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Fast transport belt

From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 23:02, 2 October 2016 by TheWombatGuru (talk | contribs) ((BOT) - Replaced old infobox with a link to the /infobox subpage)
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Fast transport belt/infobox

The Fast transport belt is a faster variant of the Basic transport belt. It's available when Logistics 2 has been researched. Its behaviour is exactly the same as the Basic transport belt at double speed.
See Belt transport system for more general information about transport belts.


Type Max. throughput (Items per game-second) Speed (Tiles per game-second) Max. density (Items per tile) Required technologies
Fast transport belt 26.786* 3.75* 7.143* Logistics 2

File:Fast transport belt fulldensity.gif
6 Fast inserters per side will fill a fast transport belt to max. density
File:Fast Transport belt layout1.jpg
/ per game second. Output:
/ per game second.

See also
