The Roboport is the resting place for all Robots. It also emits an area of 50x50 tiles, in which logistic robots can interact with logistic network entities, such as Storage chests, or Requester chests. Additionally, a 100x100 tile area is created for construction robots to function. This can be seen by hovering the mouse on a roboport, or logistics chest.
- The orange square represents the reach of the logistics network where logistics robots can move.
- The green square represents the extent of the construction network where construction robots can repair, construct or remove structures. Note that construction robots can function inside of the logistics square, it is not exclusive to logistics robots.
Robots placed into the air from the player's inventory inside of a roboport's coverage will seek out the nearest roboport to charge and rest.
Two or more roboports can connect to form a robotic network, if the borders of the orange logistic areas touch. This is shown by a dotted line running between the two ports. An example of this can be seen on the bottom-right. Non-connected roboports will not share robots.

A Roboport contains 7 slots reserved for robots, and another 7 for repair packs. Robots and repair packs can be inserted into the roboport with an inserter. While seemingly useful, a repair pack inside a roboport is reserved for the construction robots inside the roboport only. Repair packs are better stored inside a logistics storage chest or a passive provider chest where they can be used by all robots in the logistics network. Construction bots, when provided with repair packs, will automatically repair all damaged structures inside of a roboport's coverage area.
If a roboport is full of robots, robots attempting to rest will find a different roboport.
Power usage
The Roboport needs ~200 kW of energy when idle, but can use up to ~2 MW when charging bots. Ensure the power grid can meet the demand when making large requests of the robot system.
Roboports have 4 chargers, which are used to recharge the flying bots. More roboports in a small area will allow for greater charging throughput, if a lot of robots need charging. Robots waiting to be charged will float in place near the roboport and wait their turn.
Robots will not enter a roboport to rest unless they have full charge. Robots with low/no charge can still fly, but will move extremely slowly.
See also
- Robotic network
- Logistic network
- Repair pack
- Robots
- How exactly do RoboPorts work with each other?
- Splitting up roboport functions:
- Recharge bots
- Store unused bots
- Create a construction network
- Create a logistics network