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DocumentationThis template is designed to be used to describe an item or machine, using a box of info.
This template uses functions from Module:Infobox.
To use, create a page in the infobox namespace by prepending Infobox: to the page you are trying to add an infobox to, so that the new pages is called Infobox:(whatever the page name is). Then, on the page, add the line {{:Infobox:Page_name}}
. This will "copy" the infobox you create on Infobox:... to the page itself. Of course, replace Page_name with the name of the page.
As for the infobox on Infobox:..., start with the line: {{Infobox
. Then, on the next few lines, start with the pipe character, |, then place a parameter, and set it equal to the value you wish it to be. Then, end the parameter lines with two curly-brackets. "}}", and the line <noinclude>[[Category:Infobox page]]</noinclude>
Example working box:
{{Infobox |category = Logistics |health=100 |stack-size=50 |wire-reach=9 |supply-area=7×7 |recipe=Time, 0.5 + Steel plate, 2 + Copper plate, 2 |required-technologies=Electric energy distribution 1 |producers=Player + Assembling machine }} <noinclude>[[Category:Infobox page]]</noinclude>
Additionally, the infobox will automatically translate. Just "copy" the infobox (the same way, from Infobox:...) to the page, as done for the English page. ({{:Infobox:Page name}}
If you need further help, contact a wiki admin or look at existing examples, on actual pages.
The "recipe" parameter should be used as follows:
|recipe = wood, 4 = wooden chest, 1
item1, quantity = output item, quantity.
Separate multiple items with +.
Technology trigger
The "technology-trigger" parameter should be used as follows:
|technology-trigger = trigger-type: Item, count
The trigger type can be one of the following:
The items and counts are optional, when they are left out then the colon after the trigger-type should also be removed.
|technology-trigger = capture-spawner
If a property is affected by quality, add the quality template around the different numbers for the quality levels. For example, the max health of an entity is affected by quality and formatted as follows:
|health = {{Quality|200|260|320|380|500}}
Because quality solely adds information to base game items and does not override or remove values, it is applied directly to the base properties (without space-age) and does not require "changed-by-space-age-mod" to be set.
A list of valid parameters is provided below. Since this infobox is general purpose, not all must be used, however some are required. Required parameters are shown in red. Please be as descriptive as possible when making infoboxes.
Tip: This is a large table. After expanding, use CTRL
+ F
in most browsers to search through this table easily.
Available Parameters
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Infobox/sandbox |
Recipe |
+ + → | |
Total raw |
+ + | |
foo |
Stack size |
200 |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
satellite |
Produced by |
Consumed by |
Infobox/sandbox |
Recipe |
+ + + → | |||||||||||||
Total raw |
+ + + | |||||||||||||
foo |
Storage size |
20 |
Health |
Stack size |
200 |
50 |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
space-age-only |
Produced by |
Consumed by |
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Cost |
✖ 1500 | |
foo |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
kovarex-enrichment-process |
Required technologies |
Allows |
Effects |
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Recipe |
+ + + → | |
Total raw |
+ + + | |
Stack size |
200 |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
advanced-circuit |
Required technologies |
Produced by |
Consumed by |
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Cost |
✖ 300 | |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
speed-module-3 |
Required technologies |
Allows |
Effects |
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Cost |
✖ 300 | |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
speed-module-3 |
Required technologies |
Allows |
Effects |
Infobox/sandbox |
Researched by |
Capture any spawner. |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
speed-module-3 |
Required technologies |
Allows |
Effects |
Infobox/sandbox |
- Base game
- Space Age mod
Researched by |
Capture any spawner. |
Prototype type |
Internal name |
speed-module-3 |
Best tech (research) |
Recipe |
+ + + → | |||||||||||||
Total raw |
+ + + + + | |||||||||||||
Map color |
Health |
Stack size |
20 |
Radar coverage distance |
Dimensions |
3×3 |
Energy consumption |
16 MW (burner) |
Rotation speed |
390 °/s |
Collection area |
9×9 |
Collection arm speed |
42 km/h |
Collection arm count |
5 |
Heat output |
40 MW heat |
Maximum temperature |
1000 °C |
Research speed |
1 |
Mining time |
0.5 |
Resource drain |
20% |
Science pack drain |
40% |
Base productivity |
30% |
Required technologies |
Produced by |
Valid fuel |