Factorio:Top pages
Total number of views in the last week: 173,772 (149,810 unique)
# | Page | Number of views (unique) |
1 | Main_Page | 6875 (5418) |
2 | Console | 3490 (3045) |
3 | Console/ru | 2996 (2471) |
4 | Roadmap | 2163 (1947) |
5 | Tutorial:Nuclear_power | 1514 (1367) |
6 | Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook | 1514 (1333) |
7 | Enemies | 1365 (1174) |
8 | Tutorial:Main_bus | 1289 (1104) |
9 | Science_pack | 1286 (1093) |
10 | Balancer_mechanics | 1281 (1168) |
11 | Fluid_system | 1182 (1077) |
12 | Power_production | 1061 (972) |
13 | Main_Page/ru | 1045 (757) |
14 | Blueprint | 1044 (968) |
15 | Circuit_network | 973 (888) |
16 | Multiplayer | 929 (804) |
17 | Logistic_network | 917 (829) |
18 | Tutorial:Train_signals | 915 (811) |
19 | Wave_defense | 894 (710) |
20 | Advanced_circuit | 887 (644) |