Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 173,365 (149,841 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 155,421 (134,686 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|6489 (4944)
|5397 (4238)
|4814 (4245)
|4546 (4000)
|2239 (1942)
|1821 (1589)
|1634 (1428)
|1582 (1381)
|1620 (1498)
|1386 (1267)
|1583 (1437)
|1334 (1157)
|1530 (1344)
|1232 (1148)
|1405 (1142)
|1195 (1026)
|1403 (1295)
|1126 (938)
|1394 (1264)
|1116 (999)
|1309 (1105)
|1079 (996)
|1201 (1116)
|1010 (872)
|1144 (1039)
|989 (917)
|1128 (1012)
|985 (899)
|1122 (825)
|920 (806)
|1119 (1000)
|882 (797)
|1036 (909)
|821 (731)
|909 (791)
|811 (715)
|885 (736)
|802 (690)
|871 (777)
|801 (699)

Revision as of 17:57, 9 June 2023

Total number of views in the last week: 155,421 (134,686 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 5397 (4238)
2 Console 4546 (4000)
3 Console/ru 1821 (1589)
4 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1582 (1381)
5 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 1386 (1267)
6 Enemies 1334 (1157)
7 Blueprint 1232 (1148)
8 Science_pack 1195 (1026)
9 Tutorial:Main_bus 1126 (938)
10 Balancer_mechanics 1116 (999)
11 Fluid_system 1079 (996)
12 Circuit_network 1010 (872)
13 Power_production 989 (917)
14 Logistic_network 985 (899)
15 Multiplayer 920 (806)
16 Tutorial:Train_signals 882 (797)
17 Nuclear_reactor 821 (731)
18 Oil_processing 811 (715)
19 Rocket_silo 802 (690)
20 Tutorial:Combinator_tutorial 801 (699)