Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 194,562 (161,228 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 159,656 (133,987 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|9164 (6161)
|7688 (5450)
|4534 (4014)
|4036 (3520)
|1894 (1658)
|1594 (1423)
|1730 (1465)
|1491 (1292)
|1612 (1398)
|1371 (1187)
|1551 (1330)
|1319 (1181)
|1487 (1274)
|1171 (1052)
|1443 (1124)
|1123 (895)
|1424 (1228)
|1118 (1030)
|1338 (1210)
|1107 (940)
|1328 (1142)
|1071 (982)
|1324 (1172)
|1061 (894)
|1263 (1139)
|1058 (930)
|1257 (1115)
|1019 (933)
|1254 (1103)
|1010 (906)
|1182 (1004)
|1004 (848)
|1114 (949)
|1003 (865)
|1110 (891)
|991 (845)
|1103 (948)
|968 (836)
|1102 (984)
|878 (731)

Revision as of 19:47, 4 March 2022

Total number of views in the last week: 159,656 (133,987 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 7688 (5450)
2 Console 4036 (3520)
3 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 1594 (1423)
4 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1491 (1292)
5 Enemies 1371 (1187)
6 Balancer_mechanics 1319 (1181)
7 Logistic_network 1171 (1052)
8 Science_pack 1123 (895)
9 Fluid_system 1118 (1030)
10 Console/ru 1107 (940)
11 Power_production 1071 (982)
12 Tutorial:Main_bus 1061 (894)
13 Tutorial:Train_signals 1058 (930)
14 Blueprint 1019 (933)
15 Circuit_network 1010 (906)
16 Rocket_silo 1004 (848)
17 Nuclear_reactor 1003 (865)
18 Multiplayer 991 (845)
19 Oil_processing 968 (836)
20 Spidertron 878 (731)