Buffer chest
Buffer chest |
The buffer chest is a large advanced storage item that functions as both a requester chest and a passive provider chest. The buffer chest functions as an "in-between" chest for ferrying items from provider chests to the player, construction robots, or requester chests.
Like requester chests, buffer chests can be configured to request of a specified number of up to 1000 types of items from the logistic network. Logistic robots will then bring the specified items from provider chests or storage chests until the request is met. In addition, similar to a passive provider chest, any items contained in a buffer chest are made available to construction robots, logistic requests from the player, and requester chests that have the "Request from buffer chests" checkbox checked. However, items in a buffer chest are not used to fulfill requests from other buffer chests.
By using SHIFT + Right mouse button and SHIFT + Left mouse button to copy-paste a recipe from an assembling machine to a buffer chest, the buffer chest is automatically configured to request enough ingredients for 30 seconds of continuous crafting.
Logistic network embargo Finish research with space science pack for the base game or any planetary science pack for Space Age without building any active provider, buffer, or requester chests. |
- 0.18.27:
- Increased number of visible logistic requests from 12 to 30.
- 0.17.0:
- New, animated graphics.
- 0.16.21:
- Requesters requesting from buffer chests (which includes players) have higher priority than other requesters.
- 0.16.8:
- Requester chests can now request stuff from buffer chests as was originally intended.
- Buffer chests are provided items only if all requester chests are satisfied for that specific item.
- 0.16.0:
- Introduced
- Copy Paste from assembler to requester chest now scales with assembler speed and recipe crafting time.