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This article is about placeable tiles. For the area and distance unit, see map structure.

An example of using refined concrete and refined hazard concrete for aesthetic design and to improve walking speed around a mining outpost.

A tile is an item that can be placed by the player to modify the 'floor' of the game world. Ground tiles are tiles that modify whether terrain can be buildable or walkable. For example, landfill places a ground tile that converts water to buildable ground. Path tiles improve walking and driving speeds and can be used for decorative purposes, at the cost of significantly reducing the absorption of pollution.

List of tiles

Name Type Walking speed modifier Placement restrictions
Stone brick Path +30%
Concrete Path +40%
Hazard concrete Path +40%
Refined concrete Path +50%
Refined hazard concrete Path +50%
Landfill Ground N/A Only on tiles containing water (shallow or deep)
Artificial yumako soil Ground N/A Only on yumako wetland on Gleba
Overgrowth yumako soil Ground N/A Only in yellow biome tiles on Gleba
Artificial jellynut soil Ground N/A Only on jellynut wetland tiles on Gleba
Overgrowth jellynut soil Ground N/A Only on purple biome tiles on Gleba
Ice platform Ground N/A Only on ammonical sea tiles on Aquilo
Space platform foundation Ground N/A Only on Space platforms
Foundation Ground N/A Only on water, all Gleba marsh and wetland, oil ocean tiles on Fulgora or lava tiles on Vulcanus


Path tiles apply bonuses to the walking speed of the player and reduce rolling resistances for cars and tanks, improving their acceleration and top speed. They do not increase the speed of enemies.

Paths effectively prevent the absorption of pollution by the underlying terrain, which can lead to an increased number of attacks from enemies.

In addition to the practical benefits to walking and driving speed, paths are often used for decorative purposes and to visually highlight important areas of the base.


A demonstration of first placing then removing refined concrete. The building area is adjusted several times.


Tiles are placed by holding them in the hand and clicking Left mouse button. The mouse can be dragged while the button is held to 'paint' tiles over a wide area.

The building area for tiles can be increased by pressing PAD + and reduced again by pressing PAD -. This allows the player to place a much larger number of tiles at one time, effectively having a larger 'brush' with which to apply tiles to the map.

Path tiles can be placed where entities already exist and will appear underneath them. Likewise entities can later be placed on top of constructed tiles, including paths being placed on top of landfill. Landfill can only be placed on water.

Removing paths

Path tiles can be removed (mined) by holding Right mouse button while holding any type of tile in the hand. As with placing tiles, the mouse can be dragged over an area and the size of the building area can be increased or decreased to control how many tiles will be removed at a time. Mined path tiles will be placed back in the player's inventory.

Landfill cannot be removed once placed.

Swapping paths

Any path tile can be placed over any other path tile to replace it. The original tiles will be placed back into the player's inventory.

Blueprints, deconstruction planners and construction robots

Tiles are not included in a blueprint unless they are the only eligible object in the selected area, or when the Tiles tick-box is ticked. Within a blueprint it is not currently possible for one tile to exist on top of another; in practice this means that a path tile such as stone brick or concrete cannot exist on top of landfill in a blueprint. If a blueprint is taken of a path tile on top of landfill, only the path tile will be stored in the blueprint.

When a filtered deconstruction planner is used tiles are configured separately from entities, appearing under the Tiles tab.

Tile ghosts will be constructed by construction robots. As construction robots are limited in the number of objects they can hold at once, and given that paths often involve hundreds or thousands of tiles, placing a large area of path or landfill with bots may take a long time and draw a significant amount of electricity for bot recharging.


Items that change tiles, such as stone bricks or concrete, can be produced in higher quality in the same manner as other manufactured items, but when placed on the ground they function identically to the base item regardless of quality, and if removed return the common variant. This is not a bug, but a conscious design choice to ease strain on the game by not keeping track of the quality of each tile of ground.


  • 0.17.10:
    • Landfill is now a separate tile, differentiated from grass-1.
  • 0.17.0:
    • Landfill can now be included in blueprints and placed by construction robots.
    • Tile construction jobs are now handled separately by construction robots, to prevent entity ghosts not being built due to large number of tile ghosts.
  • 0.16.27:
    • Refined concrete and refined hazard concrete introduced.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Landfill introduced.
    • Hazard concrete introduced.
  • 0.3.0:
    • Stone brick introduced.

See also