调试模式(Debug mode)主要由开发者和模组制作者用来分析游戏的运行状态。启用调试模式可显示游戏世界的详细信息。启用调试模式的默认键是F5
注意: 除了这个内部调试工具之外,社区还在Factorio 子论坛上提供了用于mod开发的第三方调试工具。
激活调试模式(Debug mode)
- Always - 如果没有选择任何模式,这便是默认模式。这里只保留很少的活动选项。
- Debug - 按F5键切换。允许切换调试覆盖。
配置调试模式(Debug mode)
要配置两种模式,请按F4。这将打开一个包含许多选项的菜单。如果它遮挡了某些有趣的内容,你可以用鼠标移动该菜单。你可以在两个菜单之间切换,对应该调试模式的选项(Always、Debug)。每种模式的选项相同,用户可以根据喜好进行配置。不同模式仅为方便使用而设。可按下(CTRL + F)进行搜索。
选项 | 描述 |
show-fps | 将显示当前的每秒帧数(FPS)和每秒更新次数(UPS)。FPS and UPS. 正常情况下应为 60 左右。 |
show-clock | 显示实时时钟。 |
show-detailed-info |
show-time-usage |
show-entity-time-usage | |
show-gpu-time-usage | |
show-sprite-counts | The counts of each sprite rendered on screen. |
show-lua-object-statistics | Statistics related to the Lua garbarge collector. Update time (avg/min/max), created objects (avg/min/max [total]), destroyed objects (avg/min/max [total]). |
show-heat-buffer-info | |
show-multiplayer-waiting-icon | When in a multiplayer game: if the game is currently waiting for the server to process. |
show-multiplayer-statistics | 多人游戏时的延迟信息。 |
show-multiplayer-selection-rectangles | Allows to view selection rectangles of other players in multiplayer. |
show-debug-info-in-tooltips | Shows additional information in the tooltips of entities, items, recipes, tiles etc. |
show-resistances-in-tooltips-always | Show entity resitances in all entity tooltips instead of just tooltips of enemy entities and entities with hide_resistances set to false. |
hide-mod-guis | 隐藏由mod添加的GUI。 |
show-tile-grid | Shows the borders of the tiles and chunks. |
show-blueprint-grid | |
show-collision-rectangles | Shows the collision boxes of each entity (red). |
show-selection-rectangles | Shows a blue box over each entity, if you hover over it, it will be selected. |
show-render-rectangles | Shows a pink box over each entity, if that is on your screen, the entity will be rendered. |
show-sticker-boxes | |
show-entity-positions | |
show-entity-velocities | |
show-selected-entity-advanced-tiles | Shows on which advanced tiles (2×2 tiles) the entity is registered. |
show-selected-input-transport-belts | Shows which entities input into the selected transport line. |
show-paths | The calculated paths for the biters in different colors. |
show-path-requests | |
show-next-waypoint-bb | Shows waypoints for biters (in green), nearly the same info as the next. |
show-target | Shows the current target of the biters (red). |
show-unit-group-info | Biter groups, which belong together (circles and lines belonging together) |
show-unit-behavior-info | |
show-pathfinder-fringe | |
show-path-cache | 路径的源位置和长度(?) |
show-path-cache-paths | |
show-rail-paths | 火车将沿着哪条路径行驶。 |
show-rolling-stock-count | 显示插入器位置 |
show-rail-connections | 显示铁路连接。 |
show-rail-joints | |
show-rail-segment-collision-boxes | |
show-train-stop-point | 当火车减速时,显示计算出可能的停车位置。 |
show-train-braking-distance | 火车以当前速度停下来所需的距离 |
show-train-signals | |
show-train-repathing | Display a flying "repathed" text over a train whenever it repaths. |
show-network-connected-entities | Displays the network-id of the electric network that a pole is connected to |
show-circuit-network-numbers | Shows the number (and color) of circuit networks |
show-energy-sources-networks | Which network-id an entity is connected to. |
show-active-state | Inserters, fish, turrets are turned to passive, if not used; Red = inactive, Purple = inactive when enemies aren't around (turrets etc), Green = inactive when player isn't around (fish). Passive entities consume less CPU power. |
show-wakeup-lists | When an entity is sleeping in another entity it shows which entities it's sleeping in. |
show-transport-lines | |
show-transport-line-gaps | |
show-pollution-values | 显示每个块上的污染量数字。 |
show-active-entities-on-chunk-counts |
show-active-chunks | 在地图视图中显示 “已探索 ”的区块,未标记的区块不计算在内。 |
show-polluted-chunks | 显示哪些块有污染。 |
hide-chart-tags | 隐藏地图标签。 |
show-enemy-expansion-candidate-chunks | 还有什么空间可以繁殖幼虫?从红色(几乎没有空间)到绿色(可以繁殖的空间)。 |
show-enemy-expansion-candidate-chunk-values | 敌人会尝试扩张到哪些区块。 |
show-bad-attack-chunks | |
show-tile-variations | 显示地图上每个区域所绘制的区块变体(1、2 或 4 个区块大小)。较为混乱,请放大查看具体含义。 |
show-raw-tile-transitions | 关闭陆地和水体的连接纹理,以便更容易区分。 |
show-fluid-box-fluid-info | 管道/储罐中有多少液体,并显示管道中液体的流动情况。 |
show-environment-sound-info | 显示哪个实体正在播放哪个声音,以及音量大小。 |
show-environment-sound-area | |
show-selected-entity-audible-range | |
show-recently-played-sound-info | |
show-logistic-robot-targets | |
show-spidertron-movement | |
show-player-robots | |
show-fire-info | |
show-sticker-info | |
show-decorative-names | |
show-decorative-collision-rectangles | |
allow-increased-zoom | |
show-chunk-components | |
show-train-no-path-details | 聊天框将显示额外信息。 [1] |