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12 Electric furnaces affected by a single Basic beacon (this number can't be improved as of 7.1).

Furnaces are used to smelt resources into usable products for further usage. This makes them a key building for development and automation. Starting with very basic stone furnaces the player can advance through research and replace them with more efficient and faster furnaces later in the game.

Furnaces can be affected by Beacons.


An advanced smelter in late gameplay. Furnaces energy consumption reduced to minimum of 20% with 2 Effictivity modules consuming only 36 kW each.
Type Total raw Crafting Speed Maximum energy Module slots Size
Stone Furnace
1 180 kW (burner) 0 2 x 2
Steel Furnace 2 180 kW (burner) 0 2 x 2
Electric Furnace
2 180 kW (electric) 2 3 x 3


Multitask furnaces

The furnace chooses the used recipe by itself (it uses the recipe with the right input item). This behavior can be used to furnace, depending on what is currently needed/coming in.

See and ff.

Note, that this strategy is quite advanced, cause the inserters will fill normally the furnace up to 5 items, so especially when the output is blocked (cause too much produced) you cannot input (the more needed) item.

Technical details

Relationship to Assembling machine

Since v0.11 the furnaces are technically (c++ code) the same class. This means for example for modding, that a furnace should be able to use two input items.

See also
