Factorio:Top pages: Difference between revisions

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BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
BilkaBot (talk | contribs)
Updated top pages
Line 1: Line 1:
Total number of views in the last week: 183,689 (151,615 unique)
Total number of views in the last week: 182,336 (150,398 unique)
Line 7: Line 7:
|8297 (5757)
|8330 (5587)
|4542 (3996)
|4371 (3803)
|1732 (1541)
|1709 (1509)
|1711 (1406)
|1643 (1344)
|1637 (1176)
|1597 (1412)
|1524 (1306)
|1582 (1286)
|1444 (1265)
|1439 (1083)
|1393 (1186)
|1393 (1183)
|1375 (1092)
|1333 (1090)
|1369 (1199)
|1271 (1002)
|1324 (1184)
|1267 (1128)
|1323 (1155)
|1250 (1084)
|1279 (1059)
|1247 (1130)
|1272 (1104)
|1245 (1101)
|1262 (1155)
|1156 (1004)
|1178 (1030)
|1120 (645)
|1152 (1004)
|1097 (930)
|1132 (981)
|1084 (954)
|1099 (636)
|1055 (884)
|1098 (904)
|1048 (855)

Revision as of 11:33, 10 December 2021

Total number of views in the last week: 182,336 (150,398 unique)

# Page Number of views (unique)
1 Main_Page 8330 (5587)
2 Console 4371 (3803)
3 Tutorial:Nuclear_power 1709 (1509)
4 Tutorial:Circuit_network_cookbook 1643 (1344)
5 Balancer_mechanics 1597 (1412)
6 Enemies 1582 (1286)
7 Science_pack 1439 (1083)
8 Logistic_network 1393 (1183)
9 Tutorial:Main_bus 1333 (1090)
10 Spidertron 1271 (1002)
11 Blueprint 1267 (1128)
12 Circuit_network 1250 (1084)
13 Power_production 1247 (1130)
14 Fluid_system 1245 (1101)
15 Nuclear_reactor 1156 (1004)
16 Main_Page/ru 1120 (645)
17 Railway 1097 (930)
18 Tutorial:Train_signals 1084 (954)
19 Oil_processing 1055 (884)
20 Electric_furnace 1048 (855)