Power production
Electricity and Liquids have many intersections, when thinking for energy production, which cannot be handled on one of these subpages, cause they are a special case of the general.
This is a overview or FAQ page to many questions concerning the power production.
How many pumps and burners are needed?
Producing enough energy? Checklist
- Power production/Checklists to see, what you might do wrong.
Negative feedback loops
More usages of the accumulators
Ways to store energy
How to switch off steam engines in the night, when enough accumulator capacity is available?
Producers and consumers priorities
What can be seen from the electric network info?
Has been moved to Electricity/Electric network infoscreen.
How to set poles?
How to drag electric wires myself?
How to slow down research/production?
Storing hot water
Solar Farming
Liquid network
Energy and Modules