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Materials and recipes: Difference between revisions

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Dyf123 (talk | contribs)
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Vitduo (talk | contribs)
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| {{imagelink|deconstruction-planner|Deconstruction planner}} || A tool to deconstruct buildings.
| {{imagelink|deconstruction-planner|Deconstruction planner}} || A tool to deconstruct buildings.
|{{imagelink|solid-fuel|Solid fuel/zh|Soild fuel}} || for [[Fuel]]
|{{imagelink|solid-fuel|Solid fuel}} || for [[Fuel]]

Revision as of 11:03, 5 November 2014


Can be found on the planet and provide raw materials when mined.

Item Where to get
Raw wood Tree
Coal resource
Iron ore Iron resource
Copper ore Copper resource
Stone resource
Raw fish Fish
Alien artifact
Remnants of Alien spawners.
Pumped from Lakes
Crude Oil Extracted from Oil Fields by Pumpjacks.

Intermediate products

Are produced by Player or Machines and have no direct usage and cannot be placed, but they are crucial for other recipes.

Item Description
Created from Raw wood
Iron plate Smelted from Iron ore in a Furnace.
Copper plate Smelted from Copper ore in a Furnace.
Steel bar Smelted from Iron plate in a Furnace.
Stone brick Baked from Stone in a Furnace.
Created from Water and Petroleum Gas in a Chemical plant.
Plastic bar Created from Coal and Petroleum Gas in a Chemical plant.
Created from Iron plate, Copper plate and Sulfuric Acid in a Chemical plant.
Iron stick Common intermediate product
Iron gear wheel Common intermediate product
Copper cable Used for creation of circuits and wires.
Electronic circuit Used for creation of electrical devices
Advanced circuit Used for advanced electrical devices
Processing Unit Used for even more advanced electrical devices.
Engine unit Used for a Diesel locomotive, Car, and for making Electric engine units.
Electric engine unit Used for Power armor, Robots and Small Pump.
Flying robot frame Used for creation of Logistic robot and Construction robot.
Science pack 1 Used for research
Science pack 2 Used for research
Science pack 3 Used for research
Alien science pack
Used for research
Empty barrel Used to storage and transport Crude Oil.
Mainly used for explosive weaponry.


Petroleum Gas Converted from Crude Oil. Used to create various items.
Light Oil Converted from Crude Oil. Used to create various items. Can be converted into Petroleum Gas.
Heavy Oil Converted from Crude Oil. Can be converted to Light Oil and Lubricant.
Sulfuric Acid Converted from Sulfur and Water. Can be used to create various items.
Converted from Heavy Oil. Used mainly to create Express transport belts and Engines.


Goods which can be used by Player or be placed on planet.

Player equipment


Tools are used to increase the mining speed of your character. Whenever you mine resources or items the speed is dependent on your current tool. Iron Axes are your basic tool, after research of Steel Processing the even better Steel Axe gets available.

Item Speed Damage Durability Stack Size Description
None infinite 0 Values used if no tool is used. Very slow.
Iron axe 2.5 5 physical 4000 32 Basic mining tool. Cheap and providing good speed and durability.
Steel axe 4 8 physical 5000 32 Advanced mining tool. Fast but expensive.


Weapons are used to inflict damage to alien lifeforms and buildings. As tools only provide Damage at close range, weapons should be used in any case. All weapons will consume ammo when fired. For some weapons multiple ammo types are usable, they differ in cost and inflicted damage.

Item Ammo Description
Regular magazine Piercing rounds magazine Most basic weapon available from start.
Submachine gun Regular magazine Piercing rounds magazine Faster variant of Pistol.
Rocket launcher
Rocket Explosive rocket
Long range weapon, good for conquering bases.
Flamethrower Flamethrower ammo Splash damage dealer, best against crowds.
Land mine - Defense structure. Explodes on activation.
Shotgun shells Piercing shotgun shells A basic short range weapon.
Combat shotgun Shotgun shells Piercing shotgun shells An advanced short range weapon.
Basic grenade - Basic short range explosive weapon with some area of effect.
Defender capsule - Basic bullet capsule. Spawns one Defender robot.
Poison capsule - Causes poison damage in a large area.
Slowdown capsule - Capsule that slows enemy movement.
Distractor capsule - Capsule that spawns three stationary Distractor robots.
Destroyer capsule - Capsule that spawns five powerful Destroyer robots.
Basic electric discharge defense remote - Device for firing the Discharge defense device.
Cannon shell Can fire with Submachine gun or tank cannon,and has storage space.


Item Description
Regular magazine Most basic bullet type, available from start.
Piercing rounds magazine Intermediate bullet type, much more expensive but more powerful.
Shotgun shells Ammo for shotguns.
Piercing shotgun shells Advanced ammo for shotguns.
Ammo for Rocket launcher
Explosive rocket Ammo for Rocket launcher with splash damage
Flamethrower ammo Ammo for Flamethrower
Cannon shell Ammo for Tank Cannon


Iron armor|- Heavy armor|- Basic modular armor |- Power armor |- Power armor MK2 |-

Modular armor

Item Description
Night vision Providing better sight at night.
Battery MK1 Basic energy storage for Modular armor.
Battery MK2 Advanced energy storage for Modular armor.
Energy shield Basic personal protective shield.
Energy shield MK2 Advanced personal protective shield.
Portable solar panel Small power generating device for Modular armor.
Portable fusion reactor Advanced power generator for Modular armor.
Personal laser defense Powerful personal laser based defense.
Discharge defense A powerful defense system. Activated by Remote.
Basic exoskeleton equipment Enhances movement speed.


Modules are items used to enhance existing buildings' capabilities. They are expensive, require appropriate research and are produced slowly, but can eventually greatly improve the efficiency of a factory.

Efficiency module Efficiency module 2 Efficiency module 3|- Productivity module Productivity module 2 Productivity module 3 |- Speed module Speed module 2 Speed module 3 |-


Item Description
Can be driven around and has storage space.
Red wire Used in the Circuit network.
Green wire Used in the Circuit network.
Logistic robot Move items inside a Logistic network from chest to chest.
Construction robot Repairs or replaces entities.
The Roboport is the home for all Robots.
A tool to 'copy & paste' buildings.
Deconstruction planner A tool to deconstruct buildings.
Solid fuel for Fuel

Placeable items

Transport belts

Basic transport belt |- Basic underground belt |- Basic splitter |- Fast transport belt |- Fast underground belt |- Fast splitter |- Express transport belt |- Express underground belt |- Express splitter |-


Burner inserter |- Inserter |- Long handed inserter |- Fast inserter |-
Smart inserter |-


Item Storage size (Stacks) Features
Wooden chest 16 None
Iron chest 32 None
Steel chest 48 None
Smart chest
48 Sends signal to circuit network.
Active Provider chest 48 Provides its contents to the Logistic network.
Passive Provider chest 48 Provides its contents to the Logistic network.
Storage chest 48 Serves as buffer stock in the Logistic network.
Requester chest 48 Requests specified items from the Logistic network.

Defensive Structures

Wall |-
Gun turret |- Laser turret |- Rocket defense |-

Machines & Furnaces

Burner Mining Drill |- Electric Mining Drill |- Stone Furnace |- Steel Furnace |- Electric Furnace |- Assembling machines |-
Lab |-
Basic Beacon |-
Radar |-

Electric network

Small electric pole |- Medium electric pole |- Big electric pole |-
Substation |-
Boiler |-
Steam engine |- Solar Panel |- Basic accumulator |-
Lamp |-

Railway network

Straight Rail |- Curved Rail |- Train stop |- Rail signal |- Diesel Locomotive |- Cargo wagon |-

Liquid network

Pipe |-
Pipe-to-ground |-
Pump |-
Storage Tank |- Oil Refinery |- Chemical Plant |-
Pumpjack |-
Small Pump |-