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'''Welcome to the Official Factorio Wiki!''' Now that you have an account, there are a few key places on this Wiki that will be helpful in your efforts to improve it. <br>
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Ein '''Akkumulator''' speichert eine begrenzte Menge Energie, wenn die Produktion den Verbraucht übersteigt, und stellt diese umgekehrt wieder zur Verfügung. Er kann maximal 5 MJ speichern, bei einer maximalen Ladung/Entladung von 300 kW. Wird der Akkumulator mit einem Netzwerk verbunden, gibt er seine prozentuale Ladung von 0 bis 100 als spezifisches Signal aus.
Secondly, if you're new to editing Wikis and are unfamiliar with MediaWiki's formatting, please be sure to read the [ help pages]. In addition to the help provided by MW, we also provide a [[Factorio:Style guide|style guide]] that we enforce. <br>
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Again, welcome, we hope you contribute as much high quality information as you can. :) [[User:Bilka|Bilka]] ([[User talk:Bilka|talk]]) - <span style="color:#FF0000">Admin</span> 08:06, 17 July 2018 (UTC)

== Bemerkungen ==
* 5MJ gespeicherte Energie benötigen etwa 17s, um vollständig ge-/entladen zu werden. Siehe auch [[Game-second/de|Spiel-Sekunde]] für weitere Berechnungen.
* It takes 20 accumulators (100MJ) to maintain 1MW through the night, because the accumulators don't immediately start discharging at the beginning of dusk, see the graph in [ this post.]
* When discharged above maximum speed by multiple unconnected poles, energy will not be distributed equally (some loads may get 100% demand, others 0%)
* May be used to provide a limited amount of power (multiples of maximum charge rate) to a section of the grid.
* Produces light when charging and discharging.
* Can act as an emergency backup for the factory in case of blackout, until main power supply is restored.
* Can be used to power the base at night if it relies heavily on [[solar panel]]s.
* Can act to satisfy surging demands of certain loads. If the power usage of one device exceeds production for a few seconds or so, the accumulator can provide power to the grid until said device shuts down or requires a lesser power requirement.

Das '''Elektrische System''' wird genutzt, um eine Vielzahl verschiedener Maschinen anzutreiben. Das Spiel kann kaum ohne Elektrizität gespielt werden. Wenn Strom erzeugt wird, wird dieser gleichmäßig auf alle Maschinen im Stromnetz verteilt.
== Other uses ==
Note that if you don't want to limit throughput you can use a [[power switch]] instead.

== Netzwerkmechanik ==
=== Isolation of Power Networks ===
=== Erzeugung ===

Es gibt vier Arten, Strom zu erzeugen. Mehr Details über die jeweilige Methode gibt es auf der Seite [[Power production/de|Stromerzeugung]].
[[Electric system#Storage|Accumulator]]s can be used to isolate two separate power networks, which has a number of uses. Since accumulators have a lower delivery priority than any other entity, this guarantees that they only receive energy when you have enough left over after powering all other entities in a network. At the same time, accumulators can also be used to deliver energy in another electrical network, and can charge and discharge at the same time. Consider the following example:

# [[Steam engine/de|Dampfmaschine]] – Weit verbreitet, erfordert [[Boiler/de|Heizkessel]] (welche [[Water/de|Wasser]] und [[fuel/de|Treibstoff]] benötigen).
# [[Solar panel/de|Solarmodul]] – Kostenloser Strom, aber nur am Tage. Wird normalerweise in Kombination mit Akkumulatoren verwendet.
# [[Accumulator/de|Akkumulator]] – Energiespeicher, siehe weiter unten.
# [[Steam turbine/de|Turbine]] – Hochleistungs-Dampfmaschine. Wird genutzt, um Strom aus dem Dampf eines [[Nuclear reactor/de|Kernreaktor]]s zu erzeugen.

Benötigt ein Stromnetz weniger Energie als produziert wird, reduzieren Dampfmaschinen und Turbinen ihre Leistung, damit keine Energie verschwendet wird.
The two power networks A and B are not directly connected to each other: They are connected only through the accumulators, which are shared by both networks. This is accomplished by setting up electric poles for each network connected to the accumulators, then ensuring the sets of poles are not connected to each other (which can be done by crafting a copper wire then dragging it between two connected poles to sever the connection, exactly as is done for disconnecting circuit wires).  

=== Speicherung ===
In the above example:
[[File:electrical-network-example-2.png|thumb|256px|Ein Feld aus 48 Akkumulatoren und einem [[substation/de|Umspannwerk]] mit einer Kapazität von 240 MJ.]]

Energie kann auf folgende Arten gespeichert werden:
* The accumulators will only charge if extra power is being produced by network A or B.
* [[Fuel/de|Treibstoff]]. Kann verbrannt werden, um Strom zu erzeugen.
* The accumulators will discharge as needed into either network if one is not producing enough power.
* [[Accumulator/de|Akkumulatoren]]. Akkumulatoren werden durch überschüssigen Strom aufgeladen und bieten Strom an, wenn der Bedarf die Produktion übersteigt.
* Since the maximum input/output rate of an accumulator is 300 kW, power flow between the two networks will be limited to 300 kW times the number of accumulators (1.5 MW in the example).
* [[Steam/de|Dampf]]. Kann in [[boiler/de|Heizkessel]]n oder [[heat exchanger/de|Wärmetauscher]]n hergestellt und in [[storage tank/de|Lagertank]]s gespeichert werden. Ermöglicht es, dass Dampfmaschinen und Turbinen bei Bedarf mit Energie versorgt werden.
* Note that this isolation is bidirectional: Either network can charge the accumulators, and the accumulators can discharge into either network.

==== Dampftanks als Energiespeicher ====
This technique can be used whenever this type of isolation is desired.
Ein Lagertank mit Dampf aus einem [[heat exchanger/de|Wärmetauscher]] (500°C) speichert 2,425GJ; Ein Lagertank mit [[boiler/de|Heizkessel]]-Dampf (165°C) speichert 750MJ.

Es gibt mehrere Vorteile, Energie in Lagertanks anstatt in Akkumulatoren zu speichern:
==== Reduction of Energy Consumption in Critical Situations ====
* Die Energiedichte ist deutlich höher.
** Bei Dampf mit 165°C (aus [[boiler|Heizkesseln]]), kann ein einzelner Lagertank so viel wie 150 Akkumulatoren speichern: <code>750MJ / 5MJ = 150</code>
** Bei Dampf mit 500°C (aus [[Heat exchanger/de|Wärmetauschern]]), speichert ein einzelner Lagertank so viel wie 485 Akkumulatoren: <code>2425MJ / 5MJ = 485</code>
* Ein [[nuclear reactor/de|Kernreaktor]] verbrennt immer eine ganze Einheit Kernbrennstoff und erzeugt dabei 8GJ (oder mehr mit dem Nachbarbonus), auch wenn der Verbrauch geringer ist. Überschüssige Energie kann als Dampf gespeichert werden.
* Ein [[accumulator/de|Akkumulator]] kann mit maximal 300kW ge- oder entladen werden. Bei hoher Belastung (z.B. Feuern von Laser-Geschütztürmen), kann eine geringe Anzahl an Akkumulatoren überlastet werden, was zu Stromausfällen führt. Eine Dampfmaschine kann 900kW aus dem gespeicherten Dampf erzeugen (das 3-fache eines Akkumulators), eine Turbine sogar 5800kW (6,4-fache Leistung). Somit kann eine geringe Anzahl Turbinen und/oder Dampfmaschinen viel höhere Spannungsspitzen abfangen.
* Dampf kann per Zug transportiert werden. Somit ist Strom auch weit entfernt von der Basis nutzbar.

=== Verteilung ===
In particular, one good use for the above technique is to limit electricity consumption in low power situations by isolating non-critical parts of your factory (such as [[Radar]], [[Lab]]s, [[Electric furnace]]s, [[Electric mining drill|electric miner]]s, [[Beacon]]s, etc.) from critical parts (such as lasers, ammo production, or whatever your priorities are).

Strommasten werden für die Stromübertragung genutzt. Es gibt 4 Arten von Strommasten (3 Größen und das Umspannwerk), die jeweils unterschiedliche Eigenschaften in Bezug auf Anschlussreichweite und Verteilgebiet (blaue Fläche um den Mast) haben. Werden zwei unterschiedliche Masten verbunden, werden die Eigenschaften des kleineren angewendet.
To do this, place your main generators and critical components on one network and place your non-critical components on another network, isolating the two as above. Now, two things will happen:

# [[Small electric pole/de|Kleiner Strommast]] – Zweitkleinstes Verteilgebiet, kürzeste Anschlussreichweite. Ohne Forschung verfügbar.
* Power will ''only'' flow to the non-critical network when you are generating a surplus on the main network, and
# [[Medium electric pole/de|Mittelgroßer Strommast]] – Zweitgrößtes Verteilgebiet, mittlere Reichweite.
* The rate will always be limited to 300 kW per accumulator.
# [[Big electric pole/de|Großer Strommast]] – Kleinstes Verteilgebiet, größte Kabelreichweite.
# [[Substation/de|Umspannwerk]] – Größtes Verteilgebiet, zweitbeste Reichweite, aber sehr teuer in der Herstellung.

=== Verbrauch ===
Because the accumulators will only receive power if you have a surplus on the main network, this will in effect deactivate the low-priority network when electricity is in short supply. This will also limit power consumption of the low priority network if its usage becomes high, for example if you have two factories on a low priority network and usually only one of them runs at a time, if both happen to run they won't consume more than the total limit, they'll just slow down.

Die Mehrheit der Maschinen in Factorio benötigt Elektrizität. Hierbei gibt es zwei Aspekte:
Essentially you are saying "only deliver power to these systems if I have enough to spare, and even then don't exceed this delivery rate".

* Energieverbrauch – Die Energie, die die Maschine während ihres aktiven Einsatzes verbraucht (Herstellung oder Bewegen von Gegenständen usw.). Kann das Stromnetz nicht genug Elektrizität liefern, um alle Maschinen zu versorgen, wird der Strom gleichmäßig auf alle Maschinen verteilt (proportional zum Verbrauch).  Alle Maschinen arbeiten entsprechend mit gleichmäßig reduzierter Leistung.
In general this is a technique which works well when you've just researched accumulators and solar panels, but don't have enough resources to build big solar farms and accumulator farms yet.
  ** Beispiel: Eine [[Assembling machine 3/de|Montagemaschine 3]] (210kW) und ein [[Electric mining drill/de|Elektrischer Erzförderer]] (90kW) sind in einem Stromnetz (90+210 = 300kW) verbunden, doch dieses wird nur durch 3 [[Solar panel/de|Solarmodul]]e (3x60kW = 180kW) versorgt. Beide Maschinen arbeiten nur mit 60% Leistung (180/300=0.6).
* Stand-by – Die Energie, die von der Maschine verbraucht wird, egal ob sie arbeitet oder nicht. Die meisten Maschinen benötigen nur eine geringe Menge Energie, doch in kleinen Fabriken mit geringer Energiekapazität kann dies relevant werden.

=== Verbindungen ===
== History ==
[[File:Electric-network-1.png|thumb|256px|Einfaches Beispiel eines Stromnetzes.]]

Ein Stromnetz wird erzeugt, indem elektrische Erzeuger ([[Steam engine/de|Dampfmaschine]]n oder [[Solar panel/de|Solarmodul]]e) und Verbraucher durch Strommasten verbunden werden. Werden Strommasten innerhalb ihrer Reichweite plaziert, verbinden sich diese automatisch. Gebäude innerhalb der Reichweite der Masten werden direkt versorgt. Fährt man mit dem Mauszeiger über einen Strommasten, zeigt dieser die Energieversorgung innerhalb dieses Stromnetzes an. Klickt man auf einen Masten, öffnet dies eine ausführliche Übersicht über dieses Stromnetz. (Siehe weiter unten)
* Reduced collision box of [[big electric pole]] to allow squeezing between it and an accumulator.}}

* Mit Shift-Klick auf einen Masten werden alle Verbindungen zu anderen Masten entfernt.
* Getrennte Masten können durch [[Copper cable/de|Kupferkabel]] von einem zum nächsten Masten verbunden werden.
* Now connectible to the circuit network.}}
* Hält man die Bau-Taste (Standard Linke Maustaste) beim Laufen gedrückt, werden automatisch Strommasten mit ihrer maximalen Reichweite gesetzt.

== Stromnetz-Anzeige ==
[[File:Electric network info screen.png|thumb|400x400px|Die detaillierte Stromnetz-Anzeige]]
* Heavy optimisations by merging them into groups.}}

'''Es wird immer nur die Information des Netzwerks angezeigt, mit dem der entsprechende Mast verbunden ist!''' (im Gegensatz zur globalen Produktionsanzeige (Taste P))
* Drastically slowed crafting to 10 secs.}}

# '''Satisfaction''' – The current amount of energy consumed by the network. This bar should be full. If it is not full, it means that the machines connected to the network are consuming more power than is produced, and the bar will change color to yellow (>50%) or red (<50%).
# '''Production''' – The current energy produced by the network. This bar should never be full. If it is full, it means that the machines connected to the network are consuming all available energy. The less full this bar is, the more surplus energy is available.
* Capacity doubled, increase I/O to 300 watts.}}
# '''[[Accumulator|Accumulator]] capacity''' – How much energy is currently held inside of the accumulators connected to your network.  Measured in [[Units|joule]]s; 1 Joule = 1 Watt * 1 second (see also [[wikipedia:Joule]]). This bar should be able to fill fully before emptying again.
# '''Timespan''' - Set the [[Time|time]] span for the graphs below. "5s" means over the last 5 seconds.
# '''Detailed Consumption''' – A list of consumers from highest power consumption to lowest. In the picture example, 16 [[Radar|radars]] consume the most power, at 4.7 MW.
# '''Detailed Production''' – A list of producers from highest power production to lowest. In the picture example, 160 [[Steam engine]]s produce all the electricity in the factory.
# '''Consumption Graph''' – Shows the consumption of the different parts of the network over time.
# '''Production Graph''' – Shows the production of the different producers of the network over time.

Note that the timeframe influences the shown detailed production/consumption: the displayed watts is the total average power production or consumption over the full time. Setting longer timeframes also allows seeing the past production or consumption of machines even if they are not currently connected to the network.
* Added charging animation.}}

== Netzwerkprioritäten ==
* Introduced}}

Electricity is provided on a priority basis. The demand for energy is satisfied by generators in following order:
== See also ==
* [[Electric system]]
* [[Solar panel]]
* [[Power production]]
* [[Game-day]]

* [[Solar panel]]s – Top priority; they always work at maximum performance available, unless they can cover all demand of the network, in which case they match demand.
* [[Steam engine]]s and [[Steam turbine]]s – They match whatever demand solar panels cannot satisfy; note that Engines and Turbines do have the same priority, leftover demand is equally divided among both.
* [[Accumulator]] – Last resort. They are only discharged when demand cannot be met by other means. They are also only charged when all demand is met, and there is yet more power available.
There may be situations where different behaviour is desired (such as solar panels combined with accumulators for night-and-day delivery), in which case clever use of a  [[power switch]] and the [[circuit network]] is in order.
A newly-placed electric pole will be automatically connected to nearby poles according to the following rules:
# It will be connected to other available poles, starting with the closest one.
# It won't be connected to 2 poles connected to each other (it won't form a 3 pole triangle).
# It will not be connected to more than 5 other poles.
A player can manually connect poles together with Copper Wire, if they are within reach of each other, as long as either pole does not already have 5 connections.
== Siehe auch ==
* [[Tutorial:Producing power from oil|Stromerzeugung aus Öl]] (Englisch)
* [[Power production/de|Stromerzeugung]]
* [[Steam/de|Dampf]]
* [[Fluid system/de|Flüssigkeiten]]
* [[Units/de|Einheiten]]

Revision as of 22:15, 22 October 2018

  • Base game
  • Space Age mod



Total raw


Map color


195 240
285 375

Stack size




Energy capacity

5.0 MJ
10 MJ 15 MJ
20 MJ 30 MJ

Power input

300 kW
390 kW 480 kW
570 kW 750 kW

Power output

300 kW
390 kW 480 kW
570 kW 750 kW

Mining time


Prototype type


Internal name


Required technologies

Produced by

Consumed by

Ein Akkumulator speichert eine begrenzte Menge Energie, wenn die Produktion den Verbraucht übersteigt, und stellt diese umgekehrt wieder zur Verfügung. Er kann maximal 5 MJ speichern, bei einer maximalen Ladung/Entladung von 300 kW. Wird der Akkumulator mit einem Netzwerk verbunden, gibt er seine prozentuale Ladung von 0 bis 100 als spezifisches Signal aus.


  • 5MJ gespeicherte Energie benötigen etwa 17s, um vollständig ge-/entladen zu werden. Siehe auch Spiel-Sekunde für weitere Berechnungen.
  • It takes 20 accumulators (100MJ) to maintain 1MW through the night, because the accumulators don't immediately start discharging at the beginning of dusk, see the graph in this post.
  • When discharged above maximum speed by multiple unconnected poles, energy will not be distributed equally (some loads may get 100% demand, others 0%)
  • May be used to provide a limited amount of power (multiples of maximum charge rate) to a section of the grid.
  • Produces light when charging and discharging.
  • Can act as an emergency backup for the factory in case of blackout, until main power supply is restored.
  • Can be used to power the base at night if it relies heavily on solar panels.
  • Can act to satisfy surging demands of certain loads. If the power usage of one device exceeds production for a few seconds or so, the accumulator can provide power to the grid until said device shuts down or requires a lesser power requirement.

Other uses

Note that if you don't want to limit throughput you can use a power switch instead.

Isolation of Power Networks

Accumulators can be used to isolate two separate power networks, which has a number of uses. Since accumulators have a lower delivery priority than any other entity, this guarantees that they only receive energy when you have enough left over after powering all other entities in a network. At the same time, accumulators can also be used to deliver energy in another electrical network, and can charge and discharge at the same time. Consider the following example:

The two power networks A and B are not directly connected to each other: They are connected only through the accumulators, which are shared by both networks. This is accomplished by setting up electric poles for each network connected to the accumulators, then ensuring the sets of poles are not connected to each other (which can be done by crafting a copper wire then dragging it between two connected poles to sever the connection, exactly as is done for disconnecting circuit wires).

In the above example:

  • The accumulators will only charge if extra power is being produced by network A or B.
  • The accumulators will discharge as needed into either network if one is not producing enough power.
  • Since the maximum input/output rate of an accumulator is 300 kW, power flow between the two networks will be limited to 300 kW times the number of accumulators (1.5 MW in the example).
  • Note that this isolation is bidirectional: Either network can charge the accumulators, and the accumulators can discharge into either network.

This technique can be used whenever this type of isolation is desired.

Reduction of Energy Consumption in Critical Situations

In particular, one good use for the above technique is to limit electricity consumption in low power situations by isolating non-critical parts of your factory (such as Radar, Labs, Electric furnaces, electric miners, Beacons, etc.) from critical parts (such as lasers, ammo production, or whatever your priorities are).

To do this, place your main generators and critical components on one network and place your non-critical components on another network, isolating the two as above. Now, two things will happen:

  • Power will only flow to the non-critical network when you are generating a surplus on the main network, and
  • The rate will always be limited to 300 kW per accumulator.

Because the accumulators will only receive power if you have a surplus on the main network, this will in effect deactivate the low-priority network when electricity is in short supply. This will also limit power consumption of the low priority network if its usage becomes high, for example if you have two factories on a low priority network and usually only one of them runs at a time, if both happen to run they won't consume more than the total limit, they'll just slow down.

Essentially you are saying "only deliver power to these systems if I have enough to spare, and even then don't exceed this delivery rate".

In general this is a technique which works well when you've just researched accumulators and solar panels, but don't have enough resources to build big solar farms and accumulator farms yet.


  • 0.13.0:
    • Now connectible to the circuit network.
  • 0.12.0:
    • Heavy optimisations by merging them into groups.
  • 0.11.0:
    • Drastically slowed crafting to 10 secs.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Capacity doubled, increase I/O to 300 watts.
  • 0.4.1:
    • Added charging animation.

See also