Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 229,444 (184,373 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 279,536 (223,814 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|12936 (8332)
|16313 (10153)
|7562 (6433)
|7977 (6904)
|3544 (3070)
|4028 (3390)
|3016 (2596)
|3564 (2813)
|2829 (2219)
|3043 (2627)
|2351 (1933)
|2917 (2332)
|2256 (2022)
|2738 (2452)
|2172 (1415)
|2671 (2397)
|2137 (1867)
|2671 (1535)
|2067 (1716)
|2536 (2002)
|1882 (1382)
|2440 (1643)
|1841 (1540)
|2407 (1996)
|1832 (1547)
|2368 (1976)
|1791 (1411)
|2346 (1952)
|1787 (1472)
|2309 (2033)
|1764 (1448)
|2297 (1882)
|1734 (1425)
|2272 (1662)
|1665 (1375)
|2239 (1830)
|1580 (1431)
|2156 (1857)
|1469 (1268)
|1995 (1619)

Revision as of 15:04, 4 January 2019

Total number of views in the last week: 279,536 (223,814 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 16313 (10153)
2 Console 7977 (6904)
3 Power_production 4028 (3390)
4 Balancer_mechanics 3564 (2813)
5 Multiplayer 3043 (2627)
6 Railway 2917 (2332)
7 Roadmap 2738 (2452)
8 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 2671 (2397)
9 Upcoming_features 2671 (1535)
10 Logistic_network 2536 (2002)
11 Science_pack 2440 (1643)
12 Oil_processing 2407 (1996)
13 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 2368 (1976)
14 Circuit_network 2346 (1952)
15 Pollution 2309 (2033)
16 Enemies 2297 (1882)
17 Tutorial:Main_bus 2272 (1662)
18 Nuclear_reactor 2239 (1830)
19 Tutorial:Quick_start_guide 2156 (1857)
20 Belt_transport_system 1995 (1619)