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'''Artillery targeting remote'''s are used to manually destignate targets for the [[artillery wagon]] and [[artillery turret]] by clicking somewhere with them either from the map or normally from the world. They expire when an artillery wagon shoots the spot they designate as a target or after 1 minute. Clicking somewhere with an artillery targeting remote does not use the item up. The number next to the remote when it is held in hand indicates how many artillery wagons or turrets are in range and contain ammunition.
'''Artillery targeting remote'''s are used to manually destignate targets for the [[artillery wagon]] and [[artillery turret]] by clicking somewhere with them either from the map or normally from the world. They expire when an artillery wagon shoots the spot they designate as a target or after 1 minute. Clicking somewhere with an artillery targeting remote does not use the item up. The number next to the remote when it is held in hand indicates how many artillery wagons or turrets are in range and contain ammunition.

Revision as of 08:02, 14 March 2018

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Artillery targeting remote

Allows firing artillery manually from the map or the world.

Map color

Stack size


Prototype type


Internal name


Artillery targeting remotes are used to manually destignate targets for the artillery wagon and artillery turret by clicking somewhere with them either from the map or normally from the world. They expire when an artillery wagon shoots the spot they designate as a target or after 1 minute. Clicking somewhere with an artillery targeting remote does not use the item up. The number next to the remote when it is held in hand indicates how many artillery wagons or turrets are in range and contain ammunition.


See also