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== Tłumaczenie lokomotywa ==
== Tłumaczenie czołg ==
{{About|the armored combat vehicle|the liquid storage container|Storage tank}}
[[File:colored_tanks.png|thumb|right|250px|Tanks, like cars, match the color of the player driving them.]]

'''Lokomotywa''' służy do napędzania pociągów na torach. Więcej o pociągach znajdziesz w [[L|Railway]].
The '''tank''' is a heavy armored fighting vehicle. It is a mid-game vehicle with three weapons; an integrated [[submachine gun]], a short range flamethrower and a powerful cannon that uses [[cannon shell]]s. It, along with the [[car]], are the two non-rail vehicles in Factorio. In multiplayer, it is possible for a [[player]] to enter a tank alongside another player. The passenger can take control of the weapons of the tank using a switch in the GUI of the tank, but cannot steer the tank.  

Lokomotywa jest dobrym sposobem na przemieszczanie się gracza do znanych lokalizacji. Jest znacznie szybsza niż [[L|car]] lub [[L|tank]], ale nie zapewnia takiej swobody ruchu (musi poruszać się po zbudowanych torach). Lokomotywą można sterować ręcznie (nawet będąc w wagonie pociągu), albo zautomatyzować ruch za pomocą [[L|train stop]]. Zautomatyzowane pociągi korzystają z [[L|rail signal]] oraz [[L|rail chain signal]]. Dzięki sygnałom można zarządzać wieloma pociągami na torach.  
Since engine units can only be built in assembling machines, tanks (like [[car]]s) cannot be built from scratch by hand from their raw materials. If the tank is destroyed, the player gets ejected and not killed.

Lokomotywa jest jednym z [[L|burner devices]], czyli potrzebuje [[L|fuel]] do pracy. Przy użyciu lepszego paliwa - zwiększa się przyspieszenie oraz prędkość lokomotywy. [[L|Solid fuel]], [[L|rocket fuel]] and [[L|nuclear fuel]] dodaje odpowiednio +20%, +80% oraz +150% do przyspieszenia, oraz +5%, +15% i +15% do maksymalnej prędkości. Zwiększając liczbę lokomotyw w pociągu też zwiększamy przyspieszenie i maksymalną prędkość całego pociągu.
== Achievements ==

Samą lokomotywę można wytworzyć "w ręku". Natomiast wymaga użycia [[L|engine unit]], który można wykonać tylko w [[L|Assembling machine]].  
The tank is a strong fighting vehicle due to its large health pool and the very high damage of its main weapon, the cannon, as well as the +100% damage bonus to its integrated submachine gun. Additionally, due to the ability to employ drones from within the vehicle, it can be used as a form of drone or capsule transport vehicle, with the player simply using capsules to fight their battles. The tank particularly shines in battle against [[Enemies|Worms]], as their unavoidable projectiles are much less of a problem for an entity with a high health pool.

Lokomotywy mogą mieć różne kolory - ustawiane przez gracza.
The tank lags behind in speed, however, compared to the player and the car. As a result, it may not perform as well in combat against melee enemies or enemies with shorter range than the player, as it has more difficulty dodging enemies. This may result in the tank being destroyed quickly, leaving the player in a tight spot.

== Osiągnięcia ==
It is possible to use throwable items such as grenades, poisons, and follower robots while riding in the tank. This makes it possible to perform drive-by attacks on large bases with a reasonable area of effect. Since grenades and tank are available fairly early in the game this enables an effective means of early game expansion before the better known turret creep strategy becomes viable.
Osiągnięcia bezpośrednio związane z lokomotywami:

== Sterowanie lokomotywą ==
''Poniżej przedstawiono domyślny układ klawiszy. Mogą być zmienione w opcjach.''
The tank is very robust, and unlike the car can move through and destroy [[tree]]s without taking damage. Even when not moving, simply driving into an entity is enough to damage it. This can also be employed as a weapon against [[enemies]], although certain enemies and structures (nests in particular) will deal high damage to the tank in the process, requiring repair after skirmishes.
The tank is slower than the car and can be rotated in place while standing still, unlike the car.
The speed and, in particular, responsiveness of the tank can be improved somewhat by burning better [[fuel]]: The tank, like all other vehicles, gains top speed and acceleration bonuses when running on solid fuel, rocket fuel and nuclear fuel, as opposed to wood or coal. The bonuses are +5% / +15% / +15% top speed and +20% / +80% / +150% acceleration for solid fuel, rocket fuel and nuclear fuel, respectively; wood (and wood products - see [[Fuel]]) and coal both yield the base level of top speed and acceleration.
== Speeds ==
=== On grass, sand or dirt ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Fuel !! Max velocity !! Reverse
|Wood/coal || 40.8km/h || -28.9km/h
|Hamowanie/bieg wsteczny
|Solid fuel || 44.8km/h || -31.7km/h
|Wybór kierunku na rozjeździe
|Rocket fuel || 54.8km/h || -38.8km/h
|Nuclear fuel || 64.6km/h || -45.7km/h
|Podłączenie/odłączenie najbliższego wagonu lub lokomotywy

== Złączanie/rozłączanie taboru ==
=== On [[stone brick]] ===
Aby połączyć ze sobą lokomotywę z [[L|cargo wagon]] albo [[L|fluid wagon]] wystarczy postawić wagon na torach obok lokomotywy (pojawi się zielona linia symbolizująca połączenie), albo podjechać pociągiem do wagonu i nacisnąć {{Keybinding|G}}.
Aby rozłączyć wagon od pociągu należy wcisnąć {{Keybinding|V}}.

== Obrona ==
{| class="wikitable"
Lokomotywy są priorytetowym celem dla [[L|enemies]], dlatego przystanki powinny być ochraniane. Lokomotywa w ruchu przeważnie niszczy wszystko, co stanie jej na drodze (wrogów, czołg gracza, gracza), dlatego obrona wzdłuż linii kolejowej nie jest konieczna. Nie mniej jednak, wrogowie mogą atakować tory kolejowe, co doprowadzi je do zniszczenia i w konsekwencji zatrzymania pociągu. W przypadku zniszczenia toru - pociąg nie mając innej drogi do celu - zatrzyma się od razu (nie będzie dojeżdżał do punktu przerwania torów).  
!Fuel !! Max velocity !! Reverse
[[L|Construction robot]] to dobry pomysł na automatyczną naprawę na stacjach kolejowych.
|Wood/coal || 43.6km/h || -30.8km/h
|Solid fuel || 47.7km/h || -33.8km/h
|Rocket fuel || 58.5km/h || -41.4km/h
|Nuclear fuel || 68.9km/h || -48.7km/h

== Spalanie (w sekundach) ==
=== On [[concrete]], [[hazard concrete]], [[refined concrete]] and [[refined hazard concrete]] ===

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Przedmiot (1 szt.)!! Czas spalania w sekundach
!Fuel !! Max velocity !! Reverse
| {{Icon|Wood}} || 3.33
| {{Icon|Raw wood}}<br>{{Icon|Wooden chest}}<br>{{Icon|Small electric pole}} || 6.66
|Wood/coal || 44.9km/h || -31.8km/h
| {{Icon|Coal}} || 13.33
|Solid fuel || 49.2km/h || -34.8km/h
| {{Icon|Solid fuel}} || 41.67
|Rocket fuel || 60.3km/h || -42.6km/h
| {{Icon|Rocket fuel}} || 375
|Nuclear fuel || 71.8km/h || -50.2km/h
| {{Icon|Nuclear fuel}} || 2016.67

=Galeria ==
==Capsules and Bots integration==
<gallery widths=320px>
File:trains_colors.png|Gracz może ustawić różne kolory lokomotyw.

== Historia ==
[[Capsules]] can be used while inside the tank, including combat robots. [[Construction robot]]s, including those from a [[personal roboport]] within range of the tank, will repair damage if [[repair pack]]s are available. Also, [[logistic robot]]s can still refill the player's inventory.
* Lokomotywy wskazują swoje ID na przystanku kolejowym. ID może być użyte w sieci sterowniczej.}}

== History ==
* Locomotive snaps to a train stop when placing the first locomotive next to the train stop.}}

* Podajniki nie zabiorą paliwa lokomotywie. Zabierać będą jedynie ewentualne produkty spalania.}}
* In multiplayer players can now ride as passengers in cars/tanks.
* Tanks no longer take miniscule amounts of damage from hitting trees.}}

* Zmiana nazwy z "diesel-locomotive" na "locomotive"}}
* Added tank flamethrower.
* Buffed tank:
** Increased health from 1,000 to 2,000.
** Added a +100% damage bonus and a +5 tiles range increase to the tank machien gun.}}

* Dodano obsługę sieci sterowania.}}
* Increased tank machine gun range to 20 tiles.}}

* Nowa grafika.
* New icon for tank.}}
* Mogą mieć kolory ustawione przez gracza.
* Pociągi mają ustawiony rozmiar.
* Running biters over in a tank in peaceful mode will now anger them.}}
* When attacking a player in a tank, the tank will be attacked instead of the player directly.}}

* Pociągi zautomatyzowane nie mogą być obracane.}}
* Tanks can now turn in place.
* Tank inventory can now be filtered.}}

* Pokazują się podpowiedzi.}}
* Updated sounds
* Added muzzle flash for tanks
* Tank ammo inventory is refilled from the trunk and player inventory when exhausted.
* Zwiększony koszt wytwarzania lokomotywy oraz wagonów towarowych.
* Podłączanie i rozłączanie lokomotywy nie powoduje usunięcie trasy przejazdu.

* Można kopiować trasę z jednego pociągu do drugiego.}}
* Added a small scorch mark when heavy weaponry like the tank cannon fires.}}
* Ponowne przeliczanie trasy po zmianie kierunku.}}
* Lokomotywy są automatycznie nazywane.}}
* Zmiana przepisów wytważania}}
* Pociąg może znaleźć drogę "do tyłu", gdy ma lokomotywę z tyłu.
* Nowa grafika.
* Lokomotywa, wagon, tory są droższe.
* Lokomotywa używa paliwa.
* Można łączyć lokomotywę z wagonem
* Prosta mechanika jazdy (przyspieszenie - hamowanie - cofanie).
* Ma pasek zdrowia.}}

* Świeci w trakcie jazdy.}}
* Introduced}}

==Development data==
* Wprowadzenie lokomotywy.}}
Weekly blogs concerning the Tank:

==Zobacz również==
== See also ==
* [[L|Railway]]
* [[Car]]
* [[L|Cargo wagon]]
* [[Enemies]]
* [[L|Fluid wagon]]
* [[Damage|Damage & resistances]]


Revision as of 09:19, 4 February 2019

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Tłumaczenie czołg

This article is about the armored combat vehicle. For the liquid storage container, see Storage tank.



Total raw


Map icon

Storage size



2600 3200
3800 5000


Acid: 0/70%
Explosion: 15/70%
Fire: 15/60%
Impact: 50/80%
Physical: 15/60%

Equipment grid size

7×9 8×10
9×11 11×13

Stack size


Rocket capacity

1 (1 stack)


Tank cannon: 30
Vehicle machine gun: 20
Vehicle flamethrower: 9

Shooting speed

Tank cannon: 0.67/s
Vehicle machine gun: 15/s
Vehicle flamethrower: 67.5/s


Energy consumption

600 kW (burner)

Mining time




Prototype type


Internal name


Required technologies

Produced by

Valid fuel

Tanks, like cars, match the color of the player driving them.

The tank is a heavy armored fighting vehicle. It is a mid-game vehicle with three weapons; an integrated submachine gun, a short range flamethrower and a powerful cannon that uses cannon shells. It, along with the car, are the two non-rail vehicles in Factorio. In multiplayer, it is possible for a player to enter a tank alongside another player. The passenger can take control of the weapons of the tank using a switch in the GUI of the tank, but cannot steer the tank.

Since engine units can only be built in assembling machines, tanks (like cars) cannot be built from scratch by hand from their raw materials. If the tank is destroyed, the player gets ejected and not killed.



Destroy 10 spawners by impact.

Run Forrest, run

Destroy 100 trees by impact.


The tank is a strong fighting vehicle due to its large health pool and the very high damage of its main weapon, the cannon, as well as the +100% damage bonus to its integrated submachine gun. Additionally, due to the ability to employ drones from within the vehicle, it can be used as a form of drone or capsule transport vehicle, with the player simply using capsules to fight their battles. The tank particularly shines in battle against Worms, as their unavoidable projectiles are much less of a problem for an entity with a high health pool.

The tank lags behind in speed, however, compared to the player and the car. As a result, it may not perform as well in combat against melee enemies or enemies with shorter range than the player, as it has more difficulty dodging enemies. This may result in the tank being destroyed quickly, leaving the player in a tight spot.

It is possible to use throwable items such as grenades, poisons, and follower robots while riding in the tank. This makes it possible to perform drive-by attacks on large bases with a reasonable area of effect. Since grenades and tank are available fairly early in the game this enables an effective means of early game expansion before the better known turret creep strategy becomes viable.


The tank is very robust, and unlike the car can move through and destroy trees without taking damage. Even when not moving, simply driving into an entity is enough to damage it. This can also be employed as a weapon against enemies, although certain enemies and structures (nests in particular) will deal high damage to the tank in the process, requiring repair after skirmishes.

The tank is slower than the car and can be rotated in place while standing still, unlike the car.

The speed and, in particular, responsiveness of the tank can be improved somewhat by burning better fuel: The tank, like all other vehicles, gains top speed and acceleration bonuses when running on solid fuel, rocket fuel and nuclear fuel, as opposed to wood or coal. The bonuses are +5% / +15% / +15% top speed and +20% / +80% / +150% acceleration for solid fuel, rocket fuel and nuclear fuel, respectively; wood (and wood products - see Fuel) and coal both yield the base level of top speed and acceleration.


On grass, sand or dirt

Fuel Max velocity Reverse
Wood/coal 40.8km/h -28.9km/h
Solid fuel 44.8km/h -31.7km/h
Rocket fuel 54.8km/h -38.8km/h
Nuclear fuel 64.6km/h -45.7km/h

On stone brick

Fuel Max velocity Reverse
Wood/coal 43.6km/h -30.8km/h
Solid fuel 47.7km/h -33.8km/h
Rocket fuel 58.5km/h -41.4km/h
Nuclear fuel 68.9km/h -48.7km/h

On concrete, hazard concrete, refined concrete and refined hazard concrete

Fuel Max velocity Reverse
Wood/coal 44.9km/h -31.8km/h
Solid fuel 49.2km/h -34.8km/h
Rocket fuel 60.3km/h -42.6km/h
Nuclear fuel 71.8km/h -50.2km/h

Capsules and Bots integration

Capsules can be used while inside the tank, including combat robots. Construction robots, including those from a personal roboport within range of the tank, will repair damage if repair packs are available. Also, logistic robots can still refill the player's inventory.


  • 0.16.0:
    • In multiplayer players can now ride as passengers in cars/tanks.
    • Tanks no longer take miniscule amounts of damage from hitting trees.
  • 0.15.0:
    • Added tank flamethrower.
    • Buffed tank:
      • Increased health from 1,000 to 2,000.
      • Added a +100% damage bonus and a +5 tiles range increase to the tank machien gun.
  • 0.13.18:
    • Increased tank machine gun range to 20 tiles.
  • 0.12.26:
    • Running biters over in a tank in peaceful mode will now anger them.
  • 0.12.21:
    • When attacking a player in a tank, the tank will be attacked instead of the player directly.
  • 0.12.2:
    • Tanks can now turn in place.
    • Tank inventory can now be filtered.
  • 0.12.0:
    • Updated sounds
    • Added muzzle flash for tanks
    • Tank ammo inventory is refilled from the trunk and player inventory when exhausted.
  • 0.11.6:
    • Added a small scorch mark when heavy weaponry like the tank cannon fires.

Development data

Weekly blogs concerning the Tank:

See also