Factorio:Top pages
Total number of views in the last week: 160,208 (138,455 unique)
# | Page | Number of views (unique) |
1 | Main_Page | 6445 (5109) |
2 | Console | 3078 (2661) |
3 | Roadmap | 2205 (1968) |
4 | Console/ru | 1966 (1629) |
5 | Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook | 1479 (1276) |
6 | Tutorial:Nuclear_power | 1467 (1311) |
7 | Balancer_mechanics | 1352 (1210) |
8 | Fluid_system | 1268 (1167) |
9 | Enemies | 1236 (1059) |
10 | Tutorial:Main_bus | 1234 (1063) |
11 | Science_pack | 1151 (972) |
12 | Blueprint | 1137 (1063) |
13 | Power_production | 1086 (1003) |
14 | Circuit_network | 991 (904) |
15 | Main_Page/ja | 975 (737) |
16 | Logistic_network | 925 (832) |
17 | Electric_furnace | 907 (755) |
18 | Multiplayer | 902 (784) |
19 | Oil_processing | 895 (807) |
20 | Railway | 854 (739) |