Logistic network

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Revision as of 17:48, 19 October 2013 by Grey (talk | contribs)
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Logistic network consists of different chests and free moving Logistic robots. Depending on the type and configuration of the chests the robots will transport items between these chests as alternative to transport the items manually or by belts.

Logistic network remembers the numbers of all Items stored in all logistic chests and also the number of all items currently carried by Logistic robots.

Since v0.6.4 the player character can also act as Requester chest in the Logistic network. After researching Character logistic slots. You can configure an amount of Items and Logistic robots will start to move the specified Items from network to your characters inventory.

At the beginning each robot is carriing only 1 item. This amount can be increased by researching Logistic robot cargo size.


Logistic robot Moves items between logistic chests.
Provider chest Supplies the contained items to the Logistic network.
Storage chest Stores Items currently not requested.
Requester chest Will be filled by Logistic robots until the configured amount is reached.