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From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 10:33, 24 April 2017 by Norrland (talk | contribs) (Translated the last paragraphs into Swedish)
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Factorio är ett spel som handlar om att skaffa resurser, plannera och bygga fabriker, automatisera produktion, och bekämpa alien fiender. Du överlevde en rymd koloniserings försök som gick snett, och du hittar dig själv ensam på ytan av en fientlig alien planet. Med ingenting förutom sten, järn och koppar vid dina fötter, det enda hoppet för överlevnad är aatt bygga dina egna automatiserade maskiner och fabriker från grunden för att producera utrustningen och försvaren som krävs för överlevnad i denna märkliga värld. Bortsett från ett effektivt sätt designa och underhålla din armé av maskiner, du kommer att behöva skydda dun fabrik och dig själv från ovänliga främmande horder som försöker förstöra dina automatiseringar och ta bort dig från planeten.


Se Vägkarta. Det finns en artikel om det.


Definition / Genre

TV Tropes have a good definition of Factorio.


April 1, 2014: Interview of Michal Kovarik in CanardPC

This is no April fool. :)

July 29, 2013: Developer Interview

Interview from Myratax.

English video:

German video:

February 5, 2013: Steam greenlight campaign


From Dwarf Fortress forum

We put that into the wiki, because it can be seen as a kind of "historical document" and a prove, that no essential point of the original vision has been lost. Because it is over a yer since then, we added some comment, see down!

Factorio - Factory building game « on: February 01, 2013, 12:46:49 am »
What do I do in the game ?
You will be in charge of a character that is building a factory from scratch. You will be mining resources, automating production, managing energy sources, designing the flow of items in your factory, researching technologies and defending from hostile creatures.
What is the game inspired by ? [*]
We drew a lot of inspiration from Transport Tycoon-like games, Civilization and Minecraft.
Why should I care ?
This game is made by geeks for geeks. The core of the game is building things. You can create huge almost self sufficient factories. There are machines crafting other machines. All the stuff is travelling on transport belts. There are simple means of "programming" the robotic arms that move things around. You also have little logistic robots that transport things among designated containers. The ultimate goal of course is to have self replicating factories:)
When & where can I get it ?
Public demo is available at (win, osx, ubuntu linux). Go and try it now.
The game successfully finished crowdfunding campaign (March 2013). The alpha version of the game can bought on our web page.
What is the current state of the game? [*]
We plan to start greenlight campaign in the start of december 2013, we are doing all the preparations needed for this to happen. (New trailer, consistent graphics, bugfree gameplay).
The current version is alpha, but we try to fix all the reported bugs, so the stable releases (latest is 0.10.12) are quite stable.
We put some effort to make the game moddable from the start, so you are can already choose from several mods extending different parts of the game. The modding support is made in a way that mod incompatibility isn't an issue.
I want to know more [*]
Check our website for trailer, screenshots, demo download and more information in general.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 12:36:32 pm by kovarex » Logged


Vilka är inspirationskällorna för factorio?
Från forumet har inspirationskällor för spelet kommit fram. Några exempel på dessa är:
  • Dwarf Fortress,
  • Transport Tycoon-like games, especially OpenTTD,
  • Minecraft (especially the BuildCraft mod)
  • Civilization series
  • SpaceChem
  • Creeper World 3
  • Terraria
  • Starbound
  • Grobots
  • Rimworld
  • DayZ
  • FTL
  • Unclaimed World
  • Into Space (shortly mentioned that the game will include elements from there)
  • Dig-N-Rig
Current state
See Roadmap for more or less actual current state.
Mer information
Läs den officiella bloggen; Factorio Fredags-Fakta (Eng: Factorio Friday Facts/FFF). Med ett inlägg varje fredag har FFF blivit en bra källa för hur utvecklingen av spelet går framåt. Skaparna av spelet berättar bland annat om; problem vid utvecklingen, framtida uppdateringar av spelet och annan information angående spelet.


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