Factorio:Top pages
Total number of views in the last week: 168,623 (146,365 unique)
# | Page | Number of views (unique) |
1 | Main_Page | 6775 (5423) |
2 | Roadmap | 2591 (2321) |
3 | Console/ru | 2299 (1922) |
4 | Console | 1901 (1685) |
5 | Upcoming_features | 1882 (1616) |
6 | Tutorial:Nuclear_power | 1800 (1419) |
7 | Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook | 1455 (1173) |
8 | Science_pack | 1238 (1068) |
9 | console | 1235 (1067) |
10 | Fluid_system | 1196 (1089) |
11 | Tutorial:Main_bus | 1188 (1040) |
12 | Balancer_mechanics | 1182 (1075) |
13 | Blueprint | 1170 (1087) |
14 | Power_production | 1038 (929) |
15 | Multiplayer | 934 (810) |
16 | Oil_processing | 871 (765) |
17 | Circuit_network | 867 (780) |
18 | Main_Page/ja | 855 (694) |
19 | Main_Page/zh | 823 (544) |
20 | Enemies | 804 (697) |