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This is a short summary of the future plans for Factorio.

Refer to Roadmap/History for past versions of the roadmap and to upcoming features for a more detailed and up-to-date list of upcoming features.

Factorio 2.1

  • Work on Factorio 2.1 will begin after fixing bugs in 2.0 and Space Age. As of November 22, 2024, this is expected to take at least 2 months.
  • 2.1 will contain finishing touches and other changes "too big for putting into 2.0".
  • The Factorio team are also playing with ideas for a new game. Lead Developer Kovarex is thinking about something "related to [World of Warcraft] in a similar way as to how Factorio is related to Minecraft"[1]

Factorio: Space Age

For more details, see the official content page.

Factorio: Space Age is a paid expansion pack that was released on October 21, 2024. It consists of 3 official mods which can be enabled and disabled at will. It cost $35.00 USD, or the same price as the base game.

  • Space Age, featuring 4 new planets, new buildings, new enemies, space platforms, and a reworked tech tree
  • Quality, allowing drastic improvements to buildings and items as a "vertical" growth
  • Elevated Rails, for improved rail routing and better intersections

Quality and Elevated Rails are both prerequisites for Space Age, but can be enabled on their own.

Factorio 2.0

  • Factorio 2.0 is a free update to the base game released alongside Space Age. It features numerous quality of life improvements, performance optimizations, and other small tweaks. Some features included:
    • Improved control of train systems
    • Better blueprint building
    • Better flying robot behaviour

See also