Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
(328 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 321,563 (257,458 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 1,094,516 (948,905 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|19359 (11511)
|39801 (30369)
|9789 (8353)
|13688 (12369)
|8499 (6920)
|11540 (10310)
|5547 (4569)
|10821 (8921)
|4341 (3746)
|10159 (8450)
|3838 (3219)
|9041 (7572)
|3495 (3174)
|8912 (8068)
|3317 (2721)
|8605 (7370)
|2776 (2141)
|8341 (7397)
|2757 (2328)
|7914 (6459)
|2743 (2293)
|7155 (6426)
|2723 (1857)
|6971 (5913)
|2714 (2138)
|6524 (5622)
|2599 (2218)
|6110 (5440)
|2547 (2088)
|5856 (5117)
|2443 (1915)
|5837 (5133)
|2373 (2046)
|5740 (5258)
|2236 (1934)
|5430 (4999)
|2095 (1855)
|5195 (4649)
|2052 (1673)
|5194 (4740)

Revision as of 12:00, 15 November 2024

Total number of views in the last week: 1,094,516 (948,905 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 39801 (30369)
2 Quality 13688 (12369)
3 Space_platform 11540 (10310)
4 Gleba 10821 (8921)
5 Fulgora 10159 (8450)
6 Vulcanus 9041 (7572)
7 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 8912 (8068)
8 Space_Age 8605 (7370)
9 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 8341 (7397)
10 Foundry 7914 (6459)
11 Recycler 7155 (6426)
12 Aquilo 6971 (5913)
13 Science_pack 6524 (5622)
14 console 6110 (5440)
15 Enemies 5856 (5117)
16 Rocket_silo 5837 (5133)
17 Circuit_network 5740 (5258)
18 Balancer_mechanics 5430 (4999)
19 Shattered_planet 5195 (4649)
20 Power_production 5194 (4740)