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Yumako tree

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Yumako tree

Can be chopped down for Yumako.

Map color

Expected resources





15 per harvest

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Space Age expansion exclusive feature.

Yumako tree is a plant which grows naturally on Gleba. It is the primary source of yumako. When mined, it creates 15 spores. However if it is destroyed (either by shooting it or by ramming it) it will not yield spores

It can be planted or harvested either by hand or by an agricultural tower. It takes 5 minutes from planting for a yumako tree to reach maturity, but can be mined before this happens, generating less fruit and the same amount of spores. The amount of yumakos which can be gained per harvest is equal to half of its current growth percentage. For example, if the tree was mined at 50%, it will contain 25 yumakos.


See also