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Oil processing

From Official Factorio Wiki
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Oil processing is a large part of Factorio. It was introduced in v0.9. Oil processing may refer to the researched technology, the recipe used in the oil refinery, or the overall workings of oil.

The values shown here are accurate for version 0.15. In 0.14, anything that produces, consumes, or stores any fluid does so at 1/10th of the quantities listed here. Solid items and ratios are unaffected; this is essentially just a cosmetic change of the displayed units.


In Factorio, when the player reaches the need for Science pack 3, they must set up oil processing. In order to do this, the player must research the following technologies:


Technology Description
Oil processing Allows the player to set up a basic facility to mine, process, and use oil.
Sulfur processing
A prerequisite for the research of the Battery, which is used in a handful items later on, including the Science pack 3.
Plastics The Plastic bar is an ingredient in the Advanced circuit, which is used often later on.
Fluid handling Allows better control over your liquids, with the Storage Tank and Small Pump.
Advanced oil processing Gives you a new recipe for use in the Oil refinery, allowing you to get more useful products from your Crude Oil.
Coal liquefaction
Gives you a refinery recipe to turn excess coal into oil products. Introduced in version 0.15.0.
Flame thrower
Gives you access to the Flamethrower and Flamethrower ammo


There are various recipes that can be done regarding Oil processing. They are listed below.

After researching Oil processing:
Process Input Machine Output
Basic oil processing
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
Solid fuel
After researching Advanced oil processing:
Process Input Machine Output
Advanced oil processing
Heavy oil cracking
Light oil cracking
After researching Fluid handling:
Process Input Machine Output
Fill crude oil barrel
Empty crude oil barrel
After researching
Sulfur processing:
Process Input Machine Output
Sulfuric Acid
After researching Advanced electronics:
Process Input Machine Output
Processing unit
After researching Battery:
Process Input Machine Output
After researching Plastics:
Process Input Machine Output
After researching Flammables and Flame thrower:
Process Input Machine Output
Flamethrower ammo
After researching
Coal liquefaction, added in 0.15.0:
Process Input Machine Output
Coal liquefaction

Setting up oil processing

Pumpjacks need to be placed on top of the middle of the oil well. Given electricity (90kW, upgradeable), Pumpjacks will produce a certain amount of Crude oil per second, shown on the right, at the bottom of the information panel. Over time this value will decrease down to a minimum of 2 oil/s, providing infinite oil at a very low rate.

All liquids can be transported by Pipes, only Crude oil can be filled into Barrels and moved with the Railway network or other vehicles.

The Crude Oil then needs to be refined in an Oil refinery. The Oil refinery also needs Power provided by an Electric network. It has a much higher demand, at 420kW, but it is also upgradeable via modules. The oil refinery needs to have a recipe set (see above for available recipes). Once it is set, the inputs and outputs show what needs to be and what will be supplied. You cannot move the locations of these, only rotate the entire machine. Make sure that the products have somewhere to go (preferably Storage Tanks), as the refinery will stop production of all products if one product output is full.

Once the process finishes in the oil refinery, the player will be left with 3 products: Heavy oil, Light oil and Petroleum gas. Both Heavy oil and Light oil can be cracked to the next lower type in a Chemical plant (recipe above). This is useful if the player has lots of Light oil, but is lacking in Petroleum gas (A common problem).

From here, after some research, the player can use the oil products to create various products. They are all listed above.


  • Lubricant
    • If you run your Heavy Oil pipe from the refineries past a Lubricant-making Chemical Plant before sending it to the cracking Chemical Plants, you can be sure that the Lubricant production will have priority over cracking.
    • Most games will only ever need one lubricant-producing Chemical Plant and one Storage Tank for the lubricant.
    • Since Lubricant is only used for blue belts and electric engines, and the only other use of Heavy Oil is flamethrower ammo (production of which is either best placed in your oil refinery or elided entirely) and cracking into Light Oil (the Heavy Oil to Solid fuel production ratio is terrible compared to cracking it first), you may want to consider placing your production of robots and belt assembly nearby your oil refineries, so lubricant doesn't need to be sent as far.
  • Solid fuel
    • Solid fuel is most efficient when created from Light oil. If the player has too much heavy oil, cracking it to light oil then making it into fuel is more efficient than making heavy oil into fuel directly.
    • The circuit network can be used to easily control how much fluid gets used for each recipe, to ensure that the player always has enough.

Moving fluids

There are many ways to move fluids in Factorio, they are listed below:

Optimal Ratios

The optimal ratio is the ratio of production that ensures no waste of time or materials.

Produce Petroleum gas

For producing petroleum gas, when you apply 1 Oil Refinery to the optimal Advanced oil processing ratio 25:3:21, you get 1:0.12:0.84. Round that up to get 1:1:1, which means:

  • 1 Oil Refinery on Advanced oil processing
  • 1 Chemical plant on Heavy oil cracking
  • 1 Chemical plants on Light oil cracking

Different ratios are close enough such as 8:1:7.

The setup above will not jam, but it will have temporarily inactive buildings. If you round down, it will no longer have inactive buildings, but it will jam (over time).

This can be sped up with modules, but to prevent jams or inactive buildings, however it is recommended to speed everything up evenly. When slowing down (by using Productivity modules) you are better off experimenting on altering the ratio or the speed on certain buildings, since these ratios are only mathematically correct if all the buildings have the same speed, and have 100% productivity (In other words, no bonuses).

Calculating the optimal ratios is relatively challenging, since not all of the durations of the processes are the same (the crafting speed of a chemical plant is 1.25, but the refinery's is 1.0). If this were not taken in account, it will lead to (temporarily) inactive buildings, which is not optimal.

See also