Types/MapGenPreset: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 17:51, 16 August 2023
The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format. This documentation page can now be found here: https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/types/MapGenPreset.html
This wiki page is no longer updated and will be removed at some point in the future, so please update your browser bookmarks or other links that sent you here. If you'd like to contribute to the new docs, you can leave your feedback on the forums.
A map gen preset. Used in Prototype/MapGenPresets.
Mandatory properties
Type: Types/Order
Specifies the ordering in the map generator gui.
Optional properties
Type: Types/bool
Default: true
Whether this is the default preset. If set to true, this preset may not have any other properties besides this and order.
If no MapGenPreset has default = true
, the preset selector will have a blank preset label, having default settings. The "blank" preset goes away when another preset is selected.
Type: Types/table
This is a table with the below key/value pairs. All key/value pairs are optional. If not set they will just use the default values.
- terrain_segmentation - Types/MapGenSize
- This is the inverse of "water scale" in the map generator GUI. So a water scale that shows as 50% in the GUI is a value of
1/0.5 = 2
- This is the inverse of "water scale" in the map generator GUI. So a water scale that shows as 50% in the GUI is a value of
- water - Types/MapGenSize
- Shown as water coverage in the map generator GUI.
- default_enable_all_autoplace_controls - Types/bool - Default: true
- Whether undefined autoplace_controls should fall back to the default controls or not.
- autoplace_controls - Types/table
- Table of Data.raw#autoplace-control name keys mapped to table values. Each table can have the following fields:
- frequency - Types/MapGenSize
- size - Types/MapGenSize
- richness - Types/MapGenSize
- Example:
autoplace_controls = { ["iron-ore"] = { richness = 2, size = 0.5, frequency=2}, ["enemy-base"] = { size = 1}, ["trees"] = { richness = 4} }
- Table of Data.raw#autoplace-control name keys mapped to table values. Each table can have the following fields:
- autoplace_settings - Types/table of AutoplaceSettings
- Each setting in this table maps the string type to the settings for that type. Valid types are "entity", "tile" and "decorative".
- property_expression_names - Types/table
- Map of property name (e.g. "elevation") to name of noise expression that will provide it. Entries may be omitted. A notable usage is changing autoplace behavior of an entity based on the preset, which cannot be read from a noise expression.
- starting_points - Types/table of Types/Position
- Array of the positions of the starting areas.
- seed - Types/uint32
- Read by the game, but not used or set in the GUI.
- width - Types/uint32
- Amount of tiles from left to right. Silently limited to 2,000,000, +/- 1 million tiles from the center.
- height - Types/uint32
- Amount of tiles from top to bottom. Silently limited to 2,000,000, +/- 1 million tiles from the center.
- starting_area - Types/MapGenSize
- Size of the starting area. The starting area only effects enemy placement, and has no effect on resources.
- peaceful_mode - Types/bool
- cliff_settings - CliffPlacementSettings
Type: Types/table
This is a table with the below key/value pairs. All key/value pairs are optional, if not set they will just use the existing values.
- pollution - Types/table
Property name Type Comment enabled Types/bool diffusion_ratio Types/double Must be <= 0.25. ageing Types/double Also known as dissipation rate. Must be >= 0.5. enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier Types/double min_pollution_to_damage_trees Types/double pollution_restored_per_tree_damage Types/double
- enemy_evolution - Types/table
Property name Type enabled Types/bool time_factor Types/double destroy_factor Types/double pollution_factor Types/double
- enemy_expansion - Types/table
Property name Type Comment enabled Types/bool max_expansion_distance Types/double settler_group_min_size Types/double settler_group_max_size Types/double min_expansion_cooldown Types/double In ticks. max_expansion_cooldown Types/double In ticks.
- difficulty_settings - Types/table
Property name Type Comment recipe_difficulty defines.difficulty_settings.recipe_difficulty technology_difficulty defines.difficulty_settings.technology_difficulty technology_price_multiplier Types/double research_queue_setting Types/string Either "after-victory", "always" or "never".