remains_when_mined | :: | string or table of string (optional) |
remove_decoratives | :: | string (optional) |
rotated_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
selectable_in_game | :: | bool (optional) |
selection_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
selection_priority | :: | uint8 (optional) |
shooting_cursor_size | :: | double (optional) |
sticker_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
subgroup | :: | string (optional) |
tile_height | :: | uint32 (optional) |
tile_width | :: | uint32 (optional) |
trigger_target_mask | :: | TriggerTargetMask (optional) |
vehicle_impact_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
water_reflection | :: | WaterReflectionDefinition (optional) |
working_sound | :: | WorkingSound (optional) |
Prototype/EntityGhost entity-ghost extends Prototype/Entity |
large_build_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
medium_build_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/EntityParticle particle extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/EntityWithHealth abstract extends Prototype/Entity |
alert_when_damaged | :: | bool (optional) |
attack_reaction | :: | AttackReaction (optional) |
corpse | :: | string or table of strings (optional) |
create_ghost_on_death | :: | bool (optional) |
damaged_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
dying_explosion | :: | ExplosionDefinition or table of ExplosionDefinition (optional) |
dying_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
healing_per_tick | :: | float (optional) |
hide_resistances | :: | bool (optional) |
integration_patch | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
integration_patch_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
loot | :: | Loot (optional) |
max_health | :: | float (optional) |
random_corpse_variation | :: | bool (optional) |
repair_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
repair_speed_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
resistances | :: | Resistances (optional) |
Prototype/EntityWithOwner abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithHealth |
allow_run_time_change_of_is_military_target | :: | bool (optional) |
is_military_target | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Equipment abstract extends PrototypeBase |
categories | :: | table of string |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
shape | :: | EquipmentShape |
sprite | :: | Sprite |
background_border_color | :: | Color (optional) |
background_color | :: | Color (optional) |
grabbed_background_color | :: | Color (optional) |
take_result | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/EquipmentCategory equipment-category extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/EquipmentGrid equipment-grid extends PrototypeBase |
equipment_categories | :: | table of string |
height | :: | uint32 |
width | :: | uint32 |
locked | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Explosion explosion extends Prototype/Entity |
animations | :: | AnimationVariations |
beam | :: | bool (optional) |
correct_rotation | :: | bool (optional) |
fade_in_duration | :: | uint8 (optional) |
fade_out_duration | :: | uint8 (optional) |
height | :: | float (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
light_intensity_factor_final | :: | float (optional) |
light_intensity_factor_initial | :: | float (optional) |
light_intensity_peak_end_progress | :: | float (optional) |
light_intensity_peak_start_progress | :: | float (optional) |
light_size_factor_final | :: | float (optional) |
light_size_factor_initial | :: | float (optional) |
light_size_peak_end_progress | :: | float (optional) |
light_size_peak_start_progress | :: | float (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
rotate | :: | bool (optional) |
scale | :: | float (optional) |
scale_animation_speed | :: | bool (optional) |
scale_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
scale_end | :: | float (optional) |
scale_in_duration | :: | uint8 (optional) |
scale_increment_per_tick | :: | float (optional) |
scale_initial | :: | float (optional) |
scale_initial_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
scale_out_duration | :: | uint8 (optional) |
smoke | :: | string (optional) |
smoke_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
smoke_slow_down_factor | :: | float (optional) |
sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/FinishTheGameAchievement finish-the-game-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
until_second | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/FireFlame fire extends Prototype/Entity |
damage_per_tick | :: | DamagePrototype |
spread_delay | :: | uint32 |
spread_delay_deviation | :: | uint32 |
add_fuel_cooldown | :: | uint32 (optional) |
burnt_patch_alpha_default | :: | float (optional) |
burnt_patch_alpha_variations | :: | table (optional) |
burnt_patch_lifetime | :: | uint32 (optional) |
burnt_patch_pictures | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick | :: | float (optional) |
damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel | :: | float (optional) |
delay_between_initial_flames | :: | uint32 (optional) |
fade_in_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
fade_out_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
flame_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
flame_alpha_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
initial_flame_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
initial_lifetime | :: | uint32 (optional) |
initial_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
lifetime_increase_by | :: | uint32 (optional) |
lifetime_increase_cooldown | :: | uint32 (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
limit_overlapping_particles | :: | bool (optional) |
maximum_damage_multiplier | :: | float (optional) |
maximum_lifetime | :: | uint32 (optional) |
maximum_spread_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
on_damage_tick_effect | :: | Trigger (optional) |
on_fuel_added_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
particle_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
particle_alpha_blend_duration | :: | uint16 (optional) |
particle_alpha_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
pictures | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
secondary_picture_fade_out_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
secondary_picture_fade_out_start | :: | uint32 (optional) |
secondary_pictures | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
secondary_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
small_tree_fire_pictures | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
smoke | :: | Array of SmokeSource (optional) |
smoke_fade_in_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
smoke_fade_out_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
smoke_source_pictures | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
spawn_entity | :: | string (optional) |
tree_dying_factor | :: | float (optional) |
uses_alternative_behavior | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Fish fish extends Prototype/EntityWithHealth |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations |
Prototype/FlameThrowerExplosion flame-thrower-explosion extends Prototype/Explosion |
damage | :: | DamagePrototype |
slow_down_factor | :: | double |
Prototype/Fluid fluid extends PrototypeBase |
base_color | :: | Color |
default_temperature | :: | double |
flow_color | :: | Color |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
emissions_multiplier | :: | double (optional) |
fuel_value | :: | Energy (optional) |
gas_temperature | :: | double (optional) |
heat_capacity | :: | Energy (optional) |
hidden | :: | bool (optional) |
max_temperature | :: | double (optional) |
subgroup | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/FluidStream stream extends Prototype/Entity |
particle_horizontal_speed | :: | double |
particle_horizontal_speed_deviation | :: | double |
particle_spawn_interval | :: | uint16 |
particle_vertical_acceleration | :: | double |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
ground_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
initial_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
oriented_particle | :: | bool (optional) |
particle | :: | Animation (optional) |
particle_alpha_per_part | :: | float (optional) |
particle_buffer_size | :: | uint32 (optional) |
particle_end_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
particle_fade_out_duration | :: | uint16 (optional) |
particle_fade_out_threshold | :: | float (optional) |
particle_loop_exit_threshold | :: | float (optional) |
particle_loop_frame_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
particle_scale_per_part | :: | float (optional) |
particle_spawn_timeout | :: | uint16 (optional) |
particle_start_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
particle_start_scale | :: | float (optional) |
progress_to_create_smoke | :: | float (optional) |
shadow | :: | Animation (optional) |
shadow_scale_enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
smoke_sources | :: | table of SmokeSource (optional) |
special_neutral_target_damage | :: | DamagePrototype (optional) |
spine_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
stream_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
target_position_deviation | :: | double (optional) |
width | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/FluidTurret fluid-turret extends Prototype/Turret |
activation_buffer_ratio | :: | float |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
fluid_buffer_input_flow | :: | float |
fluid_buffer_size | :: | float |
attacking_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
ending_attack_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
enough_fuel_indicator_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
enough_fuel_indicator_picture | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
folded_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
folding_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
muzzle_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
muzzle_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
not_enough_fuel_indicator_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
not_enough_fuel_indicator_picture | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
out_of_ammo_alert_icon | :: | Sprite (optional) |
prepared_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
preparing_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
starting_attack_muzzle_animation_shift | :: | AnimatedVector (optional) |
Prototype/FluidWagon fluid-wagon extends Prototype/RollingStock |
capacity | :: | double |
tank_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
Prototype/FlyingRobot abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
speed | :: | double |
energy_per_move | :: | Energy (optional) |
energy_per_tick | :: | Energy (optional) |
max_energy | :: | Energy (optional) |
max_speed | :: | double (optional) |
max_to_charge | :: | float (optional) |
min_to_charge | :: | float (optional) |
speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/FlyingText flying-text extends Prototype/Entity |
speed | :: | float |
time_to_live | :: | uint32 |
text_alignment | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/Font font |
from | :: | string |
name | :: | string |
size | :: | int32 |
type | :: | string |
border | :: | bool (optional) |
border_color | :: | Color (optional) |
filtered | :: | bool (optional) |
spacing | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/FuelCategory fuel-category extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/Furnace furnace extends Prototype/CraftingMachine |
result_inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
source_inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
Prototype/Gate gate extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
activation_distance | :: | double |
close_sound | :: | Sound |
horizontal_animation | :: | Animation |
horizontal_rail_animation_left | :: | Animation |
horizontal_rail_animation_right | :: | Animation |
horizontal_rail_base | :: | Animation |
open_sound | :: | Sound |
opening_speed | :: | float |
timeout_to_close | :: | uint32 |
vertical_animation | :: | Animation |
vertical_rail_animation_left | :: | Animation |
vertical_rail_animation_right | :: | Animation |
vertical_rail_base | :: | Animation |
wall_patch | :: | Animation |
fadeout_interval | :: | uint32 (optional) |
opened_collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
Prototype/Generator generator extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
effectivity | :: | double |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
fluid_usage_per_tick | :: | double |
horizontal_animation | :: | Animation |
maximum_temperature | :: | double |
vertical_animation | :: | Animation |
burns_fluid | :: | bool (optional) |
destroy_non_fuel_fluid | :: | bool (optional) |
max_power_output | :: | Energy (optional) |
min_perceived_performance | :: | double (optional) |
performance_to_sound_speedup | :: | double (optional) |
scale_fluid_usage | :: | bool (optional) |
smoke | :: | table of SmokeSource (optional) |
Prototype/GeneratorEquipment generator-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
power | :: | Energy |
burner | :: | EnergySource (optional) |
Prototype/GodController god-controller |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
item_pickup_distance | :: | double |
loot_pickup_distance | :: | double |
mining_speed | :: | double |
movement_speed | :: | double |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
crafting_categories | :: | table of string (optional) |
mining_categories | :: | table of string (optional) |
Prototype/GroupAttackAchievement group-attack-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
Prototype/GuiStyle gui-style extends PrototypeBase |
default_sprite_priority | :: | SpritePriority |
default_sprite_scale | :: | double |
default_tileset | :: | FileName |
Prototype/Gun gun extends Prototype/Item |
attack_parameters | :: | AttackParameters |
Prototype/HeatInterface heat-interface extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
heat_buffer | :: | HeatBuffer |
gui_mode | :: | string (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/HeatPipe heat-pipe extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
connection_sprites | :: | ConnectableEntityGraphics |
heat_buffer | :: | HeatBuffer |
heat_glow_sprites | :: | ConnectableEntityGraphics |
Prototype/HighlightBoxEntity highlight-box extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/InfinityContainer infinity-container extends Prototype/LogisticContainer |
erase_contents_when_mined | :: | bool |
gui_mode | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/InfinityPipe infinity-pipe extends Prototype/Pipe |
gui_mode | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/Inserter inserter extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
extension_speed | :: | double |
hand_base_picture | :: | Sprite |
hand_base_shadow | :: | Sprite |
hand_closed_picture | :: | Sprite |
hand_closed_shadow | :: | Sprite |
hand_open_picture | :: | Sprite |
hand_open_shadow | :: | Sprite |
insert_position | :: | vector |
pickup_position | :: | vector |
platform_picture | :: | Sprite4Way |
rotation_speed | :: | double |
allow_burner_leech | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_custom_vectors | :: | bool (optional) |
chases_belt_items | :: | bool (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
default_stack_control_input_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_held_item | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_inserter_arrow | :: | bool (optional) |
energy_per_movement | :: | Energy (optional) |
energy_per_rotation | :: | Energy (optional) |
filter_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
hand_size | :: | double (optional) |
stack | :: | bool (optional) |
stack_size_bonus | :: | uint8 (optional) |
use_easter_egg | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Item item extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
stack_size | :: | ItemCountType |
burnt_result | :: | string (optional) |
close_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
dark_background_icons, dark_background_icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
default_request_amount | :: | ItemCountType (optional) |
flags | :: | ItemPrototypeFlags (optional) |
fuel_acceleration_multiplier | :: | double (optional) |
fuel_category | :: | string (optional) |
fuel_emissions_multiplier | :: | double (optional) |
fuel_glow_color | :: | Color (optional) |
fuel_top_speed_multiplier | :: | double (optional) |
fuel_value | :: | Energy (optional) |
open_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
place_as_tile | :: | PlaceAsTile (optional) |
place_result | :: | string (optional) |
placed_as_equipment_result | :: | string (optional) |
rocket_launch_product | :: | ItemProductPrototype (optional) |
rocket_launch_products | :: | table (array) of ItemProductPrototype (optional) |
subgroup | :: | string (optional) |
wire_count | :: | ItemCountType (optional) |
Prototype/ItemEntity item-entity extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/ItemGroup item-group extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
order_in_recipe | :: | Order (optional) |
Prototype/ItemRequestProxy item-request-proxy extends Prototype/Entity |
picture | :: | Sprite |
use_target_entity_alert_icon_shift | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ItemSubGroup item-subgroup extends PrototypeBase |
group | :: | string |
Prototype/ItemWithEntityData item-with-entity-data extends Prototype/Item |
icon_tintable_masks, icon_tintable_mask, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
icon_tintables, icon_tintable, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
Prototype/ItemWithInventory item-with-inventory extends Prototype/ItemWithLabel |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex or string |
extends_inventory_by_default | :: | bool (optional) |
filter_message_key | :: | string (optional) |
filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
insertion_priority_mode | :: | string (optional) |
item_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
item_group_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
item_subgroup_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
Prototype/ItemWithLabel item-with-label extends Prototype/Item |
default_label_color | :: | Color (optional) |
draw_label_for_cursor_render | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ItemWithTags item-with-tags extends Prototype/ItemWithLabel |
No new properties |
Prototype/KillAchievement kill-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
damage_type | :: | string (optional) |
in_vehicle | :: | bool (optional) |
personally | :: | bool (optional) |
to_kill | :: | string (optional) |
type_to_kill | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/Lab lab extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
inputs | :: | table of string |
off_animation | :: | Animation |
on_animation | :: | Animation |
allowed_effects | :: | EffectTypeLimitation (optional) |
base_productivity | :: | float (optional) |
entity_info_icon_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
module_specification | :: | ModuleSpecification (optional) |
researching_speed | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/Lamp lamp extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage_per_tick | :: | Energy |
picture_off | :: | Sprite |
picture_on | :: | Sprite |
always_on | :: | bool (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
darkness_for_all_lamps_off | :: | float (optional) |
darkness_for_all_lamps_on | :: | float (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
glow_color_intensity | :: | float (optional) |
glow_render_mode | :: | string (optional) |
glow_size | :: | float (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
light_when_colored | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
signal_to_color_mapping | :: | table of SignalColorMapping (optional) |
Prototype/LandMine land-mine extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
picture_safe | :: | Sprite |
picture_set | :: | Sprite |
trigger_radius | :: | double |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
ammo_category | :: | string (optional) |
force_die_on_attack | :: | bool (optional) |
picture_set_enemy | :: | Sprite (optional) |
timeout | :: | uint32 (optional) |
trigger_collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
trigger_force | :: | ForceCondition (optional) |
Prototype/LeafParticle leaf-particle extends Prototype/EntityParticle |
No new properties |
Prototype/LinkedBelt linked-belt extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
structure | :: | table |
allow_blueprint_connection | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_clone_connection | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_side_loading | :: | bool (optional) |
structure_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
Prototype/LinkedContainer linked-container extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
gui_mode | :: | string (optional) |
inventory_type | :: | string (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
scale_info_icons | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Loader1x1 loader-1x1 extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
filter_count | :: | uint8 |
structure | :: | table |
allow_container_interaction | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_rail_interaction | :: | bool (optional) |
belt_length | :: | double (optional) |
container_distance | :: | double (optional) |
energy_per_item | :: | Energy (optional) |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource (optional) |
structure_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
Prototype/Loader1x2 loader extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
filter_count | :: | uint8 |
structure | :: | table |
allow_container_interaction | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_rail_interaction | :: | bool (optional) |
belt_length | :: | double (optional) |
container_distance | :: | double (optional) |
energy_per_item | :: | Energy (optional) |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource (optional) |
structure_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
Prototype/Locomotive locomotive extends Prototype/RollingStock |
burner or energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
max_power | :: | Energy |
reversing_power_modifier | :: | double |
darkness_to_render_light_animation | :: | float (optional) |
front_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
front_light_pictures | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
max_snap_to_train_stop_distance | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/LogisticContainer logistic-container extends Prototype/Container |
logistic_mode | :: | string |
animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
animation_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
landing_location_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
max_logistic_slots | :: | uint16 (optional) |
opened_duration | :: | uint8 (optional) |
render_not_in_network_icon | :: | bool (optional) |
use_exact_mode | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/LogisticRobot logistic-robot extends Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface |
idle_with_cargo | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
in_motion_with_cargo | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
shadow_idle_with_cargo | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
shadow_in_motion_with_cargo | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
Prototype/MapGenPresets map-gen-presets |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
Prototype/MapSettings map-settings |
difficulty_settings | :: | table |
enemy_evolution | :: | table |
enemy_expansion | :: | table |
max_failed_behavior_count | :: | uint32 |
name | :: | string |
path_finder | :: | table |
pollution | :: | table |
steering | :: | table |
type | :: | string |
unit_group | :: | table |
Prototype/Market market extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
picture | :: | Sprite |
allow_access_to_all_forces | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/MiningDrill mining-drill extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
mining_speed | :: | double |
resource_categories | :: | array of string |
resource_searching_radius | :: | double |
vector_to_place_result | :: | vector |
allowed_effects | :: | EffectTypeLimitation (optional) |
animations | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
base_picture | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
base_productivity | :: | float (optional) |
base_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
graphics_set | :: | MiningDrillGraphicsSet (optional) |
input_fluid_box | :: | FluidBox (optional) |
module_specification | :: | ModuleSpecification (optional) |
monitor_visualization_tint | :: | Color (optional) |
output_fluid_box | :: | FluidBox (optional) |
radius_visualisation_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
wet_mining_graphics_set | :: | MiningDrillGraphicsSet (optional) |
Prototype/MiningTool mining-tool extends Prototype/Tool |
No new properties |
Prototype/Module module extends Prototype/Item |
category | :: | string |
effect | :: | Effect |
tier | :: | uint32 |
art_style | :: | string (optional) |
beacon_tint | :: | table of Color (optional) |
limitation | :: | table of string (optional) |
limitation_blacklist | :: | table of string (optional) |
limitation_message_key | :: | string (optional) |
requires_beacon_alt_mode | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/ModuleCategory module-category extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/MouseCursor mouse-cursor |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
filename | :: | FileName (optional) |
hot_pixel_x | :: | int16 (optional) |
hot_pixel_y | :: | int16 (optional) |
system_cursor | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/MovementBonusEquipment movement-bonus-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
energy_consumption | :: | Energy |
movement_bonus | :: | double |
Prototype/NamedNoiseExpression noise-expression extends PrototypeBase |
expression | :: | NoiseExpression |
intended_property | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/NightVisionEquipment night-vision-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
color_lookup | :: | DaytimeColorLookupTable |
energy_input | :: | Energy |
activate_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
darkness_to_turn_on | :: | float (optional) |
deactivate_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/NoiseLayer noise-layer extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/OffshorePump offshore-pump extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
fluid | :: | string |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
pumping_speed | :: | float |
adjacent_tile_collision_box | :: | BoundingBox (optional) |
adjacent_tile_collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
adjacent_tile_collision_test | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
always_draw_fluid | :: | bool (optional) |
center_collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
check_bounding_box_collides_with_tiles | :: | bool (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
fluid_box_tile_collision_test | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
graphics_set | :: | table (optional) |
min_perceived_performance | :: | float (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
placeable_position_visualization | :: | Sprite (optional) |
remove_on_tile_collision | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Particle optimized-particle extends PrototypeBase |
life_time | :: | uint16 |
pictures | :: | AnimationVariations |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer |
render_layer_when_on_ground | :: | RenderLayer |
draw_shadow_when_on_ground | :: | bool (optional) |
ended_in_water_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
ended_on_ground_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
fade_away_duration | :: | uint16 (optional) |
mining_particle_frame_speed | :: | float (optional) |
movement_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
movement_modifier_when_on_ground | :: | double (optional) |
regular_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
regular_trigger_effect_frequency | :: | uint32 (optional) |
shadows | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
vertical_acceleration | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/ParticleSource particle-source extends Prototype/Entity |
height | :: | float |
horizontal_speed | :: | float |
time_before_start | :: | float |
time_to_live | :: | float |
vertical_speed | :: | float |
height_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
horizontal_speed_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
particle | :: | string (optional) |
smoke | :: | table of SmokeSource (optional) |
time_before_start_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
time_to_live_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
vertical_speed_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/Pipe pipe extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
horizontal_window_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox |
pictures | :: | table |
vertical_window_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox |
Prototype/PipeToGround pipe-to-ground extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
pictures | :: | table of Sprite |
draw_fluid_icon_override | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/PlayerDamagedAchievement player-damaged-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
minimum_damage | :: | float |
should_survive | :: | bool |
type_of_dealer | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/PlayerPort player-port extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animation | :: | Animation |
Prototype/PowerSwitch power-switch extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint |
led_off | :: | Sprite |
led_on | :: | Sprite |
left_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint |
overlay_loop | :: | Animation |
overlay_start | :: | Animation |
overlay_start_delay | :: | uint8 |
power_on_animation | :: | Animation |
right_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/ProduceAchievement produce-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | MaterialAmountType |
limited_to_one_game | :: | bool |
fluid_product | :: | string (optional) |
item_product | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/ProducePerHourAchievement produce-per-hour-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
amount | :: | MaterialAmountType |
fluid_product | :: | string (optional) |
item_product | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/ProgrammableSpeaker programmable-speaker extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage_per_tick | :: | Energy |
instruments | :: | table |
maximum_polyphony | :: | uint32 |
sprite | :: | Sprite |
audible_distance_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Projectile projectile extends Prototype/Entity |
acceleration | :: | double |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
direction_only | :: | bool (optional) |
enable_drawing_with_mask | :: | bool (optional) |
final_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
force_condition | :: | ForceCondition (optional) |
height | :: | double (optional) |
hit_at_collision_position | :: | bool (optional) |
hit_collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
max_speed | :: | double (optional) |
piercing_damage | :: | float (optional) |
rotatable | :: | bool (optional) |
shadow | :: | Animation (optional) |
smoke | :: | Array of SmokeSource (optional) |
speed_modifier | :: | vector (optional) |
turn_speed | :: | float (optional) |
turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Pump pump extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animations | :: | Animation4Way |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
pumping_speed | :: | double |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
fluid_animation | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
fluid_wagon_connector_alignment_tolerance | :: | double (optional) |
fluid_wagon_connector_frame_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
fluid_wagon_connector_graphics | :: | table of PumpConnectorGraphics (optional) |
fluid_wagon_connector_speed | :: | double (optional) |
glass_pictures | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
Prototype/Radar radar extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_per_nearby_scan | :: | Energy |
energy_per_sector | :: | Energy |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
max_distance_of_nearby_sector_revealed | :: | uint32 |
max_distance_of_sector_revealed | :: | uint32 |
pictures | :: | RotatedSprite |
radius_minimap_visualisation_color | :: | Color (optional) |
rotation_speed | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/Rail abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
pictures | :: | table |
walking_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/RailChainSignal rail-chain-signal extends Prototype/RailSignalBase |
selection_box_offsets | :: | table of vector |
blue_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
default_blue_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
Prototype/RailPlanner rail-planner extends Prototype/Item |
curved_rail | :: | string |
straight_rail | :: | string |
Prototype/RailRemnants rail-remnants extends Prototype/Corpse |
bending_type | :: | string |
pictures | :: | table |
Prototype/RailSignal rail-signal extends Prototype/RailSignalBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/RailSignalBase abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animation | :: | RotatedAnimation |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
default_green_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_orange_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_red_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
green_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
orange_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
rail_piece | :: | Animation (optional) |
red_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
Prototype/Reactor reactor extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
consumption | :: | Energy |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
heat_buffer | :: | HeatBuffer |
working_light_picture | :: | Sprite |
connection_patches_connected | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
connection_patches_disconnected | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
default_fuel_glow_color | :: | Color (optional) |
heat_connection_patches_connected | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
heat_connection_patches_disconnected | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
heat_lower_layer_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
lower_layer_picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
meltdown_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
neighbour_bonus | :: | double (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
scale_energy_usage | :: | bool (optional) |
use_fuel_glow_color | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Recipe recipe extends PrototypeBase |
ingredients | :: | table of IngredientPrototype |
allow_as_intermediate | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_decomposition | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_inserter_overload | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_intermediates | :: | bool (optional) |
always_show_made_in | :: | bool (optional) |
always_show_products | :: | bool (optional) |
category | :: | string (optional) |
crafting_machine_tint | :: | table of Color (optional) |
emissions_multiplier | :: | double (optional) |
enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
energy_required | :: | double (optional) |
expensive | :: | Recipe data or bool (optional) |
hidden | :: | bool (optional) |
hide_from_player_crafting | :: | bool (optional) |
hide_from_stats | :: | bool (optional) |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
main_product | :: | string (optional) |
normal | :: | Recipe data or bool (optional) |
overload_multiplier | :: | uint32 (optional) |
requester_paste_multiplier | :: | uint32 (optional) |
result | :: | string (optional) |
result_count | :: | uint16 (optional) |
results | :: | table of ProductPrototype (optional) |
show_amount_in_title | :: | bool (optional) |
subgroup | :: | string (optional) |
unlock_results | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/RecipeCategory recipe-category extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/RepairTool repair-tool extends Prototype/Tool |
speed | :: | float |
repair_result | :: | Trigger (optional) |
Prototype/ResearchAchievement research-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
research_all | :: | bool (optional) |
technology | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/ResourceCategory resource-category extends PrototypeBase |
No new properties |
Prototype/ResourceEntity resource extends Prototype/Entity |
stage_counts | :: | table of uint32 |
stages | :: | AnimationVariations |
category | :: | string (optional) |
effect_animation_period | :: | float (optional) |
effect_animation_period_deviation | :: | float (optional) |
effect_darkness_multiplier | :: | float (optional) |
highlight | :: | bool (optional) |
infinite | :: | bool (optional) |
infinite_depletion_amount | :: | uint32 (optional) |
map_grid | :: | bool (optional) |
max_effect_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
min_effect_alpha | :: | float (optional) |
minimum | :: | uint32 (optional) |
mining_visualisation_tint | :: | Color (optional) |
normal | :: | uint32 (optional) |
randomize_visual_position | :: | bool (optional) |
resource_patch_search_radius | :: | uint32 (optional) |
stages_effect | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
tree_removal_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
tree_removal_probability | :: | double (optional) |
walking_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/Roboport roboport extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
base | :: | Sprite |
base_animation | :: | Animation |
base_patch | :: | Sprite |
charge_approach_distance | :: | float |
charging_energy | :: | Energy |
construction_radius | :: | float |
door_animation_down | :: | Animation |
door_animation_up | :: | Animation |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
logistics_radius | :: | float |
material_slots_count | :: | ItemStackIndex |
recharge_minimum | :: | Energy |
recharging_animation | :: | Animation |
request_to_open_door_timeout | :: | uint32 |
robot_slots_count | :: | ItemStackIndex |
spawn_and_station_height | :: | float |
charging_distance | :: | float (optional) |
charging_offsets | :: | table of vector (optional) |
charging_station_count | :: | uint32 (optional) |
charging_station_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
charging_threshold_distance | :: | float (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
close_door_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
default_available_construction_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_available_logistic_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_total_construction_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_total_logistic_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_construction_radius_visualization | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_logistic_radius_visualization | :: | bool (optional) |
logistics_connection_distance | :: | float (optional) |
open_door_trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
recharging_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
robot_limit | :: | ItemCountType (optional) |
robot_vertical_acceleration | :: | float (optional) |
robots_shrink_when_entering_and_exiting | :: | bool (optional) |
spawn_and_station_shadow_height_offset | :: | float (optional) |
stationing_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
Prototype/RoboportEquipment roboport-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
charge_approach_distance | :: | float |
charging_energy | :: | Energy |
construction_radius | :: | float |
recharging_animation | :: | Animation |
spawn_and_station_height | :: | float |
burner | :: | EnergySource (optional) |
charging_distance | :: | float (optional) |
charging_offsets | :: | table of vector (optional) |
charging_station_count | :: | uint32 (optional) |
charging_station_shift | :: | vector (optional) |
charging_threshold_distance | :: | float (optional) |
draw_construction_radius_visualization | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_logistic_radius_visualization | :: | bool (optional) |
power | :: | Energy (optional) |
recharging_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
robot_limit | :: | ItemCountType (optional) |
robot_vertical_acceleration | :: | float (optional) |
robots_shrink_when_entering_and_exiting | :: | bool (optional) |
spawn_and_station_shadow_height_offset | :: | float (optional) |
spawn_minimum | :: | Energy (optional) |
stationing_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface abstract extends Prototype/FlyingRobot |
cargo_centered | :: | vector |
max_payload_size | :: | ItemCountType |
destroy_action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
draw_cargo | :: | bool (optional) |
idle | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
in_motion | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
shadow_idle | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
shadow_in_motion | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
Prototype/RocketSilo rocket-silo extends Prototype/AssemblingMachine |
active_energy_usage | :: | Energy |
arm_01_back_animation | :: | Animation |
arm_02_right_animation | :: | Animation |
arm_03_front_animation | :: | Animation |
base_day_sprite | :: | Sprite |
base_front_sprite | :: | Sprite |
door_back_open_offset | :: | vector |
door_back_sprite | :: | Sprite |
door_front_open_offset | :: | vector |
door_front_sprite | :: | Sprite |
door_opening_speed | :: | double |
energy_usage | :: | Energy |
hole_clipping_box | :: | BoundingBox |
hole_light_sprite | :: | Sprite |
hole_sprite | :: | Sprite |
idle_energy_usage | :: | Energy |
lamp_energy_usage | :: | Energy |
light_blinking_speed | :: | double |
red_lights_back_sprites | :: | Sprite |
red_lights_front_sprites | :: | Sprite |
rocket_entity | :: | string |
rocket_glow_overlay_sprite | :: | Sprite |
rocket_parts_required | :: | uint32 |
rocket_shadow_overlay_sprite | :: | Sprite |
satellite_animation | :: | Animation |
satellite_shadow_animation | :: | Animation |
shadow_sprite | :: | Sprite |
silo_fade_out_end_distance | :: | double |
silo_fade_out_start_distance | :: | double |
times_to_blink | :: | uint8 |
alarm_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
alarm_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
base_engine_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
base_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
base_night_sprite | :: | Sprite (optional) |
clamps_off_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
clamps_off_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
clamps_on_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
clamps_on_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
doors_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
doors_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
flying_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
launch_wait_time | :: | uint8 (optional) |
raise_rocket_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
raise_rocket_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
rocket_result_inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex (optional) |
rocket_rising_delay | :: | uint8 (optional) |
Prototype/RocketSiloRocket rocket-silo-rocket extends Prototype/Entity |
effects_fade_in_end_distance | :: | double |
effects_fade_in_start_distance | :: | double |
engine_starting_speed | :: | double |
flying_acceleration | :: | double |
flying_speed | :: | double |
full_render_layer_switch_distance | :: | double |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
rising_speed | :: | double |
rocket_flame_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_flame_left_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_flame_left_rotation | :: | float |
rocket_flame_right_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_flame_right_rotation | :: | float |
rocket_glare_overlay_sprite | :: | Sprite |
rocket_launch_offset | :: | vector |
rocket_render_layer_switch_distance | :: | double |
rocket_rise_offset | :: | vector |
rocket_shadow_sprite | :: | Sprite |
rocket_smoke_bottom1_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_smoke_bottom2_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_smoke_top1_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_smoke_top2_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_smoke_top3_animation | :: | Animation |
rocket_sprite | :: | Sprite |
rocket_visible_distance_from_center | :: | double |
shadow_fade_out_end_ratio | :: | double |
shadow_fade_out_start_ratio | :: | double |
dying_explosion | :: | string (optional) |
flying_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
glow_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
rocket_above_wires_slice_offset_from_center | :: | double (optional) |
rocket_air_object_slice_offset_from_center | :: | double (optional) |
rocket_initial_offset | :: | vector (optional) |
shadow_slave_entity | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/RocketSiloRocketShadow rocket-silo-rocket-shadow extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/RollingStock abstract extends Prototype/Vehicle |
air_resistance | :: | double |
connection_distance | :: | double |
joint_distance | :: | double |
max_speed | :: | double |
pictures | :: | RotatedSprite |
vertical_selection_shift | :: | double |
allow_manual_color | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_robot_dispatch_in_automatic_mode | :: | bool (optional) |
back_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
color | :: | Color (optional) |
drive_over_tie_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
horizontal_doors | :: | Animation (optional) |
stand_by_light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
tie_distance | :: | double (optional) |
vertical_doors | :: | Animation (optional) |
wheels | :: | RotatedSprite (optional) |
Prototype/SelectionTool selection-tool extends Prototype/ItemWithLabel |
alt_selection_color | :: | Color |
alt_selection_cursor_box_type | :: | CursorBoxType |
alt_selection_mode | :: | table of string |
selection_color | :: | Color |
selection_cursor_box_type | :: | CursorBoxType |
selection_mode | :: | table of string |
alt_entity_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
alt_entity_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_entity_type_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_reverse_entity_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
alt_reverse_entity_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_reverse_entity_type_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_reverse_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
alt_reverse_selection_count_button_color | :: | Color (optional) |
alt_reverse_selection_cursor_box_type | :: | CursorBoxType (optional) |
alt_reverse_selection_mode | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_reverse_tile_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
alt_reverse_tile_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
alt_selection_count_button_color | :: | Color (optional) |
alt_tile_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
alt_tile_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
always_include_tiles | :: | bool (optional) |
chart_alt_reverse_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
chart_alt_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
chart_reverse_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
chart_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
entity_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
entity_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
entity_type_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
mouse_cursor | :: | string (optional) |
reverse_entity_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
reverse_entity_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
reverse_entity_type_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
reverse_selection_color | :: | Color (optional) |
reverse_selection_count_button_color | :: | Color (optional) |
reverse_selection_cursor_box_type | :: | CursorBoxType (optional) |
reverse_selection_mode | :: | table of string (optional) |
reverse_tile_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
reverse_tile_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
selection_count_button_color | :: | Color (optional) |
tile_filter_mode | :: | string (optional) |
tile_filters | :: | table of string (optional) |
Prototype/Shortcut shortcut extends PrototypeBase |
action | :: | string |
icon | :: | Sprite |
associated_control_input | :: | string (optional) |
disabled_icon | :: | Sprite (optional) |
disabled_small_icon | :: | Sprite (optional) |
item_to_spawn | :: | string (optional) |
small_icon | :: | Sprite (optional) |
style | :: | string (optional) |
technology_to_unlock | :: | string (optional) |
toggleable | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/SimpleEntity simple-entity extends Prototype/EntityWithHealth |
animations | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction | :: | bool (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite (optional) |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
random_animation_offset | :: | bool (optional) |
random_variation_on_create | :: | bool (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
secondary_draw_order | :: | int8 (optional) |
Prototype/SimpleEntityWithForce simple-entity-with-force extends Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner |
No new properties |
Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner simple-entity-with-owner extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animations | :: | AnimationVariations (optional) |
force_visibility | :: | ForceCondition (optional) |
picture | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
random_animation_offset | :: | bool (optional) |
random_variation_on_create | :: | bool (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
secondary_draw_order | :: | int8 (optional) |
Prototype/SimpleSmoke smoke extends Prototype/Smoke |
No new properties |
Prototype/Smoke abstract extends Prototype/Entity |
animation | :: | Animation |
affected_by_wind | :: | bool (optional) |
color | :: | Color (optional) |
cyclic | :: | bool (optional) |
duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
end_scale | :: | double (optional) |
fade_away_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
fade_in_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
glow_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
glow_fade_away_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
movement_slow_down_factor | :: | double (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
show_when_smoke_off | :: | bool (optional) |
spread_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
start_scale | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/SmokeWithTrigger smoke-with-trigger extends Prototype/Smoke |
action | :: | Trigger (optional) |
action_cooldown | :: | uint32 (optional) |
particle_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
particle_distance_scale_factor | :: | float (optional) |
particle_duration_variation | :: | uint32 (optional) |
particle_scale_factor | :: | vector (optional) |
particle_spread | :: | vector (optional) |
spread_duration_variation | :: | uint32 (optional) |
wave_distance | :: | vector (optional) |
wave_speed | :: | vector (optional) |
Prototype/SolarPanel solar-panel extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
picture | :: | SpriteVariations |
production | :: | Energy |
overlay | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
Prototype/SolarPanelEquipment solar-panel-equipment extends Prototype/Equipment |
power | :: | Energy |
Prototype/Sound sound |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
aggregation | :: | table (optional) |
allow_random_repeat | :: | bool (optional) |
audible_distance_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
category | :: | string (optional) |
filename | :: | FileName (optional) |
max_speed | :: | float (optional) |
min_speed | :: | float (optional) |
preload | :: | bool (optional) |
speed | :: | float (optional) |
variations | :: | table (array) of tables (optional) |
volume | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/SpectatorController spectator-controller |
movement_speed | :: | double |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
Prototype/SpeechBubble speech-bubble extends Prototype/Entity |
style | :: | string |
fade_in_out_ticks | :: | uint32 (optional) |
wrapper_flow_style | :: | string (optional) |
y_offset | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/SpiderLeg spider-leg extends Prototype/EntityWithHealth |
graphics_set | :: | SpiderLegGraphicsSet |
initial_movement_speed | :: | double |
minimal_step_size | :: | double |
movement_acceleration | :: | double |
movement_based_position_selection_distance | :: | double |
part_length | :: | double |
target_position_randomisation_distance | :: | double |
walking_sound_volume_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/SpiderVehicle spider-vehicle extends Prototype/Vehicle |
automatic_weapon_cycling | :: | bool |
burner or energy_source | :: | EnergySource |
chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier | :: | float |
chunk_exploration_radius | :: | uint32 |
graphics_set | :: | SpiderVehicleGraphicsSet |
height | :: | float |
inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex |
movement_energy_consumption | :: | Energy |
spider_engine | :: | SpiderEnginePrototype |
guns | :: | table of strings of prototype names (optional) |
torso_bob_speed | :: | float (optional) |
torso_rotation_speed | :: | float (optional) |
trash_inventory_size | :: | ItemStackIndex (optional) |
Prototype/SpidertronRemote spidertron-remote extends Prototype/Item |
icon_color_indicator_masks, icon_color_indicator_mask, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
Prototype/Splitter splitter extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
structure | :: | Animation4Way |
structure_animation_movement_cooldown | :: | uint32 (optional) |
structure_animation_speed_coefficient | :: | double (optional) |
structure_patch | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
Prototype/Sprite sprite |
filename | :: | FileName |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
apply_runtime_tint | :: | bool (optional) |
blend_mode | :: | BlendMode (optional) |
draw_as_glow | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_as_light | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_as_shadow | :: | bool (optional) |
flags | :: | SpriteFlags (optional) |
generate_sdf | :: | bool (optional) |
height | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
hr_version | :: | Sprite (optional) |
layers | :: | table of Sprite (optional) |
load_in_minimal_mode | :: | bool (optional) |
mipmap_count | :: | uint8 (optional) |
position | :: | table of SpriteSizeType (optional) |
premul_alpha | :: | bool (optional) |
priority | :: | SpritePriority (optional) |
scale | :: | double (optional) |
shift | :: | vector (optional) |
size | :: | SpriteSizeType or table of SpriteSizeType (optional) |
slice or dice | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
slice_x or dice_x | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
slice_y or dice_y | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
tint | :: | Color (optional) |
width | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
x | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
y | :: | SpriteSizeType (optional) |
Prototype/Sticker sticker extends Prototype/Entity |
duration_in_ticks | :: | uint32 |
animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
damage_interval | :: | uint32 (optional) |
damage_per_tick | :: | DamagePrototype (optional) |
fire_spread_cooldown | :: | uint8 (optional) |
fire_spread_radius | :: | float (optional) |
force_visibility | :: | ForceCondition (optional) |
selection_box_type | :: | CursorBoxType (optional) |
single_particle | :: | bool (optional) |
spread_fire_entity | :: | string (optional) |
stickers_per_square_meter | :: | float (optional) |
target_movement_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
target_movement_modifier_from | :: | float (optional) |
target_movement_modifier_to | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_friction_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_friction_modifier_from | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_friction_modifier_to | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_speed_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_speed_modifier_from | :: | float (optional) |
vehicle_speed_modifier_to | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/StorageTank storage-tank extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
flow_length_in_ticks | :: | uint32 |
fluid_box | :: | FluidBox |
pictures | :: | table |
window_bounding_box | :: | BoundingBox |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
scale_info_icons | :: | bool (optional) |
two_direction_only | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/StraightRail straight-rail extends Prototype/Rail |
bending_type | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/Technology technology extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
unit | :: | table |
effects | :: | table of Types/ModifierPrototype (optional) |
enabled | :: | bool (optional) |
expensive | :: | Technology data or bool (optional) |
hidden | :: | bool (optional) |
ignore_tech_cost_multiplier | :: | bool (optional) |
max_level | :: | uint32 or string (optional) |
normal | :: | Technology data or bool (optional) |
prerequisites | :: | table of string (optional) |
upgrade | :: | bool (optional) |
visible_when_disabled | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Tile tile extends PrototypeBase |
collision_mask | :: | CollisionMask |
layer | :: | uint8 |
map_color | :: | Color |
pollution_absorption_per_second | :: | double |
variants | :: | TileTransitions |
allowed_neighbors | :: | table of string (optional) |
autoplace | :: | AutoplaceSpecification (optional) |
build_sound | :: | table (optional) |
can_be_part_of_blueprint | :: | bool (optional) |
check_collision_with_entities | :: | bool (optional) |
decorative_removal_probability | :: | float (optional) |
draw_in_water_layer | :: | bool (optional) |
effect | :: | string (optional) |
effect_color | :: | Color (optional) |
effect_color_secondary | :: | Color (optional) |
effect_is_opaque | :: | bool (optional) |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification (optional) |
layer_group | :: | string (optional) |
minable | :: | MinableProperties (optional) |
mined_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
needs_correction | :: | bool (optional) |
next_direction | :: | string (optional) |
placeable_by | :: | ItemToPlace or table of ItemToPlace (optional) |
scorch_mark_color | :: | Color (optional) |
tint | :: | Color (optional) |
transition_merges_with_tile | :: | string (optional) |
transition_overlay_layer_offset | :: | uint8 (optional) |
transitions | :: | table of TileTransitions (optional) |
transitions_between_transitions | :: | table of TileTransitions (optional) |
trigger_effect | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
vehicle_friction_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
walking_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
walking_speed_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/TileEffect tile-effect |
animation_scale | :: | float or array of two float |
animation_speed | :: | float |
dark_threshold | :: | float or array of two float |
foam_color | :: | Color |
foam_color_multiplier | :: | float |
name | :: | string |
reflection_threshold | :: | float or array of two float |
specular_lightness | :: | Color |
specular_threshold | :: | float or array of two float |
texture | :: | Sprite |
tick_scale | :: | float |
type | :: | string |
far_zoom | :: | float (optional) |
near_zoom | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/TileGhost tile-ghost extends Prototype/Entity |
No new properties |
Prototype/TipsAndTricksItem tips-and-tricks-item extends PrototypeBase |
category | :: | string (optional) |
dependencies | :: | array of string (optional) |
image | :: | FileName (optional) |
indent | :: | uint8 (optional) |
is_title | :: | bool (optional) |
player_input_method_filter | :: | string (optional) |
simulation | :: | SimulationDefinition (optional) |
skip_trigger | :: | TipTrigger (optional) |
starting_status | :: | TipStatus (optional) |
tag | :: | string (optional) |
trigger | :: | TipTrigger (optional) |
tutorial | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/TipsAndTricksItemCategory tips-and-tricks-item-category |
name | :: | string |
order | :: | Order |
type | :: | string |
Prototype/Tool tool extends Prototype/Item |
durability | :: | double (optional) |
durability_description_key | :: | string (optional) |
durability_description_value | :: | string (optional) |
infinite | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/TrainPathAchievement train-path-achievement extends Prototype/Achievement |
minimum_distance | :: | double |
Prototype/TrainStop train-stop extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
animation_ticks_per_frame | :: | uint32 |
animations | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
chart_name | :: | bool (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | table of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_points | :: | table of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
color | :: | Color (optional) |
default_train_stopped_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_trains_count_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
default_trains_limit_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
drawing_boxes | :: | table (optional) |
light1 | :: | table (optional) |
light2 | :: | table (optional) |
rail_overlay_animations | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
top_animations | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
Prototype/TransportBelt transport-belt extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
connector_frame_sprites | :: | TransportBeltConnectorFrame |
animations | :: | RotatedAnimation (optional) |
belt_animation_set | :: | table (optional) |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | Array of CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | Array of WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
related_underground_belt | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
speed | :: | double |
animation_speed_coefficient | :: | double (optional) |
belt_animation_set | :: | table (optional) |
belt_horizontal | :: | Animation (optional) |
belt_vertical | :: | Animation (optional) |
ending_bottom | :: | Animation (optional) |
ending_patch | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
ending_side | :: | Animation (optional) |
ending_top | :: | Animation (optional) |
ends_with_stopper | :: | bool (optional) |
starting_bottom | :: | Animation (optional) |
starting_side | :: | Animation (optional) |
starting_top | :: | Animation (optional) |
Prototype/Tree tree extends Prototype/EntityWithHealth |
colors | :: | table of Color (optional) |
darkness_of_burnt_tree | :: | float (optional) |
pictures | :: | SpriteVariations (optional) |
variation_weights | :: | table of double (optional) |
variations | :: | table of TreePrototypeVariation (optional) |
Prototype/TriggerTargetType trigger-target-type |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
Prototype/TrivialSmoke trivial-smoke extends PrototypeBase |
animation | :: | Animation |
duration | :: | uint32 |
affected_by_wind | :: | bool (optional) |
color | :: | Color (optional) |
cyclic | :: | bool (optional) |
end_scale | :: | double (optional) |
fade_away_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
fade_in_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
glow_animation | :: | Animation (optional) |
glow_fade_away_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
movement_slow_down_factor | :: | double (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
show_when_smoke_off | :: | bool (optional) |
spread_duration | :: | uint32 (optional) |
start_scale | :: | double (optional) |
Prototype/Turret turret extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
attack_parameters | :: | AttackParameters |
call_for_help_radius | :: | double |
folded_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way |
alert_when_attacking | :: | bool (optional) |
allow_turning_when_starting_attack | :: | bool (optional) |
attack_from_start_frame | :: | bool (optional) |
attack_target_mask | :: | TriggerTargetMask (optional) |
attacking_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
attacking_speed | :: | float (optional) |
base_picture | :: | Animation4Way (optional) |
base_picture_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
base_picture_secondary_draw_order | :: | uint8 (optional) |
corpse | :: | string (optional) |
dying_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
ending_attack_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
ending_attack_speed | :: | float (optional) |
energy_glow_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
energy_glow_animation_flicker_strength | :: | float (optional) |
folded_speed | :: | float (optional) |
folded_speed_secondary | :: | float (optional) |
folding_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
folding_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
folding_speed | :: | float (optional) |
glow_light_intensity | :: | float (optional) |
gun_animation_render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
gun_animation_secondary_draw_order | :: | uint8 (optional) |
ignore_target_mask | :: | TriggerTargetMask (optional) |
integration | :: | Sprite (optional) |
prepare_range | :: | double (optional) |
prepared_alternative_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
prepared_alternative_chance | :: | float (optional) |
prepared_alternative_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
prepared_alternative_speed | :: | float (optional) |
prepared_alternative_speed_secondary | :: | float (optional) |
prepared_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
prepared_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
prepared_speed | :: | float (optional) |
prepared_speed_secondary | :: | float (optional) |
preparing_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
preparing_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
preparing_speed | :: | float (optional) |
random_animation_offset | :: | bool (optional) |
rotation_speed | :: | float (optional) |
secondary_animation | :: | bool (optional) |
shoot_in_prepare_state | :: | bool (optional) |
spawn_decoration | :: | CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem or table of CreateDecorativesTriggerEffectItem (optional) |
spawn_decorations_on_expansion | :: | bool (optional) |
starting_attack_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation4Way (optional) |
starting_attack_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
starting_attack_speed | :: | float (optional) |
turret_base_has_direction | :: | bool (optional) |
Prototype/Tutorial tutorial extends PrototypeBase |
scenario | :: | string |
Prototype/UndergroundBelt underground-belt extends Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable |
max_distance | :: | uint8 |
structure | :: | table |
underground_sprite | :: | Sprite |
underground_remove_belts_sprite | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/Unit unit extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
attack_parameters | :: | AttackParameters |
distance_per_frame | :: | float |
distraction_cooldown | :: | uint32 |
movement_speed | :: | float |
pollution_to_join_attack | :: | float |
run_animation | :: | RotatedAnimation |
vision_distance | :: | double |
affected_by_tiles | :: | bool (optional) |
ai_settings | :: | UnitAISettings (optional) |
alternative_attacking_frame_sequence | :: | table (optional) |
can_open_gates | :: | bool (optional) |
dying_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
has_belt_immunity | :: | bool (optional) |
light | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
max_pursue_distance | :: | double (optional) |
min_pursue_time | :: | uint32 (optional) |
move_while_shooting | :: | bool (optional) |
radar_range | :: | uint32 (optional) |
render_layer | :: | RenderLayer (optional) |
rotation_speed | :: | float (optional) |
running_sound_animation_positions | :: | table (array) of float (optional) |
spawning_time_modifier | :: | double (optional) |
walking_sound | :: | Sound (optional) |
Prototype/UpgradeItem upgrade-item extends Prototype/SelectionTool |
mapper_count | :: | ItemStackIndex (optional) |
Prototype/UtilityConstants utility-constants extends PrototypeBase |
artillery_range_visualization_color | :: | Color |
bonus_gui_ordering | :: | table |
building_buildable_tint | :: | Color |
building_buildable_too_far_tint | :: | Color |
building_ignorable_tint | :: | Color |
building_no_tint | :: | Color |
building_not_buildable_tint | :: | Color |
capsule_range_visualization_color | :: | Color |
chart | :: | table |
checkerboard_black | :: | Color |
checkerboard_white | :: | Color |
clipboard_history_size | :: | uint32 |
color_filters | :: | table (array) of tables |
count_button_size | :: | int |
daytime_color_lookup | :: | DaytimeColorLookupTable |
deconstruct_mark_tint | :: | Color |
default_alert_icon_scale | :: | float |
default_enemy_force_color | :: | Color |
default_other_force_color | :: | Color |
default_player_force_color | :: | Color |
default_scorch_mark_color | :: | Color |
disabled_recipe_slot_background_tint | :: | Color |
disabled_recipe_slot_tint | :: | Color |
dynamic_recipe_overload_factor | :: | double |
enabled_recipe_slot_tint | :: | Color |
entity_button_background_color | :: | Color |
entity_renderer_search_box_limits | :: | table |
equipment_default_background_border_color | :: | Color |
equipment_default_background_color | :: | Color |
equipment_default_grabbed_background_color | :: | Color |
filter_outline_color | :: | Color |
flying_text_ttl | :: | uint32 |
forced_enabled_recipe_slot_background_tint | :: | Color |
ghost_tint | :: | Color |
gui_remark_color | :: | Color |
icon_shadow_color | :: | Color |
icon_shadow_inset | :: | float |
icon_shadow_radius | :: | float |
icon_shadow_sharpness | :: | float |
inventory_width | :: | uint32 |
item_outline_color | :: | Color |
item_outline_inset | :: | float |
item_outline_radius | :: | float |
item_outline_sharpness | :: | float |
light_renderer_search_distance_limit | :: | uint8 |
main_menu_background_image_location | :: | FileName |
main_menu_background_vignette_intensity | :: | float |
main_menu_background_vignette_sharpness | :: | float |
main_menu_simulations | :: | table of string to SimulationDefinition |
manual_rail_building_reach_modifier | :: | double |
map_editor | :: | table |
max_terrain_building_size | :: | uint8 |
maximum_recipe_overload_multiplier | :: | uint32 |
medium_area_size | :: | float |
medium_blueprint_area_size | :: | float |
minimum_recipe_overload_multiplier | :: | uint32 |
missing_preview_sprite_location | :: | FileName |
module_inventory_width | :: | uint32 |
normalised_achievement_icon_size | :: | uint32 |
player_colors | :: | table (array) of tables |
rail_planner_count_button_color | :: | Color |
rail_segment_colors | :: | table (array) of Color |
recipe_step_limit | :: | uint32 |
script_command_console_chat_color | :: | Color |
select_group_row_count | :: | uint32 |
select_slot_row_count | :: | uint32 |
server_command_console_chat_color | :: | Color |
small_area_size | :: | float |
small_blueprint_area_size | :: | float |
tile_ghost_tint | :: | Color |
tooltip_monitor_edge_border | :: | int32 |
train_button_hovered_tint | :: | Color |
train_destination_full_color | :: | Color |
train_inactivity_wait_condition_default | :: | uint32 |
train_no_path_color | :: | Color |
train_path_finding | :: | table |
train_temporary_stop_wait_time | :: | uint32 |
train_time_wait_condition_default | :: | uint32 |
tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_far | :: | vector |
tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_near | :: | vector |
tree_leaf_distortion_speed_far | :: | vector |
tree_leaf_distortion_speed_near | :: | vector |
tree_leaf_distortion_strength_far | :: | vector |
tree_leaf_distortion_strength_near | :: | vector |
tree_shadow_roughness | :: | float |
tree_shadow_speed | :: | float |
turret_range_visualization_color | :: | Color |
tutorial_notice_icon_size | :: | uint32 |
unit_group_max_pursue_distance | :: | double |
unit_group_pathfind_resolution | :: | int8 |
zoom_to_world_can_use_nightvision | :: | bool |
zoom_to_world_daytime_color_lookup | :: | DaytimeColorLookupTable |
zoom_to_world_effect_strength | :: | float |
default_alert_icon_scale_by_type | :: | table of string to float (optional) |
default_alert_icon_shift_by_type | :: | table of string to vector (optional) |
default_trigger_target_mask_by_type | :: | table of string to TriggerTargetMask (optional) |
Prototype/UtilitySounds utility-sounds extends PrototypeBase |
achievement_unlocked | :: | Sound |
alert_destroyed | :: | Sound |
armor_insert | :: | Sound |
armor_remove | :: | Sound |
axe_fighting | :: | Sound |
axe_mining_ore | :: | Sound |
blueprint_selection_ended | :: | Sound |
blueprint_selection_started | :: | Sound |
build_blueprint_large | :: | Sound |
build_blueprint_medium | :: | Sound |
build_blueprint_small | :: | Sound |
build_large | :: | Sound |
build_medium | :: | Sound |
build_small | :: | Sound |
cancel_deconstruction_selection_ended | :: | Sound |
cancel_deconstruction_selection_started | :: | Sound |
cannot_build | :: | Sound |
clear_cursor | :: | Sound |
confirm | :: | Sound |
console_message | :: | Sound |
copy_activated | :: | Sound |
crafting_finished | :: | Sound |
cut_activated | :: | Sound |
deconstruct_big | :: | Sound |
deconstruct_medium | :: | Sound |
deconstruct_robot | :: | Sound |
deconstruct_small | :: | Sound |
deconstruction_selection_ended | :: | Sound |
deconstruction_selection_started | :: | Sound |
default_manual_repair | :: | Sound |
drop_item | :: | Sound |
entity_settings_copied | :: | Sound |
entity_settings_pasted | :: | Sound |
game_lost | :: | Sound |
game_won | :: | Sound |
gui_click | :: | Sound |
inventory_click | :: | Sound |
inventory_move | :: | Sound |
item_deleted | :: | Sound |
item_spawned | :: | Sound |
list_box_click | :: | Sound |
metal_walking_sound | :: | Sound |
mining_wood | :: | Sound |
new_objective | :: | Sound |
paste_activated | :: | Sound |
picked_up_item | :: | Sound |
rail_plan_start | :: | Sound |
research_completed | :: | Sound |
rotated_big | :: | Sound |
rotated_medium | :: | Sound |
rotated_small | :: | Sound |
scenario_message | :: | Sound |
smart_pipette | :: | Sound |
switch_gun | :: | Sound |
tutorial_notice | :: | Sound |
undo | :: | Sound |
upgrade_selection_ended | :: | Sound |
upgrade_selection_started | :: | Sound |
wire_connect_pole | :: | Sound |
wire_disconnect | :: | Sound |
wire_pickup | :: | Sound |
Prototype/UtilitySprites utility-sprites extends PrototypeBase |
achievement_label_failed | :: | Sprite |
achievement_label_locked | :: | Sprite |
achievement_label_unlocked | :: | Sprite |
achievement_label_unlocked_off | :: | Sprite |
add | :: | Sprite |
alert_arrow | :: | Sprite |
ammo_damage_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
ammo_icon | :: | Sprite |
and_or | :: | Sprite |
area_icon | :: | Sprite |
arrow_button | :: | Animation |
artillery_range_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
bar_gray_pip | :: | Sprite |
battery | :: | Sprite |
bookmark | :: | Sprite |
brush_circle_shape | :: | Sprite |
brush_icon | :: | Sprite |
brush_square_shape | :: | Sprite |
cable_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
center | :: | Sprite |
change_recipe | :: | Sprite |
character_additional_mining_categories_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_build_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_crafting_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_health_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_inventory_slots_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_item_drop_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_item_pickup_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_logistic_requests_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_logistic_slots_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_logistic_trash_slots_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_loot_pickup_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_mining_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_reach_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_resource_reach_distance_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
character_running_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
check_mark | :: | Sprite |
check_mark_dark_green | :: | Sprite |
check_mark_green | :: | Sprite |
check_mark_white | :: | Sprite |
circuit_network_panel_black | :: | Sprite |
circuit_network_panel_white | :: | Sprite |
cliff_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
clock | :: | Sprite |
clone | :: | Sprite |
clone_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
close_black | :: | Sprite |
close_fat | :: | Sprite |
close_map_preview | :: | Sprite |
close_white | :: | Sprite |
clouds | :: | Animation |
collapse | :: | Sprite |
collapse_dark | :: | Sprite |
color_effect | :: | Sprite |
color_picker | :: | Sprite |
confirm_slot | :: | Sprite |
construction_radius_visualization | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_paddle1 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_paddle2 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_paddle3 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_paddle4 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_black_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_paddle1 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_paddle2 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_paddle3 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_paddle4 | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_joycon_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_black_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_ps_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_paddle1 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_paddle2 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_paddle3 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_paddle4 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_black_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_paddle1 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_paddle2 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_paddle3 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_paddle4 | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_steamdeck_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_a | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_b | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_back | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_black_y | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_dpdown | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_dpleft | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_dpright | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_dpup | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_left_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_leftshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_leftstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_lefttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_right_stick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_rightshoulder | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_rightstick | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_righttrigger | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_start | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_x | :: | Sprite |
controller_xbox_y | :: | Sprite |
copper_wire | :: | Sprite |
copy | :: | Sprite |
covered_chunk | :: | Sprite |
crafting_machine_recipe_not_unlocked | :: | Sprite |
cross_select | :: | Sprite |
cursor_box | :: | table |
cursor_icon | :: | Sprite |
custom_tag_icon | :: | Sprite |
custom_tag_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
danger_icon | :: | Sprite |
deconstruction_mark | :: | Sprite |
deconstruction_time_to_live_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
decorative_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
default_ammo_damage_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
default_gun_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
default_turret_attack_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
destroyed_icon | :: | Sprite |
down_arrow | :: | Sprite |
downloaded | :: | Sprite |
downloaded_white | :: | Sprite |
downloading | :: | Sprite |
downloading_white | :: | Sprite |
dropdown | :: | Sprite |
editor_pause | :: | Sprite |
editor_play | :: | Sprite |
editor_selection | :: | Sprite |
editor_speed_down | :: | Sprite |
editor_speed_up | :: | Sprite |
electricity_icon | :: | Sprite |
electricity_icon_unplugged | :: | Sprite |
enemy_force_icon | :: | Sprite |
enter | :: | Sprite |
entity_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
entity_info_dark_background | :: | Sprite |
equipment_collision | :: | Sprite |
equipment_grid | :: | Sprite |
equipment_slot | :: | Sprite |
expand | :: | Sprite |
expand_dark | :: | Sprite |
expand_dots | :: | Sprite |
expand_dots_white | :: | Sprite |
explosion_chart_visualization | :: | Animation |
export | :: | Sprite |
export_slot | :: | Sprite |
favourite_server_icon | :: | Sprite |
fluid_icon | :: | Sprite |
fluid_indication_arrow | :: | Sprite |
fluid_indication_arrow_both_ways | :: | Sprite |
follower_robot_lifetime_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
force_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
fuel_icon | :: | Sprite |
game_stopped_visualization | :: | Sprite |
ghost_bar_pip | :: | Sprite |
ghost_cursor | :: | Sprite |
ghost_time_to_live_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
give_item_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
go_to_arrow | :: | Sprite |
gps_map_icon | :: | Sprite |
gradient | :: | Sprite |
green_circle | :: | Sprite |
green_dot | :: | Sprite |
green_wire | :: | Sprite |
green_wire_hightlight | :: | Sprite |
grey_placement_indicator_leg | :: | Sprite |
grey_rail_signal_placement_indicator | :: | Sprite |
grid_view | :: | Sprite |
gun_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
hand | :: | Sprite |
hand_black | :: | Sprite |
health_bar_green_pip | :: | Sprite |
health_bar_red_pip | :: | Sprite |
health_bar_yellow_pip | :: | Sprite |
heat_exchange_indication | :: | Sprite |
hint_arrow_down | :: | Sprite |
hint_arrow_left | :: | Sprite |
hint_arrow_right | :: | Sprite |
hint_arrow_up | :: | Sprite |
import | :: | Sprite |
import_slot | :: | Sprite |
indication_arrow | :: | Sprite |
indication_line | :: | Sprite |
inserter_stack_size_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
item_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
laboratory_productivity_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
laboratory_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
left_arrow | :: | Sprite |
light_cone | :: | Sprite |
light_medium | :: | Sprite |
light_small | :: | Sprite |
line_icon | :: | Sprite |
list_view | :: | Sprite |
logistic_network_panel_black | :: | Sprite |
logistic_network_panel_white | :: | Sprite |
logistic_radius_visualization | :: | Sprite |
lua_snippet_tool_icon | :: | Sprite |
map | :: | Sprite |
map_exchange_string | :: | Sprite |
max_failed_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
max_successful_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
maximum_following_robots_count_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
medium_gui_arrow | :: | Sprite |
mining_drill_productivity_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
missing_icon | :: | Sprite |
missing_mod_icon | :: | Sprite |
mod_dependency_arrow | :: | Sprite |
mouse_cursor | :: | Sprite |
multiplayer_waiting_icon | :: | Sprite |
nature_icon | :: | Sprite |
neutral_force_icon | :: | Sprite |
no_building_material_icon | :: | Sprite |
no_nature_icon | :: | Sprite |
no_storage_space_icon | :: | Sprite |
none_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
not_available | :: | Sprite |
not_enough_construction_robots_icon | :: | Sprite |
not_enough_repair_packs_icon | :: | Sprite |
not_played_yet_dark_green | :: | Sprite |
not_played_yet_green | :: | Sprite |
nothing_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
notification | :: | Sprite |
output_console_gradient | :: | Sprite |
paint_bucket_icon | :: | Sprite |
pause | :: | Sprite |
placement_indicator_leg | :: | Sprite |
play | :: | Sprite |
played_dark_green | :: | Sprite |
played_green | :: | Sprite |
player_force_icon | :: | Sprite |
preset | :: | Sprite |
pump_cannot_connect_icon | :: | Sprite |
questionmark | :: | Sprite |
rail_path_not_possible | :: | Sprite |
rail_planner_indication_arrow | :: | Sprite |
rail_planner_indication_arrow_too_far | :: | Sprite |
rail_signal_placement_indicator | :: | Sprite |
reassign | :: | Sprite |
recharge_icon | :: | Sprite |
red_wire | :: | Sprite |
red_wire_hightlight | :: | Sprite |
reference_point | :: | Sprite |
refresh | :: | Sprite |
refresh_white | :: | Animation |
rename_icon_normal | :: | Sprite |
rename_icon_small_black | :: | Sprite |
rename_icon_small_white | :: | Sprite |
reset | :: | Sprite |
reset_white | :: | Sprite |
resource_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
right_arrow | :: | Sprite |
robot_slot | :: | Sprite |
scripting_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
search_black | :: | Sprite |
search_icon | :: | Sprite |
search_white | :: | Sprite |
select_icon_black | :: | Sprite |
select_icon_white | :: | Sprite |
set_bar_slot | :: | Sprite |
shield_bar_pip | :: | Sprite |
shoot_cursor_green | :: | Sprite |
shoot_cursor_red | :: | Sprite |
short_indication_line | :: | Sprite |
short_indication_line_green | :: | Sprite |
show_electric_network_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_electric_network_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_logistics_network_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_logistics_network_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_player_names_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_player_names_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_pollution_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_pollution_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_rail_signal_states_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_rail_signal_states_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_recipe_icons_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_recipe_icons_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_tags_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_tags_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_train_station_names_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_train_station_names_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_turret_range_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_turret_range_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
show_worker_robots_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
show_worker_robots_in_map_view_black | :: | Sprite |
shuffle | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_achievements_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_achievements_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_blueprint_library_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_blueprint_library_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_bonus_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_bonus_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_logistic_network_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_map_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_map_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_menu_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_menu_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_production_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_production_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_technology_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_train_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_train_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_tutorials_hover_icon | :: | Sprite |
side_menu_tutorials_icon | :: | Sprite |
slot | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_ammo | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_ammo_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_armor | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_armor_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_fuel | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_fuel_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_gun | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_gun_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_inserter_hand | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_inserter_hand_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_module | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_module_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_resource | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_resource_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_result | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_result_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_robot | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_robot_black | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_robot_material | :: | Sprite |
slot_icon_robot_material_black | :: | Sprite |
small_gui_arrow | :: | Sprite |
spawn_flag | :: | Sprite |
speed_down | :: | Sprite |
speed_up | :: | Sprite |
spray_icon | :: | Sprite |
stack_inserter_capacity_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
station_name | :: | Sprite |
status_not_working | :: | Sprite |
status_working | :: | Sprite |
status_yellow | :: | Sprite |
stop | :: | Sprite |
surface_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
sync_mods | :: | Sprite |
technology_black | :: | Sprite |
technology_white | :: | Sprite |
tick_custom | :: | Sprite |
tick_once | :: | Sprite |
tick_sixty | :: | Sprite |
tile_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
tile_ghost_cursor | :: | Sprite |
time_editor_icon | :: | Sprite |
too_far | :: | Sprite |
too_far_from_roboport_icon | :: | Sprite |
track_button | :: | Sprite |
train_braking_force_bonus_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
train_stop_disabled_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
train_stop_full_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
train_stop_in_map_view | :: | Sprite |
train_stop_placement_indicator | :: | Sprite |
trash | :: | Sprite |
trash_white | :: | Sprite |
turret_attack_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
underground_pipe_connection | :: | Sprite |
underground_remove_belts | :: | Sprite |
underground_remove_pipes | :: | Sprite |
unlock_recipe_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
upgrade_blueprint | :: | Sprite |
upgrade_mark | :: | Sprite |
variations_tool_icon | :: | Sprite |
warning | :: | Sprite |
warning_icon | :: | Sprite |
warning_white | :: | Sprite |
white_mask | :: | Sprite |
white_square | :: | Sprite |
wire_shadow | :: | Sprite |
worker_robot_battery_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
worker_robot_speed_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
worker_robot_storage_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_blueprint_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_deconstruction_planner_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_ghost_building_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_selection_tool_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
zoom_to_world_upgrade_planner_enabled_modifier_icon | :: | Sprite |
ammo_damage_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
artillery_range_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_additional_mining_categories_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_build_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_crafting_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_health_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_inventory_slots_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_item_drop_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_item_pickup_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_logistic_requests_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_logistic_slots_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_logistic_trash_slots_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_loot_pickup_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_mining_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_reach_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_resource_reach_distance_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
character_running_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
deconstruction_time_to_live_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
follower_robot_lifetime_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
ghost_time_to_live_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
give_item_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
gun_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
inserter_stack_size_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
laboratory_productivity_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
laboratory_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
max_failed_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
max_successful_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
maximum_following_robots_count_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
mining_drill_productivity_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
nothing_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
stack_inserter_capacity_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
train_braking_force_bonus_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
turret_attack_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
unlock_recipe_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
worker_robot_battery_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
worker_robot_speed_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
worker_robot_storage_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_blueprint_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_deconstruction_planner_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_ghost_building_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_selection_tool_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
zoom_to_world_upgrade_planner_enabled_modifier_constant | :: | Sprite (optional) |
Prototype/Vehicle abstract extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
braking_power or braking_force | :: | Energy or double |
energy_per_hit_point | :: | double |
friction or friction_force | :: | double |
weight | :: | double |
allow_passengers | :: | bool (optional) |
crash_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
equipment_grid | :: | string (optional) |
minimap_representation | :: | Sprite (optional) |
selected_minimap_representation | :: | Sprite (optional) |
sound_minimum_speed | :: | double (optional) |
sound_scaling_ratio | :: | double (optional) |
stop_trigger | :: | TriggerEffect (optional) |
stop_trigger_speed | :: | double (optional) |
terrain_friction_modifier | :: | float (optional) |
Prototype/VirtualSignal virtual-signal extends PrototypeBase |
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification) | :: | IconSpecification |
subgroup | :: | string (optional) |
Prototype/Wall wall extends Prototype/EntityWithOwner |
pictures | :: | table |
circuit_connector_sprites | :: | CircuitConnectorSprites (optional) |
circuit_wire_connection_point | :: | WireConnectionPoint (optional) |
circuit_wire_max_distance | :: | double (optional) |
connected_gate_visualization | :: | Sprite (optional) |
default_output_signal | :: | SignalIDConnector (optional) |
draw_circuit_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
draw_copper_wires | :: | bool (optional) |
visual_merge_group | :: | uint32 (optional) |
wall_diode_green | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
wall_diode_green_light_bottom | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_green_light_left | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_green_light_right | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_green_light_top | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_red | :: | Sprite4Way (optional) |
wall_diode_red_light_bottom | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_red_light_left | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_red_light_right | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
wall_diode_red_light_top | :: | LightDefinition (optional) |
Prototype/WindSound wind-sound |
name | :: | string |
sound | :: | Sound |
type | :: | string |
PrototypeBase abstract |
name | :: | string |
type | :: | string |
localised_description | :: | LocalisedString (optional) |
localised_name | :: | LocalisedString (optional) |
order | :: | Order (optional) |