Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
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Total number of views in the last week: 185,817 (159,740 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 171,125 (147,446 unique)
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|7283 (5442)
|7232 (5439)
|4597 (4051)
|4418 (3881)
|1916 (1743)
|1847 (1651)
|1639 (1404)
|1657 (1543)
|1627 (1431)
|1618 (1389)
|1581 (1439)
|1449 (1314)
|1520 (1412)
|1406 (1223)
|1488 (1274)
|1394 (1182)
|1460 (1173)
|1389 (1238)
|1422 (1212)
|1320 (1204)
|1407 (1279)
|1275 (1070)
|1374 (1260)
|1229 (1097)
|1287 (1176)
|1227 (1110)
|1279 (1146)
|1217 (1076)
|1199 (1079)
|1153 (1009)
|1194 (1101)
|1144 (1046)
|1145 (1001)
|1028 (898)
|1063 (760)
|998 (860)
|1004 (886)
|983 (921)
|994 (883)
|929 (809)

Revision as of 19:06, 2 September 2022

Total number of views in the last week: 171,125 (147,446 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 7232 (5439)
2 Console 4418 (3881)
3 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 1847 (1651)
4 Fluid_system 1657 (1543)
5 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1618 (1389)
6 Power_production 1449 (1314)
7 Console/ru 1406 (1223)
8 Tutorial:Main_bus 1394 (1182)
9 Enemies 1389 (1238)
10 Balancer_mechanics 1320 (1204)
11 Science_pack 1275 (1070)
12 Circuit_network 1229 (1097)
13 Logistic_network 1227 (1110)
14 Tutorial:Train_signals 1217 (1076)
15 Oil_processing 1153 (1009)
16 Blueprint 1144 (1046)
17 Multiplayer 1028 (898)
18 Electric_furnace 998 (860)
19 Raw_fish 983 (921)
20 Nuclear_reactor 929 (809)