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{{About/Space age}}
{{About/Space age}}
[[File:Space platform.jpg|thumb|Space platform example provided by Wube in "Friday Facts #381 - Space Platforms"]]
[[File:Space platform.jpg|thumb|Space platform example provided by Wube in [ Friday Facts #381 - Space Platforms]]]

'''Space platforms''' are mobile factories that exist in outer space between planets. Space platforms can be used to:
'''Space platforms''' are factories that can be built in space. Each space platform is a self-contained factory supported by a [[space platform hub]].

* Manufacture the [[space science pack]].
== Achievements ==
* Carry the engineer to another planet.
* Transport and drop off items between planets on a schedule, similar to [[train]]s.
* Collect and pulverize [[Asteroids|asteroids]].

Each space platform is a self-contained factory supported by a [[space platform hub]]. Space platforms are expanded by building [[space platform foundation]]. The entire platform surface functions as an electrical connection, so space platforms do not need any power poles.
== Purpose ==
Broadly speaking, there are three purposes which space platforms might serve:
* To craft recipes that can only be crafted in space, such as manufacturing [[space science pack]]s.
* To transport players and items between planets.
* To collect and process [[asteroids]].

Platforms have several building restrictions:
== Creation and deletion ==
Space platforms are created by loading a [[space platform starter pack]] into a rocket and pressing the button to create a new space platform. Alternatively, players may order the creation of a space platform from the remote view through the list on the top-left corner of the screen, in which case the necessary space platform starter pack is treated as a request from a not-yet-existing space platform around the specified planet. Either way, players are then allowed to name their new space platform. Note that space platforms can later be renamed from the menus of their space platform hubs.

* [[Chests]] can't be built in space. The main storage device is the platform hub.
Platforms can be deleted. After confirming that the platform is to be deleted, the deleted platform goes into a queue, which is shown at the bottom of the platform list in the remote view. Should the player regret their decision, then this gives five minutes to decide if they want to undo the removal of the platform before it is permanently deleted.
* [[Robots]] and [[roboport]]s don't function in space, and no [[railway]] items can be built
* [[Burner devices]] can't be built in space.
* Advanced buildings that require certain planets or pressures can't be built on the platform, such as the [[biochamber]] and [[biolab]]s.

Platforms encounter [[asteroids]] which can be blown apart by turrets. Asteroid chunks can then be grabbed by [[asteroid collector]]s and processed into useful materials by [[crusher]]s. Large asteroids that directly hit the space platform can damage it and destroy buildings. If the platform hub is destroyed, the entire space platform and all of its contents are lost. When this happens, the [[player]] is teleported back to the last planet they were at before going to space.
If the platform hub is destroyed, the entire space platform and all of its contents are lost. If any [[player]] is aboard when this happens, the player will respawn at the last planet they were at before going to space.

Making a platform move requires building [[thruster]]s and also manufacturing [[thruster fuel]] and [[thruster oxidizer]] on the platform. When the engineer rides on a platform, they are immobilized inside the platform hub and cannot spacewalk. Everything on the platform is built remotely and automatically. The engineer cannot put anything into their inventory while on a platform.
== Construction ==
Unlike planetary surfaces, space platforms can only be edited by using the remote view. Therefore, players will order the construction of a space platform by placing ghosts. Instead of [[construction robot]]s being used for constructing the space  platform, the platform itself will automatically construct ghost entities and move ghost items to and from the platform hub as soon as materials are available and these actions are not obstructed. If the necessary materials are not available, they will be automatically requested from the planet where the space platform is stationed, if the appropriate option is enabled in the platform's logistic requests section.

Platforms can be deleted. After confirming that the platform is to be deleted, the deleted platform goes into a queue, which is located at the bottom of the platform list. This gives you have several minutes to decide if you want to undo the removal of the platform before it is permanently deleted.
A newly-created space platform consists of a 10×10 square of [[space platform foundation]] with a [[space platform hub]] in its center, all surrounded by empty space. Unlike most buildings, the space platform hub cannot be removed, and its destruction directly results in the loss of the entire space platform.

== Logistics ==
As nothing can be built on empty space, the platform must first be expanded with more space platform foundation. The platform's foundation must consist of a single connected area with no detached islands, and holes of empty space surrounded by foundation are not allowed. Should these rules be broken, then the violating tiles will not be built or removed before the issue is resolved.

Delivering items up to a platform requires launching a [[rocket]] from a [[rocket silo]].
[[Asteroid collector]]s and [[thruster]]s can only be built on the edge of the platform. In particular, thrusters can only be built on the southern edge, and no foundation can be built within the rectangular area extending from the southern edge of the thruster for 82 tiles.

Platforms can deliver items down to a planet surface by dropping them into the platform hub's orbital drop slots. These items are then captured by a [[cargo landing pad]] on the planet. You do not have to build any drop containers, sending items down is free.
The entire platform surface functions as an [[electric system|electric network]], so space platforms do not need any power poles.

== Weight ==
=== Placement restrictions ===
Some entities cannot be placed on space platforms:
* [[Chests]] can't be placed on platforms. The main storage structure is the platform hub.
* [[Robots]] and [[roboport]]s don't function in space, and no [[railway]] entities can be placed.
* [[Burner devices]] can't be placed on platforms. According to [ FFF-381], this is to add "a bit of realism as there's no atmosphere in space".
* Space platforms have particular surface conditions, so buildings which have restrictions may not be placed on them. This is the same as for any other surface.

Platform weight depends on how many [[space platform foundation]]s you use. Each [[space platform foundation]] weighs 200kg or 0.2 tons. [[Space platform hub]] itself weighs 20 tons. Notably extra [[cargo bay]]s don't weigh anything extra (aside from the [[space platform foundation]] under them).
Electric poles can be built, but the global electric network covering the entire platform powers all devices. As such, electric poles are only useful as a way to [[circuit network|wire together]] distant entities.
== Transport between planets and space platforms ==
To transport players and items between a planet's surface and a space platform, the space platform must be stationed in orbit around the planet.
Items are delivered up to a platform by launching a [[rocket]] from a [[rocket silo]]. This can be done in one of three ways:
* Filling the rocket manually or by using inserters, then manually sending the rocket towards the space platform by using the rocket silo's menu. This method allows sending rockets with several different types of items inside the same rocket, but cannot be automated.
* Assigning logistic requests to the space platform hub, then filling a rocket with items of a type that is being requested, either manually or using by inserters. The rocket will then launch automatically. Only one type of item may be sent per rocket using this method.
* Assigning logistic requests to the space platform hub while having a rocket silo set to request items from the logistic network. This allows [[logistic robot]]s to fill the rocket automatically, and the rocket will launch automatically when full. Only one type of item will be sent per rocket.
The space platform hub will automatically request any items that are needed for construction of the platform. Automatic requests can receive items from any planet, whereas manual requests will only be fulfilled at one planet specified by the player. For manual requests, it is also possible to set a custom minimum payload per rocket instead of only accepting full rockets.
Items can be sent to a planet orbited by a space platform in one of two ways:
* Manually moving items into the platform hub's orbital drop slots.
* Assigning logistic requests to a planet's [[cargo landing pad]].
The items will then be carried to the planet's surface by [[cargo pod]]s. If the planet has a cargo landing pad, then the cargo pods will go there, placing their payloads directly inside the cargo landing pad's inventory (spilling the items if the cargo landing pad is already full). Otherwise, the cargo pod will land at a random location near the planet's spawn point. Landed cargo pods will wait for players to collect their payloads, and are automatically destroyed when emptied.
Unlike transfers from a planet's surface to a space platform, transfers from space platforms to planetary surfaces come at no material costs despite the appearance of a cargo pod.
== Passengers ==
Characters can travel to space platforms by riding a rocket, and can likewise leave the platform in a cargo pod.
One character traveling to a space platform takes up an entire rocket, and is not allowed to carry any items in their inventory, except for their equipped weapons and armor (but not ammunition). All other items must be transferred to the space platform hub in separate rockets.
Players aboard space platforms are locked inside the space platform hub, unable to move. The player is therefore locked into remote view until they drop their character to a planetary surface. Note that there is no way to access a player's inventory while in this state.
[[Biter egg]]s and [[pentapod egg]]s that spoil on the platform (either in the hub or on a belt) produce enemy entities like normal. These enemies do not suffocate, nor are they damaged by the environment. They will attack nearby structures as normal.
== Travel ==
Space platforms with one or more [[thruster]]s are able to perform voyages between different space locations, such as planets. The more thrusters that are installed on a platform, the faster the platform can get to its destination, but this also causes asteroids to appear faster and threaten the platform. When the thrusters are stopped while in mid-destination, the platform will slowly move toward the destination it's closer to via gravitational pull.
=== Weight ===
Platform weight depends on how many [[space platform foundation]] tiles the platform has. Each tile of [[space platform foundation]] weighs 200kg or 0.2 tons. The [[space platform hub]] itself weighs 20 tons. Notably, extra [[cargo bay]]s do not increase the platform's weight (aside from requiring [[space platform foundation]] under them).
=== Planetary schedules ===
Travel between planets can be automated, in a manner similar to using [[railway|trains]]. Clicking on the [[space platform hub]] will bring up its GUI. Individual planets can be added to the platform's schedule by clicking the "add station" button. A popup will appear with all currently unlocked space destinations. When one is selected, another button appears for selecting a wait condition from a drop-down list. Like trains, wait conditions are used to tell the platform when to leave the planet's orbit. If no wait condition is selected, the platform will continue to its next stop, if one exists. One can also select if the platform will unload cargo at a planet. If this option is deselected, platforms will not drop any items down to planets automatically.
[[File:Space_station_hub_gui.png|thumb|300px|The space platform's GUI. There is one station set for the [[solar system edge]]. ]]
When set to "automatic" mode, the platform will automatically fly to the designated planet. If attempting to travel to a planet that has no direct route to, the platform will fill in any gaps along the way. For example, attempting to fly from [[Vulcanus]] to [[Fulgora]] will have a platform automatically fly to [[Nauvis]] first.
There are 12 types of wait conditions, many of them unique to space platforms:
* '''All requests satisfied''': All requests for the current planet have been satisfied.
* '''Any request not satisfied''': At least one request for the current planet is not satisfied.
* '''Any request zero''': At least one request for the current planet is satisfied.
* '''Circuit condition''': A condition is met from the [[circuit network]], or one of the platform's built in control signals.
* '''Damage taken''': The platform has received a certain value of damage, defaulting to 1,000.
* '''Inactivity''': No items were received or dropped out of the hub for the specified amount of seconds.
* '''Item count''': The hub contains a specific amount of a certain item.
* '''Passenger not present''': No players are present on the platform.
* '''Passenger present''': At least one player is present on the platform.
* '''Request not satisfied''': A specific request for any planet is not satisfied. Items not requested cannot be set.
* '''Request satisfied''': A specific request for any planet is satisfied. Items not requested cannot be set.
* '''Time passed'''
Additionally, platforms can make use of [[Railway#Schedule interrupts|schedule interrupts]], which behave exactly like trains.
The one exception to wait conditions is when traveling to the [[shattered planet]]. When this is selected, the wait condition becomes a "fly condition". Whatever condition is set will trigger while en-route to the shattered planet as if the platform was already stopped there. This is because the player is not intended to actually reach the shattered planet (though it is possible), and so the fly condition becomes a way to easily turn the platform around at a certain time.
The platform hub is able to be connected to the circuit network, with the following reactions:
* '''Read contents''': The hub will output its contents to the circuit network
* '''Send to platform''': Any signals on wires will be passed to the hub, allowing them to be used for wait conditions
* '''Read moving to''': The platform will output the planet at the end of the current space route with a value of 1.
* '''Read moving from''': The platform will output the planet at the beginning of the current space route with a value of 2.
** If both "moving from" and "moving to" are selected, a platform stopped at a planet will output the planet's signal with a value of 3.
* '''Read speed''': The platform will output its current velocity, defaulting to "V"
** A speed signal will only show as 0 when stopped at a planet. If a platform is stopped between planets for whatever reason, it will slowly drift into orbit of the nearest planet, giving the signal a value of 10 or -10.
* '''Read damage taken''': The platform will output the amount of damage taken in the current trip, defaulting to "D"
== Asteroids ==
Space platforms regularly encounter [[asteroids]].
The smallest asteroids are called "chunks". Chunks can be collected by [[asteroid collector]]s and processed into various raw materials by [[crusher]]s. Among other uses, it is possible to convert these materials into [[thruster fuel]] and [[thruster oxidizer]].
Asteroids larger than chunks may also appear. However, they cannot be grabbed by asteroid collectors, and will damage the space platform upon impact. They can be targeted by turrets, and can be broken into multiple smaller asteroids by reducing their health to 0. This is done repeatedly until they become chunks.
During voyages, the number and relative velocity of asteroids increases proportionally to the platform's speed. It is therefore dangerous for a space platform to travel faster than it can destroy the asteroids that it will encounter. Different locations contain different amounts of each type of asteroid, and routes between locations may vary these numbers over the course of a journey. For example, only chunks will appear in stationary orbit around [[Nauvis]], thus providing a safe building environment free of larger asteroids that may damage the platform.
== Access to basic resources ==
* [[Water]] can be obtained from [[oxide asteroid chunk]]s via [[oxide asteroid crushing]] and [[ice melting]].
* [[Stone]] is not obtainable and must be brought up from planets.
* [[Iron ore]] can be obtained from [[metallic asteroid chunk]]s via [[metallic asteroid crushing]].
* [[Copper ore]] can be obtained from [[metallic asteroid chunk]]s via [[advanced metallic asteroid crushing]].
* [[Coal]] can be obtained from [[carbonic asteroid chunk]]s via [[coal synthesis]] by using [[carbon]] and [[sulfur]] from [[advanced carbonic asteroid crushing]].
* [[Crude oil]] is not obtainable. However:
** [[Sulfur]] can be obtained via [[advanced carbonic asteroid crushing]].
** [[Heavy oil]] can be obtained via [[simple coal liquefaction]] using [[calcite]] obtained from [[advanced oxide asteroid crushing]].
== Gallery ==
<gallery widths="300px" heights="200px">
space platform titlescreen.png|Space platform seen on the expansion's title screen.

== History ==
== History ==
* Added an error message when manually trying to launch a rocket to a full space platform.
* Changed space platforms to not delete items on the ground when deconstructing them.}}
* Deletion of space platforms requires confirmation.}}
* Deletion of space platforms requires confirmation.}}

Latest revision as of 10:15, 10 February 2025

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Space Age expansion exclusive feature.

Space platform example provided by Wube in Friday Facts #381 - Space Platforms

Space platforms are factories that can be built in space. Each space platform is a self-contained factory supported by a space platform hub.


Reach for the stars

Create a space platform.


Broadly speaking, there are three purposes which space platforms might serve:

  • To craft recipes that can only be crafted in space, such as manufacturing space science packs.
  • To transport players and items between planets.
  • To collect and process asteroids.

Creation and deletion

Space platforms are created by loading a space platform starter pack into a rocket and pressing the button to create a new space platform. Alternatively, players may order the creation of a space platform from the remote view through the list on the top-left corner of the screen, in which case the necessary space platform starter pack is treated as a request from a not-yet-existing space platform around the specified planet. Either way, players are then allowed to name their new space platform. Note that space platforms can later be renamed from the menus of their space platform hubs.

Platforms can be deleted. After confirming that the platform is to be deleted, the deleted platform goes into a queue, which is shown at the bottom of the platform list in the remote view. Should the player regret their decision, then this gives five minutes to decide if they want to undo the removal of the platform before it is permanently deleted.

If the platform hub is destroyed, the entire space platform and all of its contents are lost. If any player is aboard when this happens, the player will respawn at the last planet they were at before going to space.


Unlike planetary surfaces, space platforms can only be edited by using the remote view. Therefore, players will order the construction of a space platform by placing ghosts. Instead of construction robots being used for constructing the space platform, the platform itself will automatically construct ghost entities and move ghost items to and from the platform hub as soon as materials are available and these actions are not obstructed. If the necessary materials are not available, they will be automatically requested from the planet where the space platform is stationed, if the appropriate option is enabled in the platform's logistic requests section.

A newly-created space platform consists of a 10×10 square of space platform foundation with a space platform hub in its center, all surrounded by empty space. Unlike most buildings, the space platform hub cannot be removed, and its destruction directly results in the loss of the entire space platform.

As nothing can be built on empty space, the platform must first be expanded with more space platform foundation. The platform's foundation must consist of a single connected area with no detached islands, and holes of empty space surrounded by foundation are not allowed. Should these rules be broken, then the violating tiles will not be built or removed before the issue is resolved.

Asteroid collectors and thrusters can only be built on the edge of the platform. In particular, thrusters can only be built on the southern edge, and no foundation can be built within the rectangular area extending from the southern edge of the thruster for 82 tiles.

The entire platform surface functions as an electric network, so space platforms do not need any power poles.

Placement restrictions

Some entities cannot be placed on space platforms:

  • Chests can't be placed on platforms. The main storage structure is the platform hub.
  • Robots and roboports don't function in space, and no railway entities can be placed.
  • Burner devices can't be placed on platforms. According to FFF-381, this is to add "a bit of realism as there's no atmosphere in space".
  • Space platforms have particular surface conditions, so buildings which have restrictions may not be placed on them. This is the same as for any other surface.

Electric poles can be built, but the global electric network covering the entire platform powers all devices. As such, electric poles are only useful as a way to wire together distant entities.

Transport between planets and space platforms

To transport players and items between a planet's surface and a space platform, the space platform must be stationed in orbit around the planet.

Items are delivered up to a platform by launching a rocket from a rocket silo. This can be done in one of three ways:

  • Filling the rocket manually or by using inserters, then manually sending the rocket towards the space platform by using the rocket silo's menu. This method allows sending rockets with several different types of items inside the same rocket, but cannot be automated.
  • Assigning logistic requests to the space platform hub, then filling a rocket with items of a type that is being requested, either manually or using by inserters. The rocket will then launch automatically. Only one type of item may be sent per rocket using this method.
  • Assigning logistic requests to the space platform hub while having a rocket silo set to request items from the logistic network. This allows logistic robots to fill the rocket automatically, and the rocket will launch automatically when full. Only one type of item will be sent per rocket.

The space platform hub will automatically request any items that are needed for construction of the platform. Automatic requests can receive items from any planet, whereas manual requests will only be fulfilled at one planet specified by the player. For manual requests, it is also possible to set a custom minimum payload per rocket instead of only accepting full rockets.

Items can be sent to a planet orbited by a space platform in one of two ways:

  • Manually moving items into the platform hub's orbital drop slots.
  • Assigning logistic requests to a planet's cargo landing pad.

The items will then be carried to the planet's surface by cargo pods. If the planet has a cargo landing pad, then the cargo pods will go there, placing their payloads directly inside the cargo landing pad's inventory (spilling the items if the cargo landing pad is already full). Otherwise, the cargo pod will land at a random location near the planet's spawn point. Landed cargo pods will wait for players to collect their payloads, and are automatically destroyed when emptied.

Unlike transfers from a planet's surface to a space platform, transfers from space platforms to planetary surfaces come at no material costs despite the appearance of a cargo pod.


Characters can travel to space platforms by riding a rocket, and can likewise leave the platform in a cargo pod.

One character traveling to a space platform takes up an entire rocket, and is not allowed to carry any items in their inventory, except for their equipped weapons and armor (but not ammunition). All other items must be transferred to the space platform hub in separate rockets.

Players aboard space platforms are locked inside the space platform hub, unable to move. The player is therefore locked into remote view until they drop their character to a planetary surface. Note that there is no way to access a player's inventory while in this state.

Biter eggs and pentapod eggs that spoil on the platform (either in the hub or on a belt) produce enemy entities like normal. These enemies do not suffocate, nor are they damaged by the environment. They will attack nearby structures as normal.


Space platforms with one or more thrusters are able to perform voyages between different space locations, such as planets. The more thrusters that are installed on a platform, the faster the platform can get to its destination, but this also causes asteroids to appear faster and threaten the platform. When the thrusters are stopped while in mid-destination, the platform will slowly move toward the destination it's closer to via gravitational pull.


Platform weight depends on how many space platform foundation tiles the platform has. Each tile of space platform foundation weighs 200kg or 0.2 tons. The space platform hub itself weighs 20 tons. Notably, extra cargo bays do not increase the platform's weight (aside from requiring space platform foundation under them).

Planetary schedules

Travel between planets can be automated, in a manner similar to using trains. Clicking on the space platform hub will bring up its GUI. Individual planets can be added to the platform's schedule by clicking the "add station" button. A popup will appear with all currently unlocked space destinations. When one is selected, another button appears for selecting a wait condition from a drop-down list. Like trains, wait conditions are used to tell the platform when to leave the planet's orbit. If no wait condition is selected, the platform will continue to its next stop, if one exists. One can also select if the platform will unload cargo at a planet. If this option is deselected, platforms will not drop any items down to planets automatically.

The space platform's GUI. There is one station set for the solar system edge.

When set to "automatic" mode, the platform will automatically fly to the designated planet. If attempting to travel to a planet that has no direct route to, the platform will fill in any gaps along the way. For example, attempting to fly from Vulcanus to Fulgora will have a platform automatically fly to Nauvis first.

There are 12 types of wait conditions, many of them unique to space platforms:

  • All requests satisfied: All requests for the current planet have been satisfied.
  • Any request not satisfied: At least one request for the current planet is not satisfied.
  • Any request zero: At least one request for the current planet is satisfied.
  • Circuit condition: A condition is met from the circuit network, or one of the platform's built in control signals.
  • Damage taken: The platform has received a certain value of damage, defaulting to 1,000.
  • Inactivity: No items were received or dropped out of the hub for the specified amount of seconds.
  • Item count: The hub contains a specific amount of a certain item.
  • Passenger not present: No players are present on the platform.
  • Passenger present: At least one player is present on the platform.
  • Request not satisfied: A specific request for any planet is not satisfied. Items not requested cannot be set.
  • Request satisfied: A specific request for any planet is satisfied. Items not requested cannot be set.
  • Time passed

Additionally, platforms can make use of schedule interrupts, which behave exactly like trains.

The one exception to wait conditions is when traveling to the shattered planet. When this is selected, the wait condition becomes a "fly condition". Whatever condition is set will trigger while en-route to the shattered planet as if the platform was already stopped there. This is because the player is not intended to actually reach the shattered planet (though it is possible), and so the fly condition becomes a way to easily turn the platform around at a certain time.

The platform hub is able to be connected to the circuit network, with the following reactions:

  • Read contents: The hub will output its contents to the circuit network
  • Send to platform: Any signals on wires will be passed to the hub, allowing them to be used for wait conditions
  • Read moving to: The platform will output the planet at the end of the current space route with a value of 1.
  • Read moving from: The platform will output the planet at the beginning of the current space route with a value of 2.
    • If both "moving from" and "moving to" are selected, a platform stopped at a planet will output the planet's signal with a value of 3.
  • Read speed: The platform will output its current velocity, defaulting to "V"
    • A speed signal will only show as 0 when stopped at a planet. If a platform is stopped between planets for whatever reason, it will slowly drift into orbit of the nearest planet, giving the signal a value of 10 or -10.
  • Read damage taken: The platform will output the amount of damage taken in the current trip, defaulting to "D"


Main article: asteroids

Space platforms regularly encounter asteroids.

The smallest asteroids are called "chunks". Chunks can be collected by asteroid collectors and processed into various raw materials by crushers. Among other uses, it is possible to convert these materials into thruster fuel and thruster oxidizer.

Asteroids larger than chunks may also appear. However, they cannot be grabbed by asteroid collectors, and will damage the space platform upon impact. They can be targeted by turrets, and can be broken into multiple smaller asteroids by reducing their health to 0. This is done repeatedly until they become chunks.

During voyages, the number and relative velocity of asteroids increases proportionally to the platform's speed. It is therefore dangerous for a space platform to travel faster than it can destroy the asteroids that it will encounter. Different locations contain different amounts of each type of asteroid, and routes between locations may vary these numbers over the course of a journey. For example, only chunks will appear in stationary orbit around Nauvis, thus providing a safe building environment free of larger asteroids that may damage the platform.

Access to basic resources



  • 2.0.23:
    • Added an error message when manually trying to launch a rocket to a full space platform.
    • Changed space platforms to not delete items on the ground when deconstructing them.
  • 2.0.14:
    • Deletion of space platforms requires confirmation.