Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
(105 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Total number of views in the last week: 215,074 (183,318 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 347,233 (292,496 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|8266 (6292)
|13471 (10135)
|4914 (4349)
|3177 (1889)
|2339 (1830)
|3030 (2728)
|2211 (1922)
|2980 (1580)
|1912 (1733)
|2274 (1920)
|1825 (1633)
|2114 (1798)
|1729 (1487)
|2096 (1765)
|1672 (1523)
|2082 (1206)
|1629 (1473)
|2010 (1840)
|1542 (1291)
|1951 (1725)
|1524 (1265)
|1881 (1628)
|1456 (1319)
|1809 (1584)
|1451 (1337)
|1805 (1602)
|1425 (1278)
|1785 (1571)
|1286 (1186)
|1755 (1490)
|1271 (1122)
|1681 (1475)
|1208 (1065)
|1660 (1479)
|1150 (1013)
|1530 (1336)
|1123 (969)
|1451 (1243)
|1118 (988)
|1357 (1144)

Latest revision as of 12:39, 7 March 2025

Total number of views in the last week: 347,233 (292,496 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 13471 (10135)
2 Foundry 3177 (1889)
3 Quality 3030 (2728)
4 Vulcanus 2980 (1580)
5 Console/ru 2274 (1920)
6 Gleba 2114 (1798)
7 Fulgora 2096 (1765)
8 Main_Page/zh 2082 (1206)
9 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 2010 (1840)
10 console 1951 (1725)
11 Aquilo 1881 (1628)
12 Space_Age 1809 (1584)
13 Space_platform 1805 (1602)
14 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1785 (1571)
15 Enemies 1755 (1490)
16 Science_pack 1681 (1475)
17 Recycler 1660 (1479)
18 Rocket_silo 1530 (1336)
19 Fusion_reactor 1451 (1243)
20 Captive_biter_spawner 1357 (1144)