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Red wire

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Red wire

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Red wire is an abstract item used to connect devices to a red circuit network. It can be created by using the hotkey ALT + R or clicking its button in the shortcut bar.

To form connections, entities capable of using a circuit network can be left clicked while holding the wire. This also works on electric poles, so they can be used to connect the wire over longer distances. When the blueprint is filled out by construction robots or by hand, any wire included in the blueprint is automatically placed.

To remove connections, hold the red wire in-hand, then click the two entities you would like to remove the connection from.
To remove all wire connections from a power pole (including copper wire), shift click the affected pole.


  • 0.13.5:
    • When connecting circuit wires, the wire will re-anchor to the last entity clicked.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Connected Red/Green wires are highlighted when hovering over a combinator or entity connected to the circuit network.

See also