Version history/0.10.0: Difference between revisions

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Gangsir (talk | contribs)
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Line 480: Line 480:
* Expanded connetneighbour-method
* Expanded connetneighbour-method
* Removed the crash when die/destroy is called on the dying entity in the onentitydied hook.
* Removed the crash when die/destroy is called on the dying entity in the onentitydied hook.

Revision as of 14:43, 11 March 2017



  • Fixed that it wasn't possible to set a filter.
  • Fixed that fast replacing moved items primary to character, it made upgrading chests and machines not practical. Instead, when fast replacing, the content is always transferred to the new entity, when it can't fit, it transfers to player, and if it can't be moved to the player as well it makes the good old item bomb.
  • The right UI container is slightly larger, so it can contain the robot info without enlarging.
  • The worm turrets are not taken into consideration when deciding enemy expansions.
  • Fixed that enemy expansion candidates were not updated correctly when base was destroyed.
  • Fixed that combat robots were on the map/minimap.
  • Fixed extra mousebuttons over GUI behavior (


  • The maximum distance of enemy expansion was increased from 5 to 7.


  • makefile, takescreenshot and removepath now use logger to report failures, minor fixes in the path verification




There is a problem with numbers/enter hotkeys that can be randomly disabled for the whole game.



  • Added option to turn off vertical synchronization of the display (v-sync).
  • Fixed crash when starting game without config file.


  • Progress bar showing electricity availability is now colored. Green for all required energy available, yellow, more than half, red less than half)


  • Progress bar style enables to specify different colors for different ranges of values.


  • Added game.getchunks() iterator and game.ischunkgenerated(...) and game.player.force.ischunkcharted() methods
  • Pre player mined item event is called really before the player starts to get items from the inventory. Note that the change means, that the event is called even when the mine can eventually fail (not enough inventory to hold all the items). This means, that there might we could also other some other event, that will be called only when the entity is really going to be removed.




  • Added show_active_chunks debug option, shows which chunks are active on the big map.




  • Fixed bug on windows when game couldn't be saved


EDIT: This is probably the shortest-lived release we had. There was a serious bug ( when saving on windows didn't work (and many people wanted to do that). So we have released the hotfix version:




  • Roboport is no longer categorized as military structure.
Therefore biters don't target it primary, only when it is in their "area of rage", same as with other factory buildings.


  • Added Japanese translation and updated some of the other translations.[/list][/list]


The updates for Mac os aren't present as I had problems with deploying on the system while Tomas is away, but the fresh version is downloadable.



  • Updated the hand picture.
  • Updated the battery, rocket(explosive), plastic bar, repair pack item picture.
  • Updated the editor tool icons.
  • Updated the biter icons (editor).
  • Updated shooting selection graphics.






  • Updated some of the existing translations and added Swedish+Ukrainian translation.







  • Slider input (smart inserter GUI, logistic GUI) now has an alternative of specifying the value exactly.



  • Changed the logistic robot supply strategy.
    • For player, robots take just enough items to fulfill exactly the requested amount, so he doesn't get more than he asked for.
    • For requester chests, robots take always as much as they can carry and leave it in the chest, so it can get more than requested.
  • Consistent stack sizes for guns.
  • Lights rendering quality can be set in the graphics settings.
  • Configuration option max-texture-size in config file section [graphics]


  • API call game.printentitystatistics now takes optional list of entity names that acts as a filter.


  • Updated exoskeleton equipment.
  • Updated iron and steel axe icons.



Another (mostly) bugfix release, most of the critical bugs should be resolved, but it is still not a release candidate as there are still obvious bugs in our bug reports.

The automatic update system was messed up in the 0.10.0 and 0.10.1. As a result now it is working only partially: OSX, Linux for 0.10.1 -> 0.10.2 should work, the rest is downloadable from as full package.


  • Fixed the crash when opening save with active replay saving.
  • Fixed crash when smart inserter with logistic condition was rebuilt.
  • Fixed leak in path finding that was causing huge saves(
  • Fixed that splitter was buildable over transport belt to ground (and vice versa).
  • Fixed crash when renaming OSX application name.
  • Rotation of turrets doesn't play role when deciding if the part of the overlapping blueprint doesn't collide. Rotation of other entities like belts, inserters etc. still matters.
  • Fixed that the underground belt cover did have the same graphics regardless if it was input or output.
  • Fixed that the underground belt direction when building to be connected with different underground didn't have the preview direction correct (both in blueprint and manual building).
  • Fixed wrong blueprint positioning when it contained rail/stations and was created just from ghost entities.
  • Fixed crash when showing tooltip of construction material warning for unbuildable entities.
  • Locomotive recalculates path on rotation.
  • Fixed pump collision box so they can be built next to each other.
  • Fixed "bad allocation" bug when removing/adding roboport from bigger network in some cases.
  • Fixed that construction robots placed damaged items and full health.
  • The repair speed of repair packs didn't affect construction robots repair speed when using these.
  • Fixed bug with placing other objects (i.e. pipes) on top of rail signals.
  • Game doesn't crash when loading replays from older saves.
  • Fixed buggy scrolling in train GUI when item is crafted.
  • Ghosts can be mined even out of the building / mining distance.
  • Added the missing help methods to Lua objects.
  • Fixed crashes with graphics cards that have larger texture size than available memory.
  • Fixed bug with train routing when going "backwards" (
  • Fixed crash when placing rail signal for rail loop (
  • Fixed crashes when attempting to use construction robots to deconstruct rails under a train.
  • Not showing energy for flying robots that don't use energy (combat robots).
  • Fixed corrupted save problem that occurred when the player had follower robots active, was in a car that had blueprint with roboport in the trunk. Saves corrupted this way from earlier versions are not loadable.


  • Changed the prioritization of resupplying source of logistic robots. Provider has biggest priority, then storage and the last one is passive provider. This is to avoid uncontrolled filling of storage chests from the leftovers.


  • More realistic train light drawing (light cone in the front, red light in the back).


  • Wall repair speed is twice the fast.


  • Added Catalan translation.


Automatic updater won't work because of technical problems. Just download the game from experimental releases section at our website.

Beware: There is a bug for games newly created in 0.10.1. These games cannot be loaded after save. Better not to start new games in 0.10.1 (old saves work as expected), see more at


  • Sounds for alerts.
  • Proper visualization of trains and car on map / minimap.
  • Added scrolling for windows that get too large (i.e. because of mod additions):
    • Map generator, Technology list, Removed content window, Finished game window (kill counts), Debug settings GUI (F4).


  • Fixed bug when turrets were not shooting.
  • Fixed crash when auto placing electric poles.
  • Fixed that the shotgun had just one projectile.
  • Fixed changing locale.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with loading / unloading the cargo wagons.
  • Fixed unloadable save from 0.9 with mod created buttons GUI.
  • Fixed bug with wrong alt info for the cargo wagon.
  • Fixed bug when boiler couldn't fast[*]replace the pipe.
  • Fixed occasional crash when fighting with biters (calling for help biter without behavior).
  • Fixed crash on loading save where generator equipment has been removed because same mods are not installed.
  • Fixed bug with migrated inserters (when mod is removed) causing the save to be not loadable.
  • Fixed that game couldn't be started when audio can't be initialised.
  • Solved that GUI of removed mods stayed in the save forever, it is removed now.
  • Fixed bug when pausing scheduled trains didn't clear yellow signal.
  • Fixed bug with wrong signal placement(
  • Fixed changed direction of transport belt to ground when used in blueprint sometimes.
  • Fixed that finishing research desynchronised replay.
  • Fixed bug when two ghost underground belts can be built on top of each other.
  • Fixed internal tool error when repairing(
  • Turrets are rotatable when building and their direction is preserved in blueprints.
  • Fixed bug with construction robots following vehicles outside of roboport area.
  • Fixed wrong position of splitter in the blueprint building preview.
  • Fixed bug when train stops (and other backer related entities) had no name when placed from the blueprint.
  • Logistic robots will not insert items that would exceed the requested count.
  • Fixed bug with biters stuck in the corners of their own bases (they "disappear" after some time).
  • Fixed the shotgun ammo damage tooltip info, it is now in the form of 12 x (6 + 2.5)
  • Fixed bug with filters not shown in the second quick bar.
  • Fixed slot highlight bug when crafting the highlighted item.
  • Fixed that requester c filters get copied to storage chest when built over. They had no meaning there.
  • Fixed bug when construction robots used 0 movement energy on their way to repair / construction the target.
  • Fixed bug when entity settings copy was placing red wire instead green for smart chests.
  • Fixed bug when entity settings copy for wires was not working at all for logistic containers.
  • Pasting entity settings copy will now work only for entities in the players reach.
  • Wires now don't have an unlimited wiring range.
  • Game doesn't crash on invalid number input in map generation GUI.
  • Added missing open / close sounds for logistic containers.
  • Idle sound for entity is not played when it is out of energy.
  • Fixed oil leak from pumpjack(
  • Updated item counts for starting sandbox chest(


  • Reduced slowdowns when drawing many lights (lamps, accumulators, etc.) at night (light can be a bit pixelated).
  • Limit for number of concurrent paths searched in the path finder (reduces problems for the "big save bug").



  • New beacon graphics.
  • Added new icons (pipe, pipe to ground, plastic bar, engines, iron ore, stone, raw wood).
  • Pushed colors of inserter icons.
  • Fixed minor issue with fast transport belt to ground looking twice as fast.


  • game.can_place_entity now works correctly for rails, and checks all the additional conditions as when building manually.
    • Conditions like water for pump, rail next to signal/station etc.
  • Every Factorio Lua object now has a method help() that returns a string with names of all methods and member variables.
  • Fixed car's consumptionmodifier (how much energy it can take from the energy source).


  • Fixes to make assembling machine/lab with burner energy source possible.
  • The inventory index for fuel is shared for all entities now in defines.lua it is specified as inventory.fuel
  • Fixed that different rail types were placeable over each other.
  • Fixed bug in trailer mod saving / loading. This resulted in stop during autosave.


Beware of the trailer mod

The trailer mod changes the game properties significantly. If you have it enabled it can cause some very strange behavior in your existing games (different recipes, different consumption, different speeds of vehicles, etc.). Use it only to preview the trailer scenario!


  • Environment sounds. Active machines close to the player create a small factory orchestra.
  • Proper volume settings for master volume / effects volume / etc.
  • Map generation string - stores seed and settings for sharing map conditions.
  • Clipboard copy & paste (useful for map generation string, updater user name, updater password).
  • Station names can be changed in the train stop GUI.
  • Burner inserter will use item with fuel value for itself when it has empty inventory.
  • Logistic and Construction robots slowdown to 20% of regular speed when out of energy (instead of dying).
  • Flying text indication for items collected while placing a building (for instance a rotated transport belt).
  • Cargo wagon can have filters in the inventory.
  • Blueprints copy circuit network connections.
  • Updater can now detect some problems caused by firewalls.


  • Dust effects when building is placed.
  • Added new doodads for dead desert (dead trees, dead trunks, stones, Grey grass, etc.)
  • Different inserter hand drawing logic (now including hand shadows).
  • New icons (circuits, steel, copper plate, inserters, etc.)
  • Puff of smoke when locomotive stops.
  • New steam engine graphics.
  • New radar graphics.


  • Proper research unit tooltip in the laboratory GUI.
  • Save game GUI tweaks (Enter key in text field saves game, text field starts with focus)
  • Scenario message dialog resizes when the image is too big.
  • Whole language name in locale dropdown.
  • Slots with filter have a blue background (both in quickbar and in cargo wagon).
  • Highlighted item in inventory (when hovering over corresponding recipe) is blinking.
  • More polished loading screen.


  • Working sounds for most of the machines (inserters, assemblers, furnaces, steam engines, labs, etc.).
  • Sound effects for car and trains.


  • Disabled loading of saves before 0.6.0 version (You can use 0.6.4 to load any old saves and re-save them).
  • Miners in blueprint are ignored when no resource present, instead of blocking the whole blueprint.
  • Changed stack sizes of items to be 10 based, so it fits the inserter/requester count values.
  • Smoother car acceleration and braking.
  • Changed walls/pipes/pipes to ground/boilers/pumps collision boxes logic. It is possible to walk between diagonal (not connected) walls now, but when connected, there is no space in-between.
  • Backer names are used for Locomotives, Roboports and Radadars.


  • Parallelised map generation, the hiccups when new part of map is generated should be smaller or non-existent.
  • Reduced the saving time (autosave included).
  • One very long path search will not block path finder for others. This should fix a bug with stuck biters.


  • Fixed that inserters had switched the closed/open hand pictures.
  • Load game dialog scrolls to the selected item (that can be off screen).
  • When there are more items than 4 in the entity info (i.e. smart inserter filters), the first 4 are shown.
  • Limited (and sorted) the amount of items in the finished game GUI.
  • Fixed crash when using fish capsule in the god mode.
  • Prevent negative overflow when mining resources.
  • Unused pipe connections (in chemical plant, assembler) are passive (they don't connect with other pipes).
  • Fixed crash: "Can't insert to this EnergySource"
  • Fixed unloadable save with train in station with no stations left in schedule.
  • Fixed that radars could explore the same chunk when their progress ended in the same moment.
  • Solved that items on ground in the way of electric poles were lost when building by dragging.
  • Fixed bug with hovering in the map editor over assembler GUI output.
  • Game won't crash when the modlist.json is corrupted.
  • Fixed bug when effect from beacon was applied twice after load.
  • Fixed crash when previewing a technology with "give-item" modifier.
  • Inserter's logistic condition is copied when building inserter from blueprints.
  • Fix of the window hanging out of the screen at start.
  • Fixed the crash when a blueprint is moved to the quickbar with filter for blueprint selected.
  • Fixed the inserter not working properly when loading a train wagon on junction.
  • Fixed crash in the beta level 4 when player dies.
  • Fixed typo in beta level 4 when explaining oil industry.
  • Fixed wrong connection of newly built train wagon to train in some cases.
  • Fixed that some of the capsules couldn't be fired repeatedly by holding the button.
  • Fixed that player wasn't notified about items collected from belts when rebuilding them with different direction.
  • Fixed crash when loading save where entity with electric energy source has been removed because same mods are not installed.
  • Fixed problems with unicode characters in the path when updating.
  • Game doesn't crash when no scenario is selected in custom scenarios screen.
  • Corrupted saves don't crash the game to desktop, just give an error message.


  • API to take game screenshots.
  • Simple API to write to disk (makefile, removepath).
  • Added trailer mod (data/trailer), that contains map and logic for new Factorio trailer.
  • Added set/get/clear filter methods to access inserter filters
  • Added set/get/clear requestslot to access requester chest requests.
  • Added set/get/clear methods for circuit conditions.
  • Changed the game.disableminimap to read/write value of player.minimapenabled.
  • Added Lua interfaces to force to get/set modifiers
  • Expanded connetneighbour-method
  • Removed the crash when die/destroy is called on the dying entity in the onentitydied hook.