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Note that Engine units can only be built in Assembling machines and as a result the Car may not be built by hand from raw.

The car is an alternative movement method for your character. Driving a Car is much faster than running although it slowly consumes some Fuel. The Car has a basic storage and provides some armor.

As of Update: v0.11. The car damage model has been altered to allow collision with objects - dealing and taking damage in the process. Damage is dependent on car's speed at the moment of collision and hp of the target. Small biters and trees can be safely rammed, but colliding with big biters and Walls can easily destroy the vehicle.

Usage as big chest

Because the car can store the highest number of items, it can be used as big chest. There are also other quite unconventional usages: Cars on Belts - Not just a highway.

Old sprites

There is an thread about the old sprites of the car. It includes also the old graphics and how to replace it in game.

Entering the car

To enter the car, you stand near the car, and hit the "Enter" key. (default key binding)

See also
