Robotic network

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The robotic network was introduced with v0.8.0, which also added the Repair packs and Construction robots.

Roboports are the base of the robotic network. They cover an area of 50x50 tiles and if placed near enough together, they are connected and build one big robotic network. Robots can fly inside this network to every point covered by the roboports. Roboports are expensive in both: the crafting and the need for power.


Spawns the Robotic network. Holds and recharges robots and provides the coverage for logistics and construction network.
Logistic robot Moves items between logistic chests.
Construction robot Repairs broken or replaces destroyed entities. Builds and removes entities on command.


Robots do in their coverage area, for what they are built to. They need always power to keep flying in the air. When they have nothing to do, they fly in the next roboport and sleep.


To create a robotic network, you need to place one Roboport. If you place a second, lines will show you if it is connected with the first. If so, they build a bigger network. The roboports are also used for charging of the bots. See below if you have charging problems.

Avoid "angeled" shaped layouts of roboports!

This is a know issue: robots fly always the shortest way. This means, they can and will fly over areas without roboport-coverage! The distance to the chargers may be too far. This will slow down robots significantly, if you create such a layout.

See also

Logistic network

The area covered by the robotic network is identical to that of the Logistic network. All Logistic network/Chests inside a robotic network are connected and build the Logistic network. Imagine the logistic chests send their containments to the roboports.

There can be many individual Robotic networks. Bots cannot fly from one network into another.

See Logistic network.


All broken entities will be repaired with Repair packs by the Construction robots. Destroyed entities will be replaced, if they are available in the same logistic network.

See Repair.

Number of bots in a robotic network

The amount of robots per network is limited:

  • the roboports don't have unlimited space.
  • flying robots need energy to fly at normal speed and the charging points are limited.

See also this discussion.

So the number of bots in a network depends on these factors:

  • number of roboports
  • the average distance between the roboports (density)
  • the form of the robotic network/placement of the ports
  • average distance the logistic bots fly between Logistic network/Chests
  • how much damage the Construction robots must repair and how often do they need to place or remove buildings

And in general:

  • number of bots flying
  • number of bots stored in roboports

As a rule of thumb between 50-100 bots per Roboport is possible.

Оптимизация сети

Способности транспортировки предметов роботами не постоянна. Эта способность зависит от:

  • Скорости роботов
  • Грузоподъёмности (количество вещей который может взять робот)
  • Количества роботов
  • Средней дистанции пути между вашими сундуками
  • Длительности времени не занятости робота
  • Времени перезарядки робота. (У Робопорта всего 4 станции зарядки, зарядка требует времени. При большом кол-ве роботов, у Робопорта могут образоваться пробки)

Для оптимизации вы можете сделать следующее:

Исследовать технологии повышающие скорость роботов
Очень рекомендуется.
Добавить больше роботов в вашу Робосеть
This has the above disadvantage, that at some point you can't add more bots into your network, because they can't be charged fast enough anymore.
Построить больше Робопортов в стратегических точках
Дорого и помогает только в некоторых случаях.
Уменьшение средней дистанции пути между сундуками.
  • avoid transport of great amounts raw-material. Use transport-belts for the "main-routes" of the bots. Bring the big material-flows as near to the target, as possible. The transport-power of logistic bots is much bigger than belts, but a constant flow reduces their effectivity very strong, because then they fly half of the time empty.
  • Split a big network into two and move the items between these networks with transport belts or trains (and requester/provider-chests).


Можно использовать логистических роботов для разгрузки/загрузки складов железнодорожной станции. У роботов будет достаточно времени для перезарядки пока не будет поезда. Но для транспортировки руды к печам лучше использовать конвейер. See this thread thread or this picture

This shows the flow:

Wagon ---Inserter---> Provider chest ---Logistic bot---> Storage- or Requester-chest

Requester-Chest ---Inserter---> Belt ---> to the furnaces

No energy left

As of v0.10.0, Robots with no energy will slow down to a 5th of normal speed.

Choosing the post for charging

Normally a robot takes the nearest roboport to recharge. If the queue on that roboport is too long, he chooses eventually another port.

This is specified with the ratio of

<distance to different roboport> / <queue size of robots waiting>

optimum. Currently, to choose the more distant roboport, the distance must be at most

<Number of robots in the queue and on the way> / 2

So to choose a roboport, that is 10 tiles more distant, it has to have 20 less robots waiting in the queue.

This number should probably be changed as well, maybe it should be one in queue per one tile...

See also