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Application directory: Difference between revisions

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C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Factorio  (\saves)  (\mods)


Revision as of 18:46, 24 August 2020


Depending on your installation method and OS, you will have one or two directories that contain Factorio assets, and one that contains user data, such as saves and mods.

User data directory

The user data directory is where personal files are stored, such as save files, mods, the log files, script-output or crash dump files. Search your computer for this directory, or type it into your file manager address bar.



C:\Users\[NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Factorio   (\saves)   (\mods)


~/Library/Application Support/factorio

Linux distributions:


When using Steam on Windows, the config.ini, achievements.dat, modded-achievements.dat and player-data.json can also be found in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[user number]\427520\remote

Application directory

The application directory stores three things:

  • Factorio executables (./bin)
  • Data for vanilla Factorio (./data)
  • API documentation (./doc-html)



C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio
C:\Program Files\Factorio


~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/



Changing the user data directory

You can create a file config-path.cfg to configure Factorio to any directory.

Please see this discussion (for MacOS, but should work on any other OS).

In order to change the user data directory, user must edit the location of the "write-data" entry in the file (Game install directory)/config/config.ini. This affects the location of mods, scenario and temp.


Update __Game_Install_directory/config-path.cfg


Update __Game_Install_directory/config/config.ini


You could set the write-data value to .factorio if you prefer.

Once you have done this, you can remove write permissions to the entire game installation directory except for config/config.ini, which must be writable by all people who wish to play the game.

Note that if someone changes any options, in-game, those option changes will apply to everyone who plays on the same computer.

Installation from Zip File

The unzipped Factorio directory.

A list of all things found here:

  • Save games (as zip files)
  • User-installed/created Mods.
  • User-installed/created scenarios.
  • User configuration and settings storage
  • Log file (factorio-*.log)
  • Player data (player-data.json)

Note: Deleting the configuration file will result in a default replacement being generated upon the next Factorio launch.

It is recommended to create backups from this directory (of saves, config, etc) before installing a new version.

See also