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Construction robot

From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 17:17, 8 November 2019 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (batch building depends on research)
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Construction robot.png
Construction robot

Construction robot entity.png


Electronic circuit.png
Flying robot frame.png
Construction robot.png

Total raw

Copper plate.png
Electric engine unit.png
Iron plate.png
Steel plate.png
Maximum flying reach
Quality normal.png 571m
Quality uncommon.png 1152m Quality rare.png 1728m
Quality epic.png 2305m Quality legendary.png 3457m


Quality normal.png 100
Quality uncommon.png 130 Quality rare.png 160
Quality epic.png 190 Quality legendary.png 250


Electric: 0/50%
Fire: 0/85%

Stack size


Rocket capacity

50 (1 stack)

Energy consumption

75.9 kW (electric)

Energy capacity

Quality normal.png 3 MJ
Quality uncommon.png 6 MJ Quality rare.png 9 MJ
Quality epic.png 12 MJ Quality legendary.png 18 MJ

Mining time


Prototype type


Internal name


Required technologies

Construction robotics (research).png

Boosting technologies

Worker robot cargo size (research).png
Worker robot speed (research).png

Produced by

Assembling machine 1.png
Assembling machine 2.png
Assembling machine 3.png

Construction robots are autonomous floating devices capable of repairing or building the player's structures. They are one of two type of robotic floating devices, the other being the logistic robots. They run on electricity from roboports.


Construction robots accomplish various tasks, including:

  • They repair damaged entities using repair packs.
  • They replace destroyed entities as long as they are available in a provider chest or storage chest.
  • They remove entities marked with the deconstruction planner. Removed entities are transported into storage chests. As of 0.15, this includes fish.
  • They add entities marked with a blueprint or placed as ghosts as long as these entities are available. Entities are fetched from the closest logistic chest.
  • They can carry and build up to four tiles at once, depending on the researched worker robot cargo size.

Construction robots are priority targets of enemies, meaning Biters/spitters will engage them even if there are pollution-producing buildings around. Construction robots have no means of defending themselves and do not run when they encounter enemies. Because they often operate at the "front", they are in high danger to be destroyed. Despite being a floating entity, ground units using melee are still capable of destroying them.

Researching more cargo or more speed for the logistic bots are also valid for the construction robots.


Automated-cleanup-achievement.png Automated cleanup

Deconstruct 100 objects with the construction robots.

Automated-construction-achievement.png Automated construction

Construct 100 machines using robots.

You-are-doing-it-right-achievement.png You are doing it right

Construct more machines using robots than manually.


  • 0.17.75:
    • Construction robots will attempt to batch build tiles.
  • 0.17.0:
    • Construction robots can blow up cliffs.
    • Landfill can be built by construction robots and be included in blueprints.
  • 0.15.0:
    • Fish can be collected by construction robots.
  • 0.12.4:
    • Construction robots when used by the player will take primarily from the player's inventory, then the hotbar.
    • Construction robots will check if their target is still in the network area when they return to personal roboport for charging.
  • 0.12.0:
    • Construction robots can now be used by the player via a personal roboport embedded into a type of modular armor.
  • 0.11.17:
    • AI of the construction robots improved.
  • 0.10.0:
    • Construction robots no longer die of lack of electricity, they just slow down to 20% of their normal speed.
  • 0.8.1:
    • Construction robots now use the durability of the repair packs when using them.

See also