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{{:Infobox:Storage chest}}

Větší pokročilé úložiště. [[Logistic robot/cs|Logističtí roboti]] zde skladují předměty z [[active provider chest/cs|aktivních truhel]], stejně jako předměty získané z odpadních slotů hráčova inventáře.
The lamp is a basic electric device providing light to a medium area at night. It can be used to increase visibility in a factory, so [[night vision]] is not needed.

=== Poznámky ===
== Color ==
* Roboti budou vyzvedávat potřebný materiál v následujícím pořadí: Aktivní truhly > Skladovací truhly > [[passive provider chest/cs|pasivní truhly]]
* Nejsou-li žádné požadavky dostupné, budou roboti vyzvedávat obsah aktivních truhel a přenášet ho do skladovací truhly.
* Pokud se stane, že robot nemůže svůj náklad donést k cíli, odletí zpátky ke skladovací truhle, kde předmět znovu uloží, než se vydá k dalšímu úkolu.

== Další četba ==
Lamp colors can be changed. The can be done by sending a color signal to the lamp. When the condition inside the lamp passes, instead of lighting up white, it will use that color. This can be used to create colored displays, or indicate status. If more than one color signal is received, precedence is given to them in the order below (i.e. if red and green are received, the lamp will light red)
* {{L|Belt transport system}}
* {{L|Circuit network}}
Available colors:
* {{L|Logistic network}}
* Red
* Green
* Blue
* Yellow
* Magenta
* Cyan
* White
Not implemented:
* Gray
* Black
== History ==
* Changed default value of "lights render resolution" graphics option to 0.25. This can be increased at the cost of performance.}}
* Implemented lamp colors based on received signal.}}
* Circuit network conditions can be copy and pasted between lamps.}}
* The lamp can be connected to the [[circuit network]].}}
* Reduced slowdowns when drawing many lights.}}
* New graphics}}
* Introduced}}
== See also ==
* [[Electric network]]

{{C|Logistic network}}
{{C|Circuit network}}

Revision as of 21:15, 14 December 2017



Počty základních surovin


Barva na mapě


130 160
190 250

Velikost štosu


Rocket capacity

50 (1 stack)



Konzumace energie

5 kW (elektrické)

Doba těžebí


Jméno prototypu


Interní jméno


Požadované technologie

Vytvářeno v

The lamp is a basic electric device providing light to a medium area at night. It can be used to increase visibility in a factory, so night vision is not needed.


Lamp colors can be changed. The can be done by sending a color signal to the lamp. When the condition inside the lamp passes, instead of lighting up white, it will use that color. This can be used to create colored displays, or indicate status. If more than one color signal is received, precedence is given to them in the order below (i.e. if red and green are received, the lamp will light red)

Available colors:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Magenta
  • Cyan
  • White

Not implemented:

  • Gray
  • Black


  • 0.13.16:
    • Changed default value of "lights render resolution" graphics option to 0.25. This can be increased at the cost of performance.
  • 0.13.0:
    • Implemented lamp colors based on received signal.
  • 0.12.1:
    • Circuit network conditions can be copy and pasted between lamps.
  • 0.10.1:
    • Reduced slowdowns when drawing many lights.

See also