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Revision as of 07:24, 27 February 2019
核能发电是 0.15 版本引入的重要特性。与太阳能板和蒸汽机发电相比,它需要更高的科技等级。同时它也提供了更高的电力输出。与其它方式相比,核能是游戏中/后期电力生产的更好的解决方案。
- 前置科技: 科技:核能
- 你可以及早开采铀矿,但你还需要其它核能科技,才能做后续工作。
- 混合矿: 只要矿机覆盖区域中有一小块铀矿,就必须给矿机提供酸液,否则矿机遇到铀矿就会停工。和其它情况一样,矿机会产出混合的矿产。
在无插件加成的离心机中,每 13.3 秒处理一个矿石。
离心机中出产铀-235(浅绿色)和铀-238(暗绿色)。每处理 10 块矿石,会按一定概率出产两种产物之一。平均每处理 1 万块矿石,你可以预期获得:
产物 | 数量 |
铀-235 | 7 |
铀-238 | 993 |
这就是说你差不多可以每加工143个矿石取得一个铀235,也就是说一台工作的离心机平均每1904秒产生一个铀235。后期拥有铀增殖后这就不太重要了,但是前期这的确是一个瓶颈。That means you can roughly expect to get a single U-235 in one out of every 143 ore. A centrifuge can then be expected to produce U-235 every 1904 seconds. Later on, this won't matter so much. However, when you first start out, this will be an important bottleneck.
- 关于平均: 注意,到底有没有产出铀235是随机的,这个数值是根据概率得出的长时间工作的平均值,所以实际上或许你半天也等不到一个,也可能一小会儿出一大堆。虽然后期有铀增殖后这就无所谓了,但是初期你要确保你的总产率够高或者有足够的库存维持反应堆运行,因为没人知道下一个抽到底出不出货。Be aware, random is random. These values are average values. Which means that over the long term, they work out to about these figures. In reality, you'll see long stretches with no U-235 and short stretches with lots of them. Eventually, it won't matter much. But early on, make sure your generation rate is sufficiently high, or you have a sufficient reserve, so you don't find yourself without power when you hit an unlucky stretch.
想要把铀放在反应堆里烧你需要把它们制成铀燃料棒来使用。用一台组装机2可以每13.3秒制作一个,不过这点生产时间没关系因为相比之下这不会成为一个生产瓶颈。Before you can burn it in a nuclear reactor, you need to create uranium fuel cells. You'll probably be using an assembling machine 2, so these will take 13.3 seconds to create as well. Which is fine because fuel cell creation will very rarely be the bottleneck.
别把所有的铀235都制成燃料棒,只制作一点能够维持反应堆运行的燃料就够了,因为你研究了铀增殖处理后你会需要一大堆(40个)铀235来开启铀235的自我增殖循环。You won't want to automatically convert all U-235 into fuel. Only convert what you need to fill your reactor. You're going to want a big fat stockpile of it when you research kovarex enrichment later on.
制作一次生产的是10个燃料棒,花费1个铀235,19个铀238和10个铁板板。Fuel cells are produced in stacks of 10, and to produce one such stack you need 1 U-235, 19 U-238, and 10 iron plate.
- Tips: 生产燃料棒铁板需求很少,所以在机器边上放一箱子铁板就够了而不需要用传送带供给,对于这种小量供给以后你可以用物流机器人+需求箱实现自动化It isn't a bad idea to use a chest and just stick a pile of iron in it rather than belting the iron in. A full chest of iron probably won't run out before you get bots and replace it with a requester.
每个燃料棒含能量8GJ,但是有反应堆相邻加成之后会比这高得多(后面会讲)Each fuel cell has a nominal energy value of 8 GJ, but it's possible to make them go even farther with reactor neighbor bonuses (more on that later).
有了燃料之后当然要在反应堆里烧才能变成电能。Once you've got fuel, you'll need to burn it in a nuclear reactor. This is the first step toward turning it into usable energy.
1台反应堆会产生40MW(4000万瓦)的热能,1瓦特=1焦耳每秒,所以反应堆每200秒消耗一个燃料棒。(8GJ/40MW=200s) A reactor will produce exactly 40 MW of heat energy. Since a Watt is a Joule per second, this means the reactor will consume one fuel cell every 200 seconds.
燃料棒用尽之后,反应堆里会出来乏燃料棒需要你取出来,初期没啥用堆在箱子里就行了,后期研究了乏燃料后处理之后可以把它们重制成铀238。Once expended, reactors will produce a "used up uranium fuel cell", which will need to be cleared. Initially, these will simply accumulate in a chest. Eventually, you can reprocess them into U-238.
- 反过来计算: 每个燃料棒维持200秒,而每个铀235能做10个燃料棒,也就是一共提供2000秒的反应堆发电时间,而上面提到每个离心机平均1904秒生产一个铀235,所以你每有一个反应堆你就肯定至少需要一台持续工作的离心机离心铀矿石来供给燃料棒。A reactor consumes a fuel cell every 200 seconds and each U-235 gives 10 fuel cells, so every U-235 provides 2000 seconds of reactor power. A centrifuge requires about 1904 seconds to produce a U-235, so you'll need about one processing centrifuges per reactor.
反应堆只产生热能(花式烧热水),而热能需要用热管导出,传导到换热器里烧热水用,当然你也可以直接把换热器挨着反应堆摆放。The reactor needs input of fuel and produces heat that needs to be exported using heat pipes that go to a heat exchanger (unless a heat exchanger is attached to the reactor).
换热器会吸收热量把水变成蒸汽,就像普通的的锅炉一样,只是是直接连接热源而不是自己烧燃料。在你摆放它的时候热源输入口的位置又一个小火苗标志。The heat exchanger takes heat and uses it to convert water into steam. It works much like the boiler, but instead of burning fuel, you need to connect it to a heat source. The heat input is marked by a flame when you're placing it.
如果你只有一台反应堆的话,你可以直接把换热器挨着反应堆摆放,反应堆的热输出口也有小火苗标识。For simple reactor designs, you can connect it directly to your reactor (which produces heat at points also marked with a flame).
换热器当然也需要接入水,和普通锅炉一模一样的方式,每秒钟把103.09单位的水烧成500度的蒸汽。Heat exchangers also require water input, in precisely the way boilers do. They can heat up to 103.09 units/second of water into 500°C steam.
换热器只在500度以上的时候开始工作,如果不接水的话温度自然也不会自己降低。Heat exchangers produce nothing when they are below 500°C. Since they only cool as a consequence of heating water, they will never cool to below that temperature once they've reached it.
换热器可以传递10MW的能量(烧热水),所以每台单独的反应堆(40MW)需要4台换热器来输出全部热能(不过多台反应堆相邻加成会使发电量翻倍,后面会提到)Heat exchangers transfer 10 MW of power, so you'll need 4 exchangers to fully consume the power produced by a lone reactor. (Neighbor bonuses can increase this significantly. Again, discussed later.)
蒸汽可以用普通管道传到蒸汽轮机,这点就和普通锅炉一样使用。The steam can then be transported to the Steam turbine using normal Pipes
多台反应堆就会需要用热管传热了,热管就像普通管道一样,只是他们传的是热,同时他们也有最大传输速率限制,所以管子还是越短越好。More complex designs will require heat pipes. Heat pipes work much like regular pipes. Like regular pipes, they have limited throughput, which means that shorter pipes are better.
连接热管的时候注意连接到小火苗标识,就像普通水管一样放置,只不过热管没有地下的版本,所以如果有交叉请让水管从地下走。另外玩家是可以迈过热管的,不会像水管一样挡路。Connect heat pipes point to point, flame to flame, exactly as you would with water pipes. Heat pipes cannot go underground, so if water pipes need to cross them, the water pipe will need to go under. They don't block movement, though, so you can walk right over them.
比起普通水管来说热管的最大传输速率限制还是很小的,而且也没有类似于"热泵"这种东西,所以最大传输距离其实很短,以下是一些数据。Throughput on heat pipes is far more limited than regular pipes, in part because there is no analogous "Heat pump". Here are some rough limits on transfer distance:
总传导能量 | 距离 |
40 MW | ~140 |
80 MW | ~80 |
120 MW | ~55 |
160 MW | ~45 |
如果超过上述传输距离,你就会开始丢失一些能量了,因为反应堆输出的1000度降低到500度以下,不足以加热换热器了。Past these distances, less than 100% of the power will be transferred. This is because at this distance, the maximum reactor temperature of 1000ºC is insufficient to heat the pipe to beyond 500ºC.
- 热管的储热: 热管本身能够储藏一定量的热能,每一节热管存储的能量相当于5.1k单位的蒸汽,所以比起蒸汽罐来用热管来储能的话占地面积很小(不过也比较贵)。但是要注意的是导热过程比较缓慢,不会像水管一样迅速。另外反应堆只要有燃料就一直在烧,如果没有足够的传导或消耗(热管、换热器,蒸汽轮机或者电力需求),反应堆就会被加热到1000度但也只到1000度了,多余热量就被浪费掉了。Heat pipes can store quite a bit of heat as well. A single heat pipe can hold as much energy as a tank with 5.1k steam in it, which makes them even more space efficient than tanks for holding energy (though considerably more expensive). Be cautious, however, with how slowly heat moves through the system. A reactor always burns fuel if provided but will never go above 1000 degrees. Insufficient heat pipes may not send enough heat to exchangers and will allow the reactor to hit 1000 degrees at which point fuel is being wasted - heat is going into nothing rather than exchangers.
汽轮机就是蒸汽机的升级版,和蒸汽机一样使用,用普通管道把蒸汽接进去就行了。These are the steam engine's beefy big brother. Using regular fluid pipes, you'll pipe the steam produced by heat exchangers into these turbines.
- 完美适配: 蒸汽轮机的输入功率和换热器应该是匹配摆放的,就像蒸汽机和锅炉。不匹配的话就会比较浪费了。The steam turbine is a perfect match for the heat exchanger. The steam engine is a perfect match for the boiler. Although it is possible to get energy out of mismatched systems, it's very wasteful and there's no real reason to do it.
蒸汽轮机每秒消耗60单位的蒸汽,所以差不多需要两台蒸汽轮机配一台换热器,但是大面积建造的话可以稍微少一点,因为换热器每秒只产生103.09单位的蒸汽(500台蒸汽轮机/291个换热器的比例)Steam turbines consume up to 60 units of steam/second, so you need roughly two steam turbines for every heat exchanger. At large scales, however, you can use fewer turbines, since exchangers only produce 103.09 steam/second. You'll require a separate pump for every 20 turbines.
- 一些采铀矿的电力采矿机
- 1台离心机,离心铀矿
- 1台组装机,做铀燃料棒
- 4个换热器,和一台水泵供水
- 8台蒸汽轮机
- 1台核反应堆(废话)
At this point, you have all the parts to build your very first reactor:
- A few uranium miners, supplied with sulfuric acid
- 1 Centrifuge, processing uranium ore
- 1 Assembling machine, making uranium fuel cells
- 1 Nuclear reactor
- 4 Heat exchangers, supplied by a single off-shore pump
- 8 Steam turbines
And, of course, assorted belts, inserters, filter inserters, and other tools for moving things around. This will produce a maximum of 40 MW of power.
有了你第一台反应堆之后,你可以学一下高级技巧了。Past your simplest reactor, there are some additional nuclear features of which you should be aware.
反应堆设计中最主要的的一部分,不过不难,就一条:This is a critical part of how nuclear designs scale, but it's not complicated. Simply put:
反应堆每有1个相邻的反应堆时+100%输出功率 Every reactor gets +100% heating power for every active neighboring reactor.
相邻指的是完全挨在一起,所以多个反应堆会按方格排列,这样他们就有相邻加成了,将鼠标移动到工作的反应堆上时右侧会显示当前加成倍率。(只有挨着工作着的反应堆才会有加成)Neighbors have to align completely on each side, so reactors will line up in a nice square grid. When they do, the neighbor bonus is activated. You can see the current bonus by hovering over an active reactor.
相邻加成并不消耗更多的燃料,每台反应堆的燃料消耗是不变的,但是输出热能却翻倍。The bonus to heating power does not increase the fuel consumption. Rather, it simply increases the heat produced!
当然,你需要配套的更多换热器和蒸汽轮机来把热能转化为电力。This, of course, means you'll need more heat exchangers and steam turbines to turn that heat into electricity.
配置比率 | 反应堆 | 换热器 | 蒸汽轮机 | 总热功率 | 每台反应堆的功率 |
单个 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 40MW | 40MW |
2x1摆放 | 2 | 16 | 28 | 160MW | 80MW |
2x2摆放 | 4 | 48 | 83 | 480MW | 120MW |
2x3摆放 | 6 | 80 | 138 | 800MW | 133MW |
数量与比率: (反应堆之间相临的缝隙的数量*2 + 反应堆总数)*4 = 你需要的换热器的数量 每个换热器至多提供10MW功率,按倍率来说是每个换热器需要配1.718个蒸汽轮机。Count the number of edges where reactors fully touch. Double that. Add the total number of reactors. Then multiply it all by 4. That's your count of Heat Exchangers. You'll need 1.718 turbines per exchanger (rounded up). Each exchanger will provide up to 10 MW of power.
不同于其他发电设备,核反应堆不会根据实际电力消耗降低输出功率,也就是说只要装了燃料就一直在匀速燃烧,不管到底实际有没有人在用电。Unlike every other power generation technique, nuclear reactors DO NOT scale down power usage. Nuclear reactors will continue consuming one fuel cell every 200 seconds, regardless of the need.
消耗燃料并加热到1000℃之后,之后再烧的燃料就都是浪费的了,不会再提升反应堆的温度了。所以有效的热能传导来输出功率是很重要的。As the reactor consumes its fuel, it heats up to a maximum temperature of 1000°C. At that point, additional fuel burned is simply wasted. This is the only way to lose energy in the system as all heat transfers are perfectly efficient.
然而汽轮机还是根据实际输出电能消耗情况改变输入蒸汽消耗的,换热器也是,没有足够的电力需求他们也不会消耗那么多热能,所以反应堆烧到1000度浪费点燃料也是没办法的事,除非你间歇性开启反应堆。Turbines do scale their production (and steam consumption) to match demand. Likewise, exchangers won't consume heat if there's nowhere to put the steam.
一个简单的解决办法就是使用储液罐来储存一些蒸汽(记得检查储量压力表)每个储液罐能存25k单位,而换热器提供120单位蒸汽每秒,所以每个储液罐可以存储相当于相当于换热器工作208秒可以提供的蒸汽。如此一来你就可以间歇性开启反应堆了。The simplest solution to this problem is to just run the nuclear reactors part of the time. You can store steam in tanks. (And check out the "fill gauge"; the steam floats!) Since exchanges produce 120 steam/second and a tank holds 25k steam, a tank will keep 208 seconds worth of heat exchanger.
你可以在每路蒸汽线路上放一两个储液罐,并且用信号网络检测它们的储量,在储量低的时候才给反应堆添加燃料(注意给所有反应堆同时供给燃料,否则他们之间不会有相邻加成)如果每个单个燃料还是能让反应堆烧到1000度使燃料被浪费的话,你可以多加几个储液罐让缓冲时间更长一些。You can put a tank or two at the end of each heat exchanger and use circuit logic to only insert a fuel into the reactors when they get low. Make sure all exchangers are powered at the same time, or you won't get full neighbor bonuses. If you can't keep it from over-fueling, you can also add extra tanks to lengthen the cycle.
- 混合电力系统: 注意蒸汽机和蒸汽轮机是同级的能源建筑,所以他们是联合并联输出的,所以在你的电力系统里,或许尽管反应堆已经能满足全部电力需求了但是燃煤发电还是会一起工作,所以烧煤的同时反应堆的多余热能还会被浪费掉。Be aware that steam turbines and steam engines are both the same "class" of energy producer, so they'll need to be scaled all together. This means that in a complete energy system, your coal boilers may be running when the nuclear plant could fully cover the load. And, worse yet, the nuclear power is just being wasted!
- 或许你应该使用储电器,电闸和信号网络来在反应堆能够提供足够发电量的时候关闭燃煤发电机组以节约煤炭并降低污染。Consider using accumulators, switches, and circuit logic to disable the coal boilers when nuclear systems can cover the demand.
- 需要研究科技: 科技:铀增殖处理
- 铀增殖处理可以让你把铀238变成铀235,但是需要大量铀235来做催化开始这个过程。Kovarex Enrichment allows you to turn some U-238 into U-235, but it's slow and takes a lot of U-235 as catalyst.
一开始的铀矿可以让你维持一段时间,但是你终究有一天会把矿石挖光而且多出来的铀238也没地方放了,这就需要铀增殖处理来解决这个问题。Your first few patches of uranium ore will last you a reasonable length of time, but eventually you will start running out of ore and places to put extraneous U-238. Enrichment helps solve both problems.
在没有插件加成的离心机里一次铀增殖处理过程花费大约67秒的时间,需要输入40个铀235和5个铀238来输出41个铀235和2个铀238。也就是说其中3个铀238变成了一个铀235,其他的都是催化剂实际并不被消耗。The enrichment process takes about 67 seconds in an un-moduled centrifuge. It requires 40 U-235 (!) and 5 U-238 and makes 41 U-235 and 2 U-238. In effect, it takes 3 U-238 and turns it into 1 U-235; it just requires an extra 40 U-235 and 2 U-238 along for the ride to act as a catalyst.
- 别都给用了!:别把所有铀238都变成铀235了,别忘了铀238还有其他用处,燃料棒和贫铀弹药都需要相当数量的铀238。使用信号网络可以设置一个全局最低保留数量限制。 Before you enrich all the things!, be aware that you do need 19 U-238 for each fuel cell, as well as requiring it for uranium ammo you will want for storing inside biters and their nests. Circuit logic can help you put a limiter on large-scale enrichment operations.
One Centrifuge enriching uranium is sufficient to supply 30 reactors with fuel, assuming plenty of U-238.
- 需要研究科技: 科技:乏燃料后处理
- 从用过的乏燃料棒提取铀238
反应堆用完弹出的乏燃料棒不是就没有用了在箱子里占地方,你可以把他们变回铀238来送回去增殖,做燃料棒或者武器。经过乏燃料后处理,做燃料棒用掉的19个铀238里有6个就回来了,这样大幅降低了维持反应堆运行的总矿石需求。 Eventually, you will run out of places to put spent fuel. You can use reprocessing to turn it back into U-238 to use for enrichment, fuel cells, or ammo. Of the 19 U-238 that go into each 10-pack of fuel cells, this returns 6. This significantly reduces the total ore requirement for nuclear fuel.
- 需要研究科技: 科技:贫铀弹
- 大枪大炮大炸弹
有原子能科技怎么能少了原子弹和贫铀弹头? 贫铀弹装备到我的坦克上之后,妈妈再也不用担心我打不动虫巢了。制作贫铀弹只用铀238就行,离心矿石之后你应该不缺这玩意。With the Nuclear Age comes nuclear weapons. Uranium ammunition is top-tier, especially when you load a tank with it. It mows down biter nests and clears swarms quite quickly. It uses U-238, so you've probably got plenty of it lying around.
核平——这里是单兵手持核火箭弹,秒杀一切的那种。注意别爆炸范围5公里发射距离1公里——离自己太近发射你会把自己炸死,就算发射到最远距离了你最好也还是赶紧掉头跑。和普通炮弹不同的是,核弹不是单次爆炸伤害,而是一圈一圈的爆炸冲击波扩散,让你有时间跑开。制作核弹需要很多铀235和蓝电路板,所以还是挺贵的。On the other side, you can get atomic bombs, which are rockets (shot by a rocket launcher) that do incredible damage. Be aware, they can easily kill you if you fire them anywhere near you, and even at max range, it's advised that you run in the opposite direction. Rather than a single explosion, they do damage in an expanding ring, giving you time to escape. They require a lot of U-235 and blue chips, so they're an expensive weapon.
- 原作者为 alficles 发布与 gist.(翻译时有微小改动)
- 版权: CC BY-SA 4.0
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