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<span class="tab-head tab-head-1 tab-head-active" title="{{Translation|Logistics}}">[[File:Logistics (research).png|link=]]</span><span class="tab-head tab-head-2" title="{{Translation|Production}}">[[File:Item-group production.png|link=]]</span><span class="tab-head tab-head-3" title="{{Translation|Intermediate products}}">[[File:Item-group intermediate products.png|link=]]</span><span class="tab-head tab-head-4" title="{{Translation|Combat}}">[[File:Item-group military.png|link=]]</span>
<div class="tab-header"><div class="tab-head tab-head-1 tab-head-active" data-name="{{Translation|Logistics}}">[[File:Logistics (research).png|link=]]</div><div class="tab-head tab-head-2" data-name="{{Translation|Production}}">[[File:Item-group production.png|link=]]</div><div class="tab-head tab-head-3" data-name="{{Translation|Intermediate products}}">[[File:Item-group intermediate products.png|link=]]</div><div class="tab-head tab-head-4" data-name="{{Translation|Combat}}">[[File:Item-group military.png|link=]]</div></div>

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Revision as of 22:34, 18 March 2018

Wooden chest
Iron chest
Steel chest
Storage tank
Transport belt
Fast transport belt
Express transport belt
Underground belt
Fast underground belt
Express underground belt
Fast splitter
Express splitter
Burner inserter
Long handed inserter
Fast inserter
Filter inserter
Stack inserter
Stack filter inserter
Small electric pole
Medium electric pole
Big electric pole
Pipe to ground
Train stop
Rail signal
Rail chain signal
Cargo wagon
Fluid wagon
Artillery wagon
Logistic robot
Construction robot
Active provider chest
Passive provider chest
Storage chest
Buffer chest
Requester chest
Red wire
Green wire
Arithmetic combinator
Decider combinator
Constant combinator
Power switch
Programmable speaker
Stone brick
Hazard concrete
Refined concrete
Refined hazard concrete
Cliff explosives

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Doing such a thing will break the icon and missalign it within the template!

This templates uses a trimmed down version of the Icon template included directly in the template to reduce processing (and thus also loading) times. This means that there is no placeholder icon for when a file this template points to doesn't exist, so the aligning breaks.
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