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Raw fish

From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 05:31, 9 November 2024 by Yorven (talk | contribs) (Added SA recipe & details)
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Raw fish

  • Base game
  • Space Age mod


26 32
38 50


104 128
152 200

Stack size


Rocket capacity

300 (3 stacks)

Mining time


Spoil time

2h 5m 50s
2h 43m 34s 3h 21m 20s
3h 59m 5s 5h 14m 35s

Spoil result

Prototype type


Internal name


Consumed by

Raw fish can be harvested from water. They can be used to refill a small amount of health instantly. In order to catch raw fish, mine one of the dark spots that can be found moving around in water bodies. Each dark spot yields 5 fish when mined. Fish can be also collected via construction robots, by marking a water area that contains fish with a deconstruction planner.

Raw fish is used to heal by clicking on the character or anywhere else in the world with the fish in the cursor. They heal 80 HP each and have a short cooldown for reuse, limiting the amount of incoming DPS that fish healing can absorb. Using a fish produces a munching sound.

Using landfill on water where a fish is swimming will "destroy" the fish. Fish can be shot and killed via pistol or submachine gun, and also by explosions, but are immune to any kind of shotgun fire. Shooting fish does not grant any fish items.

Fish are created in water when the world is generated and do not despawn or respawn.

In the base game, fish can also be obtained by launching a rocket from a rocket silo equipped with a space science pack. One science pack is converted to one fish, however one rocket can at most return one stack of raw fish. This means that launching more than 100 space science packs will return only 100 fish and waste all extra science packs.

In Space Age, fish cannot be obtained via rocket, but bred in a biochamber after unlocking the fish breeding recipe with agricultural science packs. Fish also are given a spoilage time of just over 2 hours.

Building Results
Rocket silo

(1) The time cost is the animation time for the rocket launch.


So long and thanks for all the fish

Today's fish is trout a la creme

Eat a legendary fish.



  • The fish item icon is meant to represent a European perch, a freshwater fish widespread in Europe and elsewhere. This was chosen because a perch is the favorite plushie of the artist's daughter, see the Reddit comment by V453000


  • 1.0.0:
    • Launching a rocket with space science packs inside now returns fish (Undocumented)
  • 0.17.77:
    • Inserters can now catch fish (Undocumented)
  • 0.15.0:
    • Fish can be collected by robots
    • Amount of fish collected at once increased from 1 to 5
    • Amount of health restored by fish increased from 20 to 80