'''ベルト輸送システム(Belt transport system)'''は、アイテムを異なる場所の間で輸送するために[[player/ja|プレイヤー]]が最初に触れることとなるシステム。[[Railway/ja|列車]]、[[Logistic network/ja|物流ロボット]]と並んで、Factorioにおけるアイテム輸送システムを構成している。
3種類の階級のベルトが使える。[[transport belt/ja|搬送ベルト]]は黄色くて一番遅いが、同時に一番製造コストが安い。次の階級は赤い[[fast transport belt/ja|高速搬送ベルト]]で、通常の2倍速。[[express transport belt/ja|超高速搬送ベルト]]は最も階級が高く、青色で通常の3倍、もしくは赤ベルトの1.5倍。
[[File:train-schedule-gui.png|thumb|300px|The scheduale tab in the train GUI: 1 - switch between automatic and manual driving mode; 2 - add new train station; 3 - delete selected station; 4 - send train to selected station; 5 - add wait condition for selected station; 6 - delete selected wait condition; 7 - change logical mode of selected wait condition/ja|]]
Trains set on "Automatic" choose their destination stop and route on departure, and after waiting at a chain signal for five seconds, and when their destination stop disables itself by circuit condition. They choose the shortest route using a [[Railway/Train_path_finding|path finding algorithm/ja|]] that will get them to an enabled train stop with the right name, taking penalties for any apparent-at-the-time delays into account. If no such train stop exists they will skip the stop and go on to the next.
=== ベルトの合流・分岐 ===
This section covers items used to make trains automatically transport items between stations. The player should be familiar with creating a rail system.
First, the player has to setup a rail system with at least two train stops, which are placed in the right-hand side of the expected train arrival direction. By hovering over the train stop with the mouse you see the positions of the vehicles for better setting up the train station (including (un)loading machinery, refueling/repair installations).
When you set up the train schedule (see below) and fuel the train, you can start the train on it's schedule by switching from manual to automatic driving mode.
The player can set up a list of train stations in the upper window. The train will route to stops in the given order, if it's at the end it will continue with the first. Currently, it's not possible to make a one-time schedule. Stations can be added by clicking button 2 (see picture). A pop-up appears with a list of all stop names. If you select one, another pop-up appears for you to select a wait condition.
Wait conditions are used to tell the train when to leave the station. There are 7 types of wait conditions:
* '''Inventory full''' - All inventories of the train are full.
* '''Inventory empty''' - Same as above, but empty.
* '''Item count''' - The train (all cargoes summed) contains a specific amount of a certain item.
* '''Circuit condition''' - The train stop is connectable to the [[Circuit network/ja|Circuit network/ja]], so the signals can used for wait conditions.
* '''Inactivity''' - No items were added or removed for the specified amount of seconds.
* '''Fluid count''' - The train (all fluid wagons summed) contains a specific amount of a certain fluid.
Hereafter the word "term" is used to describe ''one'' type of wait condition, and the words "wait condition" are used to describe the whole set of terms (it turns a bit into maths).
If you add more than one term, you can change the connection of those using the logical operators AND and OR (button 7). An AND condition will result in true if all terms are true. An OR condition will return true if at least one of the terms is true.
=== ベルトスループット ===
[[File:Stack inserters fill express belt.gif|frame|right|[[stack inserter/ja|スタックインサータ]]4つで超高速ベルトを満載できる。左の2つはスタックサイズ12、右の2つはスタックサイズ7。]]
When mixing AND and OR terms, the logic is grouped by the OR terms. When evaluating the wait condition, the first term is evaluated along with all AND terms immediately following up to but excluding the next occurring OR term. If they all evaluate true, the wait condition evaluates true. Otherwise, evaluation continues with that next occurring OR term and all AND terms immediately following it, up to the next OR term. This continues until either an OR group evaluates true and the wait condition is satisfied, or all terms have been checked.
Factorio's wait condition logic is read as disjunctive normal form ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjunctive_normal_form DNF]), and so this last example is processed as (note the parenthesis):
=== 機構 ===
<pre>((Cargo: Iron ore < 500 AND 30 seconds passed) OR (Cargo: Copper ore < 500 AND 30 seconds passed))</pre>
* Another train on the same [[Railway#Segment|segment/ja|]] or [[Railway#Block|block/ja|]]? Make sure the path of the train is unobstructed.
* Train stops placed correctly? Make sure that the yellow arrows when hovering on the stop point towards the end or exit of the stop.
* Is the train allowed to enter signals from the right direction? Are the signals set correctly?
* If a track is supposed to be two-way, the rail signals should be opposite each other. You can verify they match up by hovering the cursor over one. For a matched pair, it will show the other.
==== No path ====
=== バランシング ===
When trains cannot reach the target, a "no path" symbol pops up over the locomotive. Check:
* Can the train reach its current destination by '''only driving forward'''? Build turning slopes or place a locomotive at both ends of a train!
* Are the train stops standing in the right direction? Train stops must be on the right hand side of the track.
* If you use rail signals, check that the signals are all allowing traffic in the correct direction.
* Check for interruptions in the train tracks, drive to the station manually to check there are no rail parts missing. Especially near junctions these can be hard to spot if missing.
If you are still having problems, consider:
{{Main|Balancer mechanics/ja|l1=バランシング機構}}
* Driving the train manually, and as you pass each switch, try switching to automatic. When it works, you will know the rough area of the problem.
[http://imgur.com/a/Nq2Yk A pictorial summary of typical problems].
<!-- These tutorials are no longer included because they are outdated. However, this section can be put back into the article when there are newer or in-wiki tutorials
== User tips and tricks ==
=== ベルトレーン操作 ===
This section contains further links to in-depth knowledge. As a general advisory, tips given in this section detail the more intricate mechanics in the game and can be dangerous to the experience of players who wish to discover better methods on their own. '''''Be warned that much of the info below could be outdated/incorrect.'''''
We recommend viewing some videos of how to build a simple railway, which makes the basic steps very simple.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXr7y02ZG00 Rail Signaling - Easy Rules for Placing Signals]
Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. They move items like a [[Transport belts/ja|通常のベルト]].
* [http://www.factorioforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=6984 Factorio Tutorial: Signals and Multi-train Networks] by Gepwin (read the whole article!)
* [http://www.factorioforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5451 Factorio Traintorial, all about trains] by Gepwin.
* ''v0.10, English [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSGYSbEPpbM Rail basics tutorial] by MangledPork Gaming.
** And the second part of the tutorial [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6wxl4FdSuQ Factorio Rail Tutorial Part 2: Signals]
* ''[http://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/26igal/train_signal_tutorial/ A train-signal tutorial with pictures].
* Underground belts can cross any number of entities and all types of ground, like water and grass. (as long as the input and output endpoints are on land)
* v0.8, English [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmyOdxi5hR4 Inzainia Plays: Factorio ver 0.8.0 EP:8 (Trains, Trains, Trains!!!)]
* Underground belts can cross other underground entities (any number of underground belts or underground pipes). They won't be mixed.
* v0.6, German [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idOaZpX8lnA Silver's Factorio Basic Train Tutorial]
* For the connection only the endpoints (entry-side and exit-side) are relevant.
* The maximum distance underground is 8 [[tile/ja|tile]]s with [[express underground belt/ja|超高速地下搬送ベルト]]s.
* An underground belt pair of that bridges a gap of 4 tiles stores up to 44 items. An express underground belt pair at max length stores up to 72 items.
* The half of the underground belt tile with a belt can accept input from the side. The other half (with a tunnel entrance) blocks incoming items.
=== ベルトレーン分岐 ===
<gallery mode="slideshow">
File:Block belt lane.png|This is built by placing one underground belt and then using R to reverse its direction. This converts the underground belt entrance to an exit (and vice versa).
File:Transport belts unmerge.gif|This can also be used to split the lanes of a belt onto seperate belts instead of using a splitter filter.
== Achievements ==
== Connection to [http://www.openttd.org/ OpenTTD] ==
== 関連項目 ==
Factorio's railway system works basically exactly like [http://wiki.openttd.org/Signals#Block_signals≈ the block signals in Open Traffic Tycoon Deluxe]. Players who have ever played that game will find some elements of it in Factorio. If not, they can learn from the OpenTTD documentation.
* [[Splitters/ja|分配器]]
* [[Transport belts/ja|搬送ベルト]]
* [[Underground belts/ja|地下搬送ベルト]]
== See also ==
<nowiki>{{C|Belt transport system}}</nowiki>
* [[Locomotive/ja|Locomotive/ja]]
* [[Cargo wagon/ja|Cargo wagon/ja]]
Latest revision as of 16:19, 24 September 2023
ベルト輸送システム(Belt transport system)は、アイテムを異なる場所の間で輸送するためにプレイヤーが最初に触れることとなるシステム。列車、物流ロボットと並んで、Factorioにおけるアイテム輸送システムを構成している。
Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. They move items like a 通常のベルト.
Underground belts can cross any number of entities and all types of ground, like water and grass. (as long as the input and output endpoints are on land)
Underground belts can cross other underground entities (any number of underground belts or underground pipes). They won't be mixed.
For the connection only the endpoints (entry-side and exit-side) are relevant.
An underground belt pair of that bridges a gap of 4 tiles stores up to 44 items. An express underground belt pair at max length stores up to 72 items.
The half of the underground belt tile with a belt can accept input from the side. The other half (with a tunnel entrance) blocks incoming items.
This is built by placing one underground belt and then using R to reverse its direction. This converts the underground belt entrance to an exit (and vice versa).
This can also be used to split the lanes of a belt onto seperate belts instead of using a splitter filter.