Factorio:Top pages
Total number of views in the last week: 1,146,577 (1,002,876 unique)
# | Page | Number of views (unique) |
1 | Main_Page | 48422 (37037) |
2 | Quality | 20560 (18212) |
3 | Space_platform | 15085 (13165) |
4 | Space_Age | 13256 (10837) |
5 | Vulcanus | 9343 (7743) |
6 | Fulgora | 9108 (7571) |
7 | Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook | 9081 (8012) |
8 | Tutorial:Nuclear_power | 9040 (8229) |
9 | Gleba | 8908 (7375) |
10 | console | 8528 (7522) |
11 | Balancer_mechanics | 8371 (7716) |
12 | Blueprint | 7844 (7310) |
13 | Science_pack | 7815 (6756) |
14 | Recycler | 7400 (6554) |
15 | Power_production | 7212 (6596) |
16 | Circuit_network | 7202 (6383) |
17 | Console/ru | 7185 (5985) |
18 | Rocket_silo | 6992 (6079) |
19 | Version_history/2.0.0 | 6475 (5419) |
20 | tutorial:main_bus | 6420 (5756) |