Portable solar panel
Portable solar panel |
Portable solar panels are the basic power generating units for modular armor and the spidertron. They provide only a small amount of power, and only during the daytime.
Portable solar panels can be used to slowly recharge energy shields out of combat, but are nearly useless for personal laser defense or exoskeleton, even with a large number of batteries.
Portable solar panels are 1×1 in size and are therefore primarily used in modular armor, which has a 5×5 grid that cannot usefully hold a much more powerful 4×4 portable fission reactor or portable fusion reactor. (It could store one, but there would be no room for anything to use the power.)
The more advanced armors should almost always use portable fusion reactors instead.
- 0.17.0:
- Portable solar panels have Modular armor as pre-requisite.
- Portable solar panel power output changed from 10kW to 30kW, recipe tweaked to require less Solar panels but more Advanced circuits.
- 0.13.0:
- Power production increased by a factor of 10.
- 0.12.0:
- Power production increased by a factor of 100.
- 0.7.0:
- Introduced