Rocket part

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Revision as of 01:24, 25 August 2016 by Luc (talk | contribs) (Added some calculations I did into the true "total raw" of a rocket as required to win the game.)
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Rocket parts are created inside of the rocket silo. Each completed part contributes 1% towards the completion of the rocket. Once all 100 rocket parts have been completed the rocket silo will display a rocket ready to be launched within the silo and the rocket silo interface will contain a LAUNCH button.

Building the Rocket

The rocket needs 100 parts; each part needs 3 ingredients; those ingredients need other ingredients; etc. In total, one rocket will need the following items:

      100 RocketPart
    1 000 Low Density Structures
    1 000 Rocket Control Units
    1 000 Rocket Fuel
   10 000 Light Oil
   10 000 Processing Units
   10 000 Solid Fuel
   10 000 Speed Modules
   10 000 Steel
   35 000 Sulfuric Acid
   70 000 Advanced Circuits
  145 000 Coal
  145 000 Plastic
  175 000 Sulfur
  390 000 Electronic Circuits
  475 000 Iron Ore
  475 000 Iron Plates
  730 000 Copper Ore
  730 000 Copper Plates
  960 000 Petroleum Gas
1 450 000 Copper Cable

To win the game (or to update the Rockets Sent counter in the left top), you additionally need a satellite. When you hover over it, it mentions the "total raw" already. However, this does not include the material needed for Processing Units, Batteries and Steel since these are seen as "raw ingredients" (they cannot be crafted by hand). Still, you can't make a battery (or steel, or processing units) without iron plates, so you still need to mine the ore. Adding it all up, the total cost for the satellite is:

      5 Radar
     25 Gear Wheels
     50 Rocket Fuel
    100 Accumulators
    100 Low Density Structures
    100 Processing Units
    100 Solar Panels
    200 Advanced Circuits
    500 Battery
    500 Light Oil
    500 Solid Fuel
    900 Coal
    900 Plastic
  1 100 Sulfuric Acid
  1 500 Steel
  3 925 Electronic Circuit
  5 500 Sulfur
  7 788 Copper Ore
  7 788 Copper Plates
 12 575 Copper Cables
 13 325 Iron Ore
 13 325 Iron Plates
 19 200 Petroleum Gas

Added up together, each rocket you launch will set you back:

        1 Rocket
        1 Satellite
        5 Radar
       25 Gear Wheels
      100 Accumulators
      100 Rocket Parts
      100 Solar Panels
      500 Battery
    1 000 Rocket Control Units
    1 050 Rocket Fuel
    1 100 Low Density Structures
   10 000 Speed Modules
   10 100 Processing Units
   10 500 Light Oil
   10 500 Solid Fuel
   11 500 Steel
   36 100 Sulfuric Acid
   70 200 Advanced Circuits
  145 900 Coal
  145 900 Plastic
  180 500 Sulfur
  393 925 Electronic Circuits
  488 325 Iron Ore
  488 325 Iron Plates
  737 788 Copper Ore
  737 788 Copper Plates
  979 200 Petroleum Gas
1 462 575 Copper Cables

Or, as a "total raw":

  145 900 Coal
  488 325 Iron Ore
  737 788 Copper Ore
  979 200 Petroleum Gas

Crude oil is not in the list because there are multiple ways to process it into petroleum gas and other oils. Water is also not included because it, again, depends on how you process your oils. A rough estimate is that you will use a million units of water and two million units of crude oil in the production of the satellite + rocket.

See also