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Im Grundspiel

Errungenschaft Anmerkung Trivia
Automatisier’ das!

Baue eine Montagemaschine.

If placing an assembling machine 1 is bypassed by handcrafting and only a assembling machine 2 is placed, placing that assembler will not unlock this achievement.
In Fahrt kommen

Baue eine Lokomotive.

The locomotive must be placed on rails, not just crafted.

Baue einen Spidertron.

Arachnophilia means "love of spiders".

Erforsche die Ölverarbeitung.


Start producing electric power by steam engine.

Solar power

Start producing electric power by solar panels.


Start producing electric power by nuclear powerplant.

Herstellen mit Tempo

Stelle ein Tempomodul 3 her.

Herstellen mit Effizienz

Stelle ein Effizienzmodul 3 her.

Herstellen mit Produktivität

Stelle ein Produktivitätsmodul 3 her.

Warte nicht auf mich, ich bin zum Frühstück wieder da

Launch a rocket to space.

This line was spoken by Ace Rimmer from the British sci-fi comedy show Red Dwarf.
It stinks and they don't like it

Löse einen Alienangriff durch Umweltverschmutzung aus.

Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings. The line "He stinks and I don't like him" was spoken by comedian Jim Norton in the 2002 film Spider-Man. It became a regular sound drop on the radio program Opie and Anthony, where Norton was third mic.
Automatisierter Aufbau

Baue 100 Maschinen mit Hilfe von Baurobotern.

Du machst es richtig

Platziere mehr Bauwerke mit Hilfe von Baurobotern als per Hand.

Automatisiertes Aufräumen

Baue 100 Objekte mit Baurobotern ab.

Du hast ein Paket erhalten

Supply the character by logistic robot.


Supply the character with 10k items delivered by logistic robots.


Have a train plan a path 1,000 tiles or longer.

Refers to the Trans-Europ Express, an international passenger railway company that served west and central Europe from 1957 to 1995.
Achtung, Zug

Werde durch einen fahrenden Zug getötet.


Überlebe einen Treffer mit 500 oder mehr Schaden.

It is possible to get this achievement by getting hit by a moving locomotive, while having a sufficient amount of Energy Shields.
Mining with determination

Completely deplete a resource patch.

In Fahrt kommen wie ein Profi

Baue eine Lokomotive innerhalb der ersten 90 Minuten des Spiels.

Massenproduktion 1

Produziere 10.000 elektronische Schaltkreise.

Massenproduktion 2

Produziere 1.000.000 elektronische Schaltkreise.

Massenproduktion 3

Produziere 20.000.000 elektronische Schaltkreise.

Schaltkreisveteran 1

Produziere 1.000 erweiterte Schaltkreise pro Stunde.

Schaltkreisveteran 2

Produziere 10.000 erweiterte Schaltkreise pro Stunde.

Schaltkreisveteran 3

Produziere 25.000 erweiterte Schaltkreise pro Stunde.

Computerzeitalter 1

Produziere 500 Prozessoreinheiten pro Stunde.

Computerzeitalter 2

Produziere 1.000 Prozessoreinheiten pro Stunde.

Computerzeitalter 3

Produziere 5.000 Prozessoreinheiten pro Stunde.

Eiserner Thron 1

Produziere 20.000 Eisenplatten pro Stunde.

These three achievements refer to the Iron Throne, a large throne in the fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and Fire made from many swords fused together with dragonfire.
Eiserner Thron 2

Produziere 200.000 Eisenplatten pro Stunde.

Eiserner Thron 3

Produziere 400.000 Eisenplatten pro Stunde.


Produziere mehr als 10 GJ pro Stunde nur mit Solarpanelen.

The electric network may not have any electricity producers besides solar panels connected to it. Solaris is a 1961 philosophical sci-fi novel written by Stanisław Lem, and a Unix-based computer operating system.
Research with automation

Research a technology using automation science packs.

Research with logistics

Research a technology using logistic science packs.

Research with chemicals

Research a technology using chemical science packs.

Research with military

Research a technology using military science packs.

Research with production

Research a technology using production science packs.

Research with utility

Research a technology using utility science packs.

Research with space

Research a technology using space science packs.


Erforsche alle Technologien.

Completing infinite technologies of any level is not required. All non-infinite levels of technologies that have infinite continuations are still required (for example, it requires only first 6 levels of physical projectile damage). The achievement's condition is checked when any technology (finite or infinite) is researched.
Pest control

Destroy a biter spawner.


Zerstöre 10 Nester durch Rammen.

'Steamroll' generally refers to a multiplayer match in which one team is performing significantly better than the other.

Brenne 10.000 Bäume nieder.

Lauf, Forrest, lauf

Zerstöre 100 Bäume durch Rammen.

This line was spoken by Jenny Curran in the 1994 drama film Forrest Gump.

Destroy a cliff.

I am the destroyer of worlds

Use an atomic bomb.

A variation of a quote from physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer upon his invention of the atomic bomb.

Besitze 100 Kampfroboter oder mehr, die Dir folgen.

This achievement requires follower robot count level 11 for a total of 100 robots. 6 rocket launches are needed to obtain the space science packs to get to and research level 11.
Art of siege

Destroy an enemy structure using artillery.

Keeping your hands clean

Destroy your first enemy structure using artillery.

This achievement becomes disabled if you manually destroy an enemy structure before destroying one using artillery. Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings.
Faule Socke

Launch a rocket to space while manually crafting no more than 111 items.

In multiplayer, the crafts of all players are counted towards this achievement. The minimum amount of items crafted by hand is 101 if the player uses the stone furnace in the starting inventory to craft the boiler necessary to power a lab for the automation (research).
Volldampf voraus

Launch a rocket to space without building any solar panels.

Only placing solar panels breaks the requirement of this achievement, simply crafting them does not disqualify the player from earning the achievement. Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings.

Launch a rocket to space without building any laser turrets.

Only placing laser turrets breaks the requirement of this achievement, simply crafting them does not disqualify the player from earning the achievement. Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings.

Finish research with space science pack for the base game or any planetary science pack for Space Age without building any active provider, buffer, or requester chests.

Keine Zeit zum Reden

Launch a rocket to space within 15 hours.

Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings.
Es gibt keinen Löffel

Launch a rocket to space within 8 hours.

Disabled when using no enemies, peaceful mode or lower than default enemy base frequency or size settings. This line was spoken by Spoon Boy in the 1999 sci-fi action film The Matrix.
Macht's gut und danke für den Fisch

Spoiler! Click to view.
The last message left by the dolphins before leaving Earth in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Also the name of the fourth book in the series.