Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 185,096 (159,657 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 203,845 (175,385 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|7126 (5589)
|8014 (6049)
|3889 (3405)
|4001 (3426)
|2267 (1852)
|2516 (2068)
|1796 (1556)
|2049 (1735)
|1785 (1566)
|2030 (1811)
|1739 (1521)
|1947 (1748)
|1729 (1555)
|1821 (1577)
|1703 (1507)
|1719 (1557)
|1638 (1497)
|1665 (1421)
|1599 (1345)
|1631 (1499)
|1565 (1417)
|1553 (1328)
|1508 (1260)
|1493 (1380)
|1495 (1341)
|1411 (1262)
|1422 (1294)
|1392 (1232)
|1240 (1097)
|1361 (1212)
|1232 (1109)
|1361 (1205)
|1207 (1054)
|1269 (1091)
|1188 (972)
|1232 (1093)
|1168 (1053)
|1183 (986)
|1137 (1023)
|1157 (1031)

Revision as of 12:00, 5 January 2024

Total number of views in the last week: 203,845 (175,385 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 8014 (6049)
2 Console 4001 (3426)
3 Console/ru 2516 (2068)
4 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 2049 (1735)
5 Roadmap 2030 (1811)
6 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 1947 (1748)
7 Enemies 1821 (1577)
8 Balancer_mechanics 1719 (1557)
9 Tutorial:Main_bus 1665 (1421)
10 Fluid_system 1631 (1499)
11 Science_pack 1553 (1328)
12 Blueprint 1493 (1380)
13 Power_production 1411 (1262)
14 Logistic_network 1392 (1232)
15 Tutorial:Train_signals 1361 (1212)
16 Circuit_network 1361 (1205)
17 Multiplayer 1269 (1091)
18 Oil_processing 1232 (1093)
19 Electric_furnace 1183 (986)
20 Railway 1157 (1031)