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From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 07:03, 22 October 2024 by Tecanec (talk | contribs) (Added note to History about item icon change. (I don't know how to show the actual old and new icon, though.))
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  • Base game
  • Space Age mod



Total raw


Used to build Grass

Map color

Stack size


Rocket capacity

20 (0.2 stacks)

Prototype type


Internal name


Required technologies

Produced by

Recycling results


Landfill can be used to replace water with usable land, regardless of the type of surrounding terrain. Once an area has been filled, there is no way to revert the fill and return water. It is placed using Left mouse button and the area in which it is placed can be increased and decreased by using Numpad + and Numpad -. Land-filled area is indistinguishable from normal terrain in terms of mechanics; it can be normally built and walked over.

With the use of construction robots, landfills can automatically be placed on ghost buildings planned on water, provided the player has the needed amount of landfills in their inventory.

Note that placing a landfill where raw fish are swimming will "destroy" them without being collected.


  • 2.0.7:
    • The item sprite icon for landfill has been changed. Unlike the previous icon, the new icon does not include grass, instead matching the actual landfill tile.
  • 0.17.10:
    • Landfill is now a separate tile, differentiated from grass-1.
  • 0.17.0:
    • Landfill can now be included in blueprints and placed by construction robots.